06:19 ST
May News Discussion
It’s gonna be May!

May’s OotS is Unflappable, along with their Elegant Cigarette Holder and Waved Bob Wig! This month’s coat was created by Myla, and the items were created by Loon. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month!

Activity Updates
  • The Creative Collective has new prompts for May!
  • All claimed Bingos have now been tallied! If you’ve claimed a bingo, you may now request a new card!
  • A new round of the Cavern of Reflections has begun!
  • This month’s Productivi-Day will be held on Saturday, May 15th!
Bin-GO RP Updates

After a very productive discussion with the community about this activity, we’ve made several changes to the rules and participation guidelines for Bin-GO RP. The relevant threads have all been updated and the new changes are now in effect. You can find the full scope of the adjustments in this post.

Town Square

In response to feedback on the player survey, we have created the Town Square page to serve as an anchor for all site event instructions. We hope that keeping the flavor text and instructions portions of our event announcements separated will be helpful to players who may prefer to get right down to the nitty-gritty of things without details being lost in the flavor text.

In between events, you may catch small glimpses of everyday Mycenian life in the square.

Sprocket’s Combinabulator

The long-awaited crafting update has arrived! Sprocket’s Combinabulator can be used to combine specific sets of items into something new! We have decided to use this feature to release many of the recolored items we’ve been amassing over the past year or two, all of which are currently available to be crafted!

You can find more details on this in this post.

Random Encounters

As a part of the aforementioned crafting update, we have introduced Random Encounters to the site! While these most commonly distribute crafting ingredients, it’s a very versatile feature and will likely be used in other ways, as well. As you may have noticed during the spring event, we are very excited about this feature!

Marketplace Updates

We have made some adjustments to marketplace item sell-back values as a result of the feedback on the player survey. Previously, only some of our oldest shop items had this option, and it was set for 25% of the purchase cost. We have increased the sell-back value to 50% of purchase cost, and have included the sell-back option on all shop items!

Please note that by ‘shop items,’ we mean items that you can buy ‘from’ Mycena Cave in the Marketplace. This doesn’t include event prizes or Out of the Shadows items, or anything else that is only available by purchasing directly from other players.

Planned Shop Updates

Another market-related update we’d like to make due to feedback on the player survey is adjusting the price of a few shop items. Namely the enchanted gazes + scleras and standard colored wigs —these items are particularly versatile and popular, and this change would aim to make them more accessible to everyone by putting them on permanent discount. We plan on doing this once we finalize our selection which will be early in the month.

Item Updates

New toggle options were added to some older items:

  • Letters from Afar (border and background separated)
  • Cozy Campfire & Magical Campfire (fire and log separated and unburnt log added)
  • Mage Scarf (all colors) (long tail toggle)
  • Craftable Enchanted Gazes (individual eye toggles)
  • Plasma Whip (whip and plasma now toggle)
  • Midsummer Fantasia (toggleable sections)

You can preview the new toggles in The Magic Puddle and you can make toggle requests in this thread!

We also had several new edit donations added to the marketplace, and a new addition to the Bag of Wonders! You can find the full list here.

Antlers are like the donglers of the mammal world, right?

Behind the Veil
  • glitch was a busy bee with all his work on the crafting and random encounter features, as well as making the spring event possible! He will likely be working on tying up some odds and ends and QoL updates related to the player survey this month.
  • Myla has been working on site art, the spring event, marketplace updates, and queue orders this month. Next month will be focused on site art, planning (event/activities/long term), and queue orders!
  • The coordinator team will now be shifting focus to summer event planning and working on some goals from the player survey.
  • The art team will be working on summer shop art, queue orders, and other misc. site art!
Posted 05/01/21, edited 05/01/21


im v excited abt the price change planned!! some of those items i get sticker shock every time i go to buy one haha (even now i went to go check the loose braid wigs out….. whew!!!)

i also humbly raise the bobtails for ur consideration…..

Posted 05/01/21
The new pet is really pretty!
Posted 05/01/21
New Donated Items

Biohazard was donated by RadiationFox and created by Plasma

Blue Tuft wig was donated by Myla and created by Myla

Umber Locs Wig was donated by Lord and created by Myla

Recolor permission given by Lord and recolored by Myla

Recolor permission given by Lord and recolored by Myla

Blustery Bangs Wig was donated by Lullaby and created by Eluii and Morgan

Sweet Accessories were donated by Crow and created by Chou

Bubblegum was donated by Crow and created by Chou

Sweetheart Wings were donated by Celestine and created by Plasma

Pearldrop Circlet was donated by Oxton and created by Myla

Thank you for the item donations!! You can find the new items for sale in the Marketplace! Thank you for the donations! You can learn more about edit donation here.

