21:38 ST
June News Discussion
June shines in!

Junes’s OotS is Cool Beans, along with their Rad Snapback and Oversized Collar! This month’s set was created by Eluii. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month!

Activity Updates
  • The Creative Collective has new prompts for June!
  • All claimed Bingos have now been tallied! If you’ve claimed a bingo, you may now request a new card!
  • A new round of the Cavern of Reflections has begun!
  • This month’s Productivi-Day will be held on Tuesday, June 15th!
It’s Pride Month!

And to celebrate, we have three new items, each available in a wide array of pride-themed colors! We’ve got Pride Kiwis (created by Mouse with some grunt work done by Myla), Pride Hearts (created by Myla), and Pride Buntatoes (created & recolored by Myla, originally donated by Nonnavlis). These will be available in the marketplace permanently, so you have plenty of time to collect all your favorites!

Be proud to be you!!


Game Payout Adjustment

One thing that stood out in the responses to our player feedback survey was the desire for a game payout increase and a daily cap increase, so we will be pushing updates to both of those very shortly today. The details of the changes are listed below:

  • Cave In, Echolocation, Potionsmaster, and Gemble will receive a 50% payout increase
  • The daily games earning cap is being increased from 3000 to 3600 nuggets

Edit: This update has been pushed!

Marketplace & Item Updates

We made a few updates to the Marketplace this month:

  • glitch has made it so that players can now see their own pets that they’ve listed in the marketplace
  • The standard colored wigs, the standard enchanted gazes and scleras, the standard bobtails, the standard horns and antlers were all reduced in price based on player feedback
  • A handful of new avatar backgrounds based on existing full backgrounds have been added to Lands Within
  • A vibrant assortment of new simple color backgrounds are also now available in Lands Within
  • Enchanted Senses, which change a Mycenian’s inner ears, paws, mouth and nose color are now available for purchase in Val’s Modern Compositions
  • We had a lot of edit donations to add to the marketplace this past month! You can find the full list in these posts, and can learn more about edit donations here

Isn’t it time your Mycenian had a makeover?

Mushrooms & Caverns: Session Zero

Our current activity, Mushrooms & Caverns: Session Zero is ongoing through June 13th! In the vein of tabletop RPGs, we are asking you to make a character sheet (or two) for yourself, your pets, or your characters in exchange for a lovely new background prize! You can learn more about this activity at the Town Square.

Coming Soon…
  • Later this month, we will be celebrating Mycena Cave’s 8th anniversary with a couple of forum activities!
  • The Item Dory will make its glorious return (after we forgot about it last year) as a part of our birthday celebration
  • Summer officially begins on June 21st, which means that a new Summer Seasonal will be available in Fungimental Magic!
  • Chadwick’s Summer Snack Shack will be returning then, as well!
Behind the Veil
  • glitch worked on misc. updates such as being able to view your own pets in the marketplace and sorting out the payout & cap increases. He’s currently working on some updates to the item inventory.
  • Myla spent May working on basic items and the price updates in the marketplace, queue orders, other misc. site art,  and planning tasks. This month she’ll be focusing on site art for events and activities, queue orders, long and short term planning with a focus on the summer event.
  • The coordinator team is focused on running activities this month, as well as planning for our upcoming summer event!
  • The art team will be working summer shop art, summer event art, queue orders, and other misc. site art!


Posted 06/01/21, edited 06/02/21

AHHHH CAP INCREASE AND A PAYMENT BUMP I’m so excited to see that!!!!! Thank you so much :D :D :D

I love the new pride friends <3 Happy anniversary to MC!

Posted 06/01/21
I’m gonna cry over the kiwis, they’re so precious. ;; And I highkey love that they’re all in different positions so that I can have multiples on a pet.
Posted 06/01/21

smooches all the lil pride pets….. precious :pleading_face: and happy bday month to mycena as well!!! thats why mycena is so powerful

we LOVE to see the payout increase on games!!!! thank u!!!! 3600 i think makes more sