15:55 ST
[RAFFLE] Fungimentally Spring: A Fashion Show Raffle - Raffle drawn!
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Fungimentally Spring:
A Fashion Show Raffle

With the snow melting away and the Cave springing to life with new growth, Mycenians are eager to get outside and go walking about their communities.

Bruc sweeps the cobblestone in front of his shop, Fungimental Magic, observing everyone in their new spring clothes out shopping and greeting neighbors when he hears someone walk up behind him.

He spins to see Carol, the banker, getting ready to say something. They jump at Bruc’s sudden reaction.

“Oh my, you really do have good hearing, Bruc!”

Bruc raises an eyebrow and shrugs, waiting for Carol to speak.

“I just came here to ask…” Carol trails off, “No. Not really ask! More to let you know that this winter was a hard one for many Mycenians. Not a lot of nuggets in the bank, you know. Have you noticed you’re mostly getting window shoppers rather than actual customers? Your wares do catch the eye, but they do tend to be quite an extravagant treat!”

At that, Bruc looks pointedly at them, “You seem to already have something in mind.”

Carol smiles at that, “I suppose I do. Why don’t we go inside and discuss?”

How To Enter
  1. Create an outfit in the Magic Puddle for one of the following coats listed below
    Spring Seasonal Coats Misc. Fungimental Magic Shop Coats


    Blue Sky Butterfly



    Lucky Rabbit

    Ephemeral Light

    Flowering Fawn

    Dappled Carousel

    Bushel of Apples


    Floral Mist


    Paper Rose

  2. Post your dress-up in this thread (Remember to save and re-upload your image from the Magic Puddle, because linking directly to it won’t work!)
  3. That’s it! You’re entered in the raffle for one ticket!

Bonus: Would you like an additional ticket?
{optional) Write some information about the character you’ve created. This could be a description of their personality, a bit of in character writing, or anything that gives us a little more detail about what you’ve created! This should be least 100 words in length. Please keep this in the same post as your dress up image.

Raffle Details
  • Length: Submissions are open from now until 23:59 March 22nd and winners will be drawn some time on the 23rd!
  • Number of tickets drawn: 15
  • Max. number of tickets per player: 2 (one for the dressup + one for optional additional information about the character)
  • A player cannot win multiple prizes (i.e. if your name is drawn, all of your tickets are removed)

Each winner drawn can select an active or upright (if applicable) pet or mushroom of one of the following coats:

Spring Seasonal Coats Misc. Fungimental Magic Shop Coats


Blue Sky Butterfly



Lucky Rabbit

Ephemeral Light

Flowering Fawn

Dappled Carousel

Bushel of Apples


Floral Mist


Paper Rose


Does the pet I dress up need to be the same pet I select if I win?

No, you can pick any pet from the prize list!

Is drifting and glooming allowed?

Yes, drifting and glooming is allowed! Dress your chosen pet up however you like!

Post submissions and questions in this thread!
Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/23/21
winter’s end..
Posted 03/15/21

I thought the new seasonal was really cute and I wanted to try making a dress up with blue accents… For her character, I think she’s tearful and shy, and decided to go pick some wild herbs to bring back home to her gf. However, she lets herself get too absorbed and before too long it’s gotten dark… She’s lost, but as her tears start to slip, some blue lights start to spark up! The magic within the forest has reacted to her calls for help, and there is hope to be found as some flowers bloom upon her fur, their petals indicating the way she needs to go to return home. <3

Posted 03/15/21

I imagine this ineki being quite serious, hardworking, and the type who gets lost in their work. She has a gf who is shy and sweet, and loves her more than anything. I wrote her a tiny story below!

The sky is heavy, dark clouds weighing on the soul like a lid. Putting down her pen, Blue stands up from her desk. She’s worried, as her girlfriend was meant to be back before nightfall. She puts on her cloak and scarf, shielding herself from the cold evening air. It was looking like it could rain at any moment, and Blue looked towards the old forest.

She whistles, summoning her trusted familiar, a crow, to her side. It sets itself down on her arm, feathers shining with iridescence in the dull light peeking through the clouds. “We need to find her.” She spoke softly. The crow looked at her with understanding. The old forest was difficult to navigate, one must never venture too far. She entered, despite knowing it may be impossible. Even sending her familiar out was hopeless, as the darkness would surely hide any movement in the forest below. But she had to try anything.

With the crow flown off, she begun her trek in the maze of the forest. She didn’t get very far however, before she saw something unusual - it seemed as though there were some lights in the distance. In fact, the lights appeared to be moving towards her, and towards the entrance of the forest.

