16:19 ST
[ACTIVITY] Mushrooms & Caverns: Session Zero (May 30th - June 13th)
Mushrooms & Caverns: Session Zero

Mushrooms & Caverns is the premier tabletop roleplaying game in the Cave. With just a bit of imagination, it allows the most timid, homebody-ish Mycenian to experience all the exploration and peril they could ever want—all from the safety of home. It’s rumored that even some of the Cave’s more seasoned and storied adventurers have history with the game—Kerric, as the head of the Adventurer’s Guild, shrugs off any similarities between his organization’s experiences and content found in the M&C books, but is widely rumored to have at least some creative input in their production.

‘Session Zero’ represents the very beginning of any good adventure. While perhaps not as exciting as battling enemies or surviving against the elements, preparation is key. As such, Session Zero is all about establishing your character and creating their character sheet; familiarizing yourself with their skills and attributes before setting out into the great unknown.

This activity is focused on doing just that—creating character sheets for your characters—and includes both Mycenian characters and those outside of the Mycena Cave canon!

You can find the full instructions for this activity on the Town Square page!

Posted 05/30/21, edited 05/30/21
This sounds so fun!! I’d love to make d&d-inspired sheets of my characters :DDD
Posted 05/30/21
As a heads up, the link to the submission threead on the Town Square page can’t be clicked on! This looks interesting, though!
Posted 05/30/21
Oo! This sounds like it’s gunna be fun!
Posted 05/30/21
Ooh, this looks super fun! Question: is it a requirement to create the sheet as an image? (It’s possible I’d write a lot and would rather not deal with an image-editor text tool.)
Posted 05/30/21

Dracogryph -
Thanks for the heads up about the dead link! I’ll fix that up!

You don’t have to create the sheet as an image if you prefer not to! (someone posted a very, very cool google sheet character sheet, for example!) :D Be as creative with your formatting as you wish!

Posted 05/30/21
Crow Thanks for the confirmation ^^
Posted 05/31/21

Really excited about this event :D The background is INCREDIBLE and it’s a really fun concept!

I have a thought on the town square being the place for all the event details: I’m a bit worried that details of old events are going to be lost to time in the future, though I think the lore of having everything posted about in the town square is cool! I’m wondering if we could get a “past event details” section of the town square if it becomes the place for event info instead of forum posts, for the sake of looking back at old flavor text/instructions/etc?

Posted 05/31/21
Purr Yeah, I was trying to figure out the best way to deal with that! I have a private archive just so I can go back and look through past info—I could just move that to a forum thread so everyone has access to it? :D
Posted 06/01/21
Myla That would be really cool :>
Posted 06/01/21
This activity has now concluded!

In total, we had 71 players participate in this activity, creating a total of 117 character sheets! This means that 7 Bags of Wonder will be raffled off! :D

baekhesten Amina Dove* Loon* Turaco1 Hyasynthetic* Laggingbehindreality

UnseenRangerGal KeeperGreymuzzles* Myutoreisu

All prizes, stickers, and Bags of Wonder will be distributed ASAP!

Edit: Bags of Wonders & Possibilities Backgrounds have been distributed! Stickers still need to be uploaded, so should go out in the next couple of days. Please let me know if you were missed!

Posted 06/14/21, edited 06/14/21
Hi Crow, I missed out on the BGs! Here are my submissions.
Posted 06/14/21

Sorry about that - I’ve sent them your way!

Posted 06/14/21
Thank you, Crow! :D
Posted 06/15/21
Hi Crow, I think I might have been missed? I don’t have the BGs or the sticker. My entries are here
Posted 06/15/21

Hi there — unfortunately, your entries were submitted after the activity concluded. In the interest of fairness, we cannot accept any entries which are added or edited after our stated deadline.

Posted 06/15/21
Stickers have now been distributed!
Posted 06/15/21
That was such a cool event, thank you all :D
Posted 06/15/21
Crow Ah well shoot. I’m a bit disappointed, but I understand. Thank you for responding.
Posted 06/15/21