03:37 ST
[EVENT] Spring Blossom Festival (April 11th - April 25th)

“So what do you think?” Seelby asks, motioning a paw at the vast cavern before them. Almost two years had passed since she’d stumbled over the place—a real, actual forest, right here in the Cave. Carefully laid stone paths wind throughout the groves, which stand thick and hearty, but lacking in all but a modest spattering of tiny leaf buds. A peaceful brook meanders through the cavern, shallow and lazy; enough to provide a soft burbling to the ambience without dislodging any of the lily pads rooted near its edges. And high, high above—the sky, blue and bright with the promise of spring, easily visible through the large opening in the cavern’s ceiling. Bits of rubble and plant roots can be seen spilling over the edges, like little spelunkers just starting to make their way underground.

Griselda takes a few long moments to let her gaze wander over the trees, the brook, the sky. She pulls in a deep breath and smiles at the distant warmth of the sun upon her fur. “You’ve made a marvelous discovery, dear,” she says. “And you’ve certainly done a wonderful job tending to it. I think it will make for a fine gathering spot.”

“And the trees?” Seelby reaches for the nearest branch, gently pulling it down to inspect the sad, tiny buds. “I’ve done some research and I know they flower beautifully, but I’ve only seen a few tiny blooms since I found this place. There are more buds this year than before, but I’m worried that the townsfolk might find it a bit lackluster. I would hate to disappoint them—I want to share the beauty of this place with everyone.”

“The trees are in fine health. I can feel the magic flowing through this place—the Cave itself is seeped in it. But out there,” Griselda motions up, to the sky far above, “magic is not so concentrated. Plants instead must rely on natural means to flourish. It seems to me that since these trees did not originate here, they may not have managed to fully adapt.”

Seelby looks a bit crestfallen and releases the branch, which snaps back into place. Griselda rests a paw against one of the trees and closes her eyes once more, a peaceful ghost of a smile crossing her muzzle. “But perhaps we can help them learn. Coax them to embrace what the Cave has to offer, and finally offer these alien things a proper welcome to our Cave.” Her paw flexes a bit, as though feeling the tree’s response.

“Yes,” she finally says, looking to Seelby. “We’ll put together a few small shrines. Invite the local Mycenians to come and share a bit of magic with our shy friends here. I have no doubt that this cavern will be simply bursting with blooms before long.”

Visit the Town Square for more information!
Posted 04/08/21
oh hey this ends on my 25th birthday, cool.
Posted 04/08/21
i can tell just from the description that this event is gonna be soooo cute!! :pleading: love cherry blossoms!! so excited to see the items and coats n send some words to people!! also excited for the collaborative element like the deities from the previous word event, that was SO much fun and i know it will be again this time!!
Posted 04/08/21
Aaaa the event sounds fun and I can’t wait to see the items and coats! Cherry blossoms are so beautiful.
Posted 04/09/21
Ahhhh my favorite type of event!  I love the word building types and the theme looks sweet c=
Posted 04/09/21

Love the aesthetics of this one! And the header is wonderful.

The header info says it runs through May 25 rather than April 25.

Posted 04/11/21

We’ve also added the following notes to the Town Square:

  • As in other recent events, you will be able to purchase extra event points with gems. More details on exact pricing will be available once the prize shop opens.
  • The prize shop will open on April 11th and close after May 2nd.
  • You may notice some special random encounters popping up during the event - and if you are lucky, you may receive a special item from a few of them! If luck is not on your side, however, don’t fret - any special items given out via random encounter will be made available for purchase in our seasonal pop-up shops, so everyone will have the chance to get them eventually!
Posted 04/11/21
Thanks for pointing that out, Vely! We got that fixed! :D
Posted 04/11/21
This event seems really interesting! I’m just a little lost a to who I’m supposed to send words to? I don’t know anyone and I’m not sure what the etiquette is for this.
Posted 04/11/21


Words sent towards the Groves (from their word lists) will count towards the completion for those specific Groves.