She approached the little blue lights, and felt an odd sensation as her paw touched one. Small dark flowers had appeared on her fur, glowing a bright blue.

Was this the magic of the forest? Somehow, these blooms felt… warm. Familiar. She couldn’t stop now, hope filled her heart as she followed the trail to it’s source.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/21/21
Ooh, fun

A witchy witch. Can do cool magic stuff like spawning butterflies out of thin air, making objects float and hurting people’s eyes with bright colours. Hoards all sorts of things, from books and scented candles to dried flowers and animal bones.

Doesn’t get much social contact, since she usually stays in burying her nose in books or goes foraging in odd places any sensible person stays clear of. Lost her hat somewhere, or maybe traded it for some rare book. She can’t remember.

Has a pet bird that she keeps calling different names because she can’t decide.
The bird doesn’t mind because she feeds it well.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/15/21

Starlight Carousal

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/15/21
Posted 03/15/21
Posted 03/15/21

Starlight Protagonist

“With the power of love, I vanquish you!” The lovely lady had just been a regular old kelph a moment ago. When a lightning-quick Deckhand Ineki snatched the bag of a shocked Enchanted Stone dras, the kelph pulled out her staff Mary Poppins-style and burst into a pink, vibrant pink light.

Before the Ineki could react, a beam of light and heart-shaped bubbles blasted them into a soft cluster of mushrooms on the cave floor. Stunned and frozen, Lady Starlight fluttered down to pluck the bag from the inkei and placed into the paws of the shell-shocked dras.

“Now, there’ll be no more of that,” the kelph scolded the naughty ineki. “Run along now.”

— — — — —

I made “Lady Starlight,” a do-good Magical Girl kelph who just wants to help. She has her magical staff and halo to conjure love-laced magic. Typically no one gets hurt, as she only “blasts” baddies into safe spots, and the magic itself doesn’t do any damage, though that’s not to say she’s never inadvertently caused a scrape or a bruise. She’s a vigilante fighting with the power of love.

Posted 03/15/21

The weather is getting warmer! She can hardly wait to go outside and explore, especially after the bitter cold of the winter had worn off. This winter was particularly cold and snowy, not that she hates the snow. The snow is beautiful to look at. It’s the cold that she doesn’t like. Spring is her favorite time. Flowers blooming, little critters coming out of their burrows to explore the world again, nice warm weather - not too hot, not too cold! She loves going out and laying under the bright blue sky, watching the clouds roll by and seeing different familiar shapes in them. She could fall asleep under the clear night sky, after a fun day of adventuring. She also loves spring storms. She can tell when a day will be rainy by the smell of the air. She doesn’t adventure much during storms, but they are very relaxing, the sound of the rain falling, the distant rumbles of thunder. It’s a beautiful sound to her.
She has a very soft personality, she’s kind a warm to everyone. She especially loves small, cute critters, like bunnies and squirrels. She loves to go to the rivers and lakes and watch the fish swimming around. She’s quite shy at first, but she warms up quickly.

Posted 03/15/21

I got a little carried away with typing some sad stuff

I’m not going to cry anymore. she had thought, but here she was, splashing through countless puddles on a rainy day in an attempt to just escape the situation she was put in. After a heartbreaking realization of her unrequited love after a rejected confession, it wasn’t the best time to be made fun of because of the black inky tears running down her cheeks. As she continued to run away from the cafe she had been made fun of at, she didn’t even bother to shield herself from the rain or see what direction she was running in. The pavement was wet and slippery, so she had a chance to slip and fall every quick step she took. Finally, she slipped, falling straight forward. A part of her wanted someone to appear and catch her, but the other part of her knew that was never going to happen to her. The ineki slid on the swampy ground, before slowly sitting up and truly assessing the area around her.

The originally sunny and bright sky was cloudy and gray from Spring rain, and it seemed like nobody was around. She curled up in a ball and silently cried to herself, still covering her eyes and quickly wiping her tears away. After constantly being made fun of whenever she cried, she had begun to constantly hide her eyes and kept to herself whenever she cried despite nobody being there to judge her. Of course, she had always tried to cry as little as possible, but it seemed like her tears wouldn’t stop coming down. After what seemed like forever, the rain eventually began to stop and the sky began to clear again. Her eyes stung from crying, but she felt better after letting her emotions out.

