Results posted here!
![]() Feedback Survey
Now that the event has concluded, we are ready to collect player feedback about the Spring Blossom Festival! There is also a place in the survey for you to list any words that you would like to see added to our dictionary for future spelling events. The feedback form will be open through the end of the day on May 10th.
We will be raffling off one random encounter event item per 10 responses. Event participation stickers will be sent out ASAP, as well!
Posted 05/03/21, edited 05/27/21
Feedback Survey Results Overview In total, we had 136 responses to the feedback survey.
Charts were copy/pasted from Google Forms unless otherwise stated.
Repeated Comments
Comments indicated that players felt the coats and items were beautifully rendered Some felt that the theme was repetitive Some players felt prices for bags and direct item buy was okay, but direct buy of coat and mushrooms felt too high To elaborate on direct buy vs. bag buy, the event is calibrated to buying bags with points and not to the direct buying of prizes. We used to only have bag buy and no direct buy option, but later implemented direct buy at the request of and for players who want very few but specific event prizes. The benefit of directly buying a prize with points is that the player avoids the rng of the bags and potentially needing to trade, but comes at a tradeoff of a higher point cost. This is not to say we can’t revisit or rethink direct buy, but may explain why there is a feeling of a player not being able to get everything they want if they go the direct buy route, particularly with the steep direct buy cost of the coats. Some players wondered if prices were higher this year This year we recalibrated point prices on bags slightly, but to make it easier rather than harder. We lowered the amount of points to buy the coat bag (& thus the direct point buy of the coats was also less) so that getting all of the prizes would require less work than previous years. We made this adjustment due to last year’s event feedback. We also aimed to make it fairly likely that players would get at least one bag via random encounters if they were regularly playing the event, and to give out items through different mechanics (community goals + random encounters) to make things a little less grindy and more varied. Past feedback has indicated that the community doesn’t have a lot of interest in big changes in this event’s core mechanics, but it would be a good idea to include such questions in future feedback to make sure the community is still largely satisfied with our 15 min clicky, uncapped style events. Comments about point buying gems were generally neutral or positive Comments indicated that letter distribution could be awkward and uneven Many players felt positively about the addition of random encounters Some comments indicated disappointment with random encounter rewards not being more widely available There were mixed reactions to the prospect of random encounter exclusive event prizes The community goals were largely well received A huge thanks to the community for taking the time to give us thoughtful feedback! We’ve run the scrabble event every year and make adjustments to it every year so that it continues to be something the community continues to enjoy. As a reminder, if you didn’t see your sentiment echoed in the comments above, it doesn’t mean that we didn’t read it or consider it; these results tend to take the larger themes from analyzing the comments rather than focusing on individual ones. Also, a special thanks goes to Hyasynthetic for analyzing the feedback results! :D Prize Raffle
14 winners were chosen via random number generator, are are as follows:
Posted 05/27/21, edited 05/27/21
Crycket Oh gosh, no! Thank you for the reminder; I dropped the ball on that one. They are now distributed!
Posted 06/20/21