New Avatar Backgrounds

Cozy Place from King’s art

Glowing Lights from King’s art

Hearth from Myla’s art

Sunlit Sea from Plasma’s art

The Way from King’s art

Partially Cloudy from Myla’s art

Desert Twilight from priz’ art

Mystic Swamp from Myla’s art

You can find the new avatar background for sale in Lands Within! We hadn’t had an avatar background expansion in awhile so I wanted to get some out using existing marketplace pet backgrounds. :D

New Basic Backgrounds

You can find the new backgrounds for sale in Lands Within! As part of the player survey feedback, we’re aiming to get more low cost, basic items into the marketplace which is why these were created. I might create some more simple backgrounds colors in the future but I stuck with matching the basic avatar background colors for now.

On Sale (Permanently)!

A number of standard colored marketplace items have received a cost reduction as a result of the feedback on the player survey. The standard colored wigs, the standard enchanted gazes and scleras, the standard bobtails, the standard horns and the antlers were all reduced in price.

If you want specifics of the price adjustments, the easiest way is to view the spreadsheet here

Whew, that was a lot! We hope you enjoy the updates!

Posted 05/07/21, edited 05/07/21
Thank you so much for this!!! 8D
Posted 05/07/21

all the new bgs and the avatar bgs that match the big bgs!!!! this is so exciting!!!! i can’t wait to get all the pretty lil avatar bgs to match my pets that use the big ones! and the price adjustments are awesome too, especially now that prices are more uniform also bahaha

thank you myla!!!!

Posted 05/07/21
I love these updates!! Especially the new avatar backgrounds. 8D Well, and the added accessibility for the Gaze and wig items. Ahh! Thank you Myla!
Posted 05/07/21
I love all the new updates! Especially the new basic backgrounds and price reduction :D Thank you staff! :)
Posted 05/08/21

Yay! I’m glad you’re liking the updates!


Glitch fixed a bug that was causing equipped item layering on player’s pets to reset to the default when an item was removed/added.

There was a typo in the Papillon Wig’s name that was also fixed!

Posted 05/08/21
Glitch fixed a bug that was causing equipped item layering on player’s pets to reset to the default when an item was removed/added.Myla

Omg thank you! I was having so many issues with this bug (especially on items with nondescript layer names)... Bless.

Posted 05/08/21
Awh excellent!! Glad to see!!
Posted 05/11/21
Hello everyone! As you might (or might not!) have noticed, I’ve been pretty absent since the end of April! There have been some issues with my new job deciding how to categorize Mycena Cave work and what my employer’s stance on it is that I won’t be able to get resolved for a while. Until I can get a solid answer, I’ll unfortunately have to take a hiatus from staff work - I’ll still be around, though, and my absence should not be a roadblock on the front end! I just wanted to let the community know, and I hope you’re all having a great May! :D
Posted 05/16/21
New Basic Marketplace Items

These Enchanted Senses items change the color of the nose, inner ears, mouth, and pawpads, and are very toggley! You can view them in the Magic Puddle and purchase them for nuggets at Val’s Modern Composition!

Posted 05/20/21, edited 05/20/21
Ahh, these are so fun, Myla! Minerva looks more like herself now with her black nose and her toe spots <3
Posted 05/20/21

the way that you can layer the spots or just have the plain black nose…...... i truly…... LOVE THESE!!

thank you myla!!!

Posted 05/20/21
New Donated Items

Teal Warrior’s Wig was donated by Emeralda and created by Myla

Teal Steel Knee Armor was donated by Emeralda and created by Myla

Recolor permission given by Emeralda for the Silver Steel Knee Armor and recolored by Myla

Buntato was donated by Nonnavlis and created by Myla

Gemstone Battle Axe was donated by Reggi and created by Myla

Thank you for the item donations! <3 You can find the new items for sale in the Marketplace! You can learn more about edit donation here.

Posted 05/22/21
Small Marketplace Update

Glitch pushed an update that allows players to see their own pets in the marketplace!

Posted 05/22/21