She stood up and did her best to shake off the mud she had gotten all over herself after crying. She noticed the leather-bound journal she had kept with her throughout the whole day. It was drenched and covered in mud, but the words she had written inside throughout the whole time she had a crush were still readable. As she flipped through the pages, she could remember everything she had gone through while blindly in love. Without this newfound realization, she was more grateful she hadn’t gone any deeper in her unrequited love. Though this whole experience was still terrible, she felt like she could move on without any regrets. Holding the mud-covered journal full of painful memories close to her, she turned around and began to find her way back home.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/15/21

Iridescent Waters

I’m imagining some sort of magical water spirit for this character. They live somewhere where the climate is always cool and wet, and frequently rainy and/or misty. They’re very shy and reclusive, and they keep to themself in the wilderness, so they typically run away at the first sign of people. They have the power to control water in liquid and mist forms (like rain and clouds), but not frozen water (such as snow or ice). Their favorite thing is flowers, and white flowers tend to grow wherever they spend their time. They like to care for the flowers they come across and put flowers they’ve picked in their hair.

Posted 03/15/21
Dainų Paukštis

Dainų arrives at the fashion show in a fair amount of silence, walking along the edges of the crowd that had begun to gather and making her way toward the back, where the contestants were getting ready. She sported her usual attire, a simple flower necklace and a bag for her books. Though, she wasn’t actually intending on entering the show herself anyhow. Still, she walked backstage with a nod to the bouncer, who simply ignored her as she made her way along. Bruc and Carol are busily making sure everyone’s ready and in their places, completely oblivious to her presence as she takes a peek through the curtain at the crowd. She grins, looking out at all the excited mycenians that had gathered.
Wordlessly, she closes the curtains and finds a spot nearby to sit, somewhere out of the way where she can watch all the hustle and bustle of the various lovely folk getting ready to go on stage. After some time, the fashion show begins, and the first of the models eagerly awaits beside the curtain for her chance to go out. Dainų lets out a silent sigh, getting up to stand behind the girl. When she heads through the curtain, the kelph follows shortly after. Instead of walking down the runway, however, she makes an immediate right and goes to the edge of the stage, sitting down facing out at the runway, likely the best seat in the venue for getting an up close look at the lovely outfits.
Despite her blatant disregard of the seating arrangements, however, nobody actually notices her. They’re all too busy being enthralled by the various outfits and poses of the models, showing off Bruc’s various adornments. Though, it helps she has a bit of magic to assist. She only hopes she doesn’t accidentally end up in the background of someone’s photo, should one of the various journalists or such be around to photograph the event. Though, it’s not like anyone would notice anyway.
Eventually, the show wraps up, and the lavender kelph slips behind the curtain to sit once more behind the scenes, watching the various stars chat with one another and gush about how great they each did. Dainų had to stop herself once or twice from commenting along with them, commending them on a job well done. One by one they began to leave, and she ended up following out a particularly well-dressed rabbit, making her way home without anyone ever realizing she’d ever even been there in the first place.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/21/21

Dirty Paws

We’re not entirely sure when Eden moved here. Our parents say they remember her from their childhoods, but surely no one can be so young so long. We’ve tried to follow her, see where she goes in a day, but we always lose track of her after she turns a corner. My sister says she once saw Eden wave her hand at a doorknob, and a dark shadow, darker than normal, passed over the knob right as the door swung open, but I don’t believe her. Papa doesn’t want us anywhere near her, but we just can’t help asking questions. Why are her hands always covered in ink? What happened to her leg and arm? Why all the hats? What are those smudges under her eye? “Bear fights,” she’ll answer distractedly with a smirk, but I think it’s more than that. We’ll find out one day what Eden is up to.

Posted 03/15/21

Into the Mist

-Quiet, both in personality and movement.
-“Mist-“terious, stays off the radar of pretty much everyone and everything. Prefers peace and never seems lonely. Solitude suits them.
-tall, but not lumbering. Lithe, trim. Perhaps ethereal.
-Enjoys the rain. Enjoys flowers and often has some weaved into a crown or adorning their tail. Also splashes in puddles every chance they get.
-may or may not be made of mist, who knows. Sure seems that way to those who catch a glimpse of them. They encourage this thinking, though it is only partially true. They do have a way of emerging from and disappearing into mist/fog. They are also more akin to a mythical, magical creature than any other being.
-appears most often in deep mountain valleys and other areas mist/fog clings.
-probably dances in the moonlight and early morning sunlight, definitely skedaddles once they deem the sun too high in the sky. Then it is time for sleep.