Otherwise, there isn’t really any set etiquette. Some people have a partner with whom they send words back and forth, but you can send words to anyone participating in the event. I either type a pet name related to the word I’m sending and see what comes up (since it will automatically suggest pets from other participants) or I check someone who’s online on the site or Discord and send to them. Sometimes I send words back to whomever sent me a word last, too.

A lot of people send based on pets with similar names to the word being sent. Pets show off their received words on their profiles, so a pet with the name Rose, for example, can end up with a whole collection of words like rose, rosy, floral, quartz, thorn, etc.

Posted 04/11/21

Ah, thank you! That helps a lot. I just didn’t want to step on any toes by mistake :)

Posted 04/11/21

Thought I would throw this out there: I made a color-coded reference sheet in Google docs of all the grove word lists to save myself having to click back and forth between tabs. It’s HERE if anybody else wants to use it.

EDIT: Added the new words and some highlighting to track completion.

Posted 04/11/21, edited 04/12/21
Both event coats are gorgeous.  I should do the math on how dedicated I’d need to be to direct buy both of them.  I usually don’t stick to events very long but these are worth it.
Posted 04/11/21

MegaRose Polygone made a super helpful event shop calculator!


Posted 04/11/21
Chimerical  Thanks, that’s very handy!  My own ability to not forget to gather letters is the vital factor though.  I’m gonna try my best!
Posted 04/11/21
I’m not getting good letters. lol Hopefully that changes. I almost have enough for one of tree’s words. Last time I got A A A lol
Posted 04/11/21
WindyFox Thanks! <3
Posted 04/11/21

The items from this event are all gorgeous as are the coats.
Hope I manage to get one of everything

Posted 04/13/21

oh yeah i love that one band called

Posted 04/15/21
Posted 04/15/21, edited 04/20/21

Yes, you will get one of the mushrooms from the indigo bag, dream_weaverr

Oh I got a Pink Grove Shrine Background from a random event! :o Love that you can get stuff tied to the event randomly! It’s such a fun little addition and a nice surprise!

Posted 04/15/21
You do realize there is a typo there, it says the prize shop will open on the 11th. But on the event page it says the 18th XD
Posted 04/15/21
Are the shrine items not yet available? Because I definitely submitted mochi but the purple obi isn’t accessible for me yet
Posted 04/16/21
Kippie The shrine items should be available! I got all of mine from the ones unlocked so far.
Posted 04/16/21
quick question! are those red lotus lanterns drops from random encounters? people are definitely getting them, but it’s a bit of an odd outlier, given it’s not in the shrines, the bags’ prize pools, or otherwise a shrine background drop.
Posted 04/16/21

Kippie Pink, red, and purple are unlocked! Did you send the word to the correct shrine? I’ve had a couple players contact me who accidentally sent to the wrong shrine or to a pet instead which resulted in the item not being unlocked for them.

Primarina Yes! We did the red lotus lantern instead of a background for the red shrine random encounter since the red grove shrine background would have been too similar to The Secluded Shrine Background you can get in the event bags.

liela-dragon-rayne1 Oh no, we did not catch that. Thanks for pointing that out—I’ll go update the info!

Posted 04/16/21, edited 04/16/21
Myla No problem XD Happy to help!
Posted 04/16/21

Sorry to be a bother, but I’m pretty sure I picked the “Upright” position for the Floral Wish Ineki from The Grove Shrine. Instead I was given the “Active” position. Is it a bug?

EDIT: Turns out it was a bug, oof. Could I get mine swapped to the Upright position?

Posted 04/16/21, edited 04/16/21
The Grove Shrine is only giving out active coats even if you clicked upright! Glitch is afk for ~an hour but will fix it as soon as he can. In the meantime, if you wanted an upright but got an active coat, you can give Crow or me an echo or just tag one of us here and we’ll get it fixed!
Posted 04/16/21, edited 04/16/21
Myla I would like mine to be upright please
Posted 04/16/21