Posted 03/15/21

Jules’ business partner. Does the ice cream half of the pastry business.
Gives out more free ice cream than he should.
Looks like he’s edible, but is not.
Eats his own ice cream on lunch breaks. That’s how you know it’s good.
Eats ice cream even when it’s cold (that’s the best time to have ice cream, you know).
Invents a lot of crazy, wacky flavors.
A bit of a gossip. Likes to shop talk.
Always happy, even if he’s hurt or sad.
Spontaneously bursts out into song. The more stressed he is, the more often he sings.
Secretly a little ball of stress who is one day going to snap.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/15/21

Something was wrong. The earth stirred, ancient, rumbling. The world had been voided of all but the most stubborn, foolhardy immigrants who ill deserved what little they were able to eke out of the exhausted land. They stole every small amount that had managed to return, seeping from the bleeding and parched land its last blood.

But centuries passed, and nothing was done. Too late had the deciding preservative actions been taken; there was no stopping the greed that drove men to devour the last dwindling resources. So it was for their ancestors, and so it was for those small pockets of men left among the polluted and desolate plains. They clustered in vain, hoping to bring back life, but no effort yielded more than subsistence living. To thrive was an ability long lost and forgotten. So the earth died slowly, until there was almost nothing left to die. It was then that the change came, and with it a revelation.

It rose from a land of nothing, where not even the husks of trees still lay. A great beast, wild and passionate, yet absent in the same way that only a beast was. Stone and verdure merged within its body, which moved with a singular purpose which yielded understanding to none save for the strange life that burned within the beast itself. Covered as it was with the very vegetation it birthed from the land, to pick its form from the land where it walked was a feat. Where it stepped, green bloomed in harrowing and twisted ways only the wilderness could fathom, and green was all it left in its wake, inflamed lands bursting with life too vivacious, too severe, too savage. What had been cracked and breathless stretches of desert turned into twisted emerald forests, even the trunks of the new trees too horrific to behold. But life thrived where the beast passed, matching the coat of moss and grasping vines with the stubbornness of nature long before it had lost itself to man.

Yet the earth was not the only receiver of its effect. Monstrous fiends arose all around it; mutation bloomed in its wake. Even men, so long a stagnant species, began to change in both form and function. Sickly sweet and earthen scents cloyed the thoughts of the mind, morphing reason into base, primordial instincts. For those who moved without thought, simple instinct gave way to terror or blind avoidance. None came near it, though all followed it in the end, trailing through the jungle of its leaving in pathetic attempts to find sustenance for one day longer. Fruit was devoured in abundance, though the more one ate, the less one remembered anything else. The beast unknowingly stole the last thoughts, and soon the madness that had gripped the world for ages past had given way to a new, primitive law. Just as the men who roamed the land before had called down a winter of their own making with no regard for the world they would create, the beast, purposeless in its wanderings, ushered in a new spring. A crude, chaotic, and terrifying spring, but a spring nonetheless.


I kind of thought of a personified malevolent spring, taking over a polluted and desolate nuclear winter and forcing it to live once more, even if that means creating horrors out of horrors. Life, uh, finds a way?

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/15/21
Moonlit Flight

writing to come, hopefully :)

Posted 03/15/21

Celestial Skywriter

Wick is a witch with a strong influence over weather. He loves flying on his broom and being up in the sky be it rain or shine, snow or sleet. As a contemporary witch he hires out his ability just like other witches, wizards, and magic users. Are you holding an event and need guaranteed sunshine? Wick can help. Meteor shower in your area, but the forecast says it’ll be cloudy? Wick can clear it up. Any weather related problems Wick can be off help for a price of course (unless it’s some big trouble brewing) then he’ll waive his fee.  He’s got a “Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat mentality,” about it since it his his primary method of making money.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/16/21

They say every hundred years the snow melts down from the mountain and floods the woods, rushing towards the lush, green valley at the first breath of spring. They say the water fills area, crystal clear, and the plants and trees still thrive below the surface. They say a procession follows - of wondrous creatures, finned and feathered, floating and flying through the lake. Gold and sliver on their scales and feathers glint in the spring sunlight. Brilliant jewels of emerald and azure and ruby gleam below the mirror-still waters.

In the center of them all, they say, is the Princess. Her colors are muted, compared to her companions’. Her jewelry is the color the earth, her robes of deep moss and the color of gloaming water. And her eyes - bright without catching the light, peering from behind her flowing green hair, catch yours as she passes below you. She smiles. Never fall for her charms and join her in the procession, they say, for when the waters recede, those within them disappear.

Everything they say is true.

Posted 03/15/21

Be careful making deals with strange gods. You never get exactly what you ask for.

Posted 03/15/21


I shall perhaps write a blurb later ouo

Posted 03/15/21

The Wonderful Wizard of Wimsey steps through the plush violet curtains, greeted by their loyal and adoring fan. A burst of applause fills the chamber as they hover on a white wooden broomstick, swishing their paw and making clouds appear above the audience’s heads, shining rainbow bubbles popping into existence. A shimmering rainbow bursts through the room as another round of cheering erupts, Wimsey, with a glinting grin, acknowledged the attention with a grateful bow. 

“Welcome, welcome, one and all! It’s just an illusion, don’t fear the fall!” Suddenly the floor turns into an iridescent mist and bright blue skies replace what was once the carpet. Gasps and wonder continue throughout another mystical and entertaining show as Wimsey’s smile captivates young and old alike.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/17/21

Lila comes across as mild mannered, easy-going, and cheerful. She puts a smile on her lady’s face with ease and always seems to place others’ needs before her own. However, Lila is no mere lady-in-waiting. She has a fierce nature kept under the careful wraps of her sunny disposition. Having been trained from the role since birth, she is at all times ready to rip those apart who might cause her lady harm. Originally, she hid her volatile side for the sake of playing her role well. However, having fallen for the woman she is secretly sworn to defend, the act has progressively become less difficult as she genuinely aims to increase the amount of joy in her lady’s life.
Someday, she’ll convince her lady to go for a ride with just the two of them, and she’ll show her how to take down a stag. She’ll teach her to train birds and have companions who can be her eyes and ears, and her escape to the outside world. She more than anyone understands that there must be times to let loose.

Posted 03/15/21

The Witch of Soverlyn

Why is it they say to stay out of Soverlyn Glade?

To not venture into the morning mist that lays low upon the clearing in the middle of the wood. A fog so dense it makes it difficult to see the trees that loom tall on the other side. White oak, hickory, and hemlock, some with trunks so wide around a man’s outstretched arms couldn’t circle it.

For a witch lives there, deep in the glade.

They say he dances upon the lawn amid the wild flowers, with the dew damp grass between his toes as meadowlarks sing overhead. His hair is long and raven, his eyes a pale green, or at least the rumors say as much for none dare to venture close. Chimes can be heard when he moves, like the sound of tiny bells, although the sound comes from around him and not on him. Almost as though the world were made of invisible strings, finely crisscrossed and held taught, and that as he danced and moved he carefully tugged those strings this way and that, and in response they shimmer and sing.

Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/15/21

Other Mycenians may be willing to stay on the ground but not Blaze. He always knew that he was destined for the stars. He would go out when other Mycenians slept. He looked for the perfect cave with a view of the sky. Looking at all the wonders he would discover. During the day he fished and worked as a potion assistant. Finally, he earned enough money to buy wings and the magic to fly. And he could finally be at one with the sky. Seeing things that other Mycenians don’t bother looking for. By far his greatest find ever was his best friend Shine.


Posted 03/15/21

The fairy prince slumbers near a secluded, peaceful pond, hidden from the knowledge of even the most well-traveled explorer. Every year at the end of winter, he wakes up and prances through the snow-touched meadows, melting the ice and leaving a trail of colorful flowers behind him, signifying the beginning of spring. The gentle floral aroma that wafts from his fur awakens all the hibernating insects. He’s always followed closely by a flock of butterflies and fairies who dance with the celebration of the arrival of spring. He returns to the cool waters of his pond when the blistering summer swelter arrives and falls back to sleep in the autumn.
Posted 03/15/21, edited 03/16/21
Posted 03/15/21
Posted 03/16/21

- In the same universe as Ink and Wells.
- A witch, because every season is witch season.
- Prone to accidents, fumbles, and forgetting things.
- Loves rainy weather, mud, and general messy outdoorsiness.
- Has the Stoneskin Curse. It waxes and wanes, and has flare ups.
- She is peppy and accepting of everyone. Super extroverted when around others.
- Frequently slips up in social situations, and can easily offend more proper personalities.
- An ‘ends justify the means’ character, and will behave in morally grey ways in order to get things done.
- A poet who likes to write based poems that are based on her experiences in life.
- Takes both good and bad events as learning opportunities. Resilient.
- Has a lot of trouble staying indoors, feeling cramped.
- Hops from task to task without consideration.
- Not a super careful person.
- Loves videogames.

Posted 03/16/21, edited 03/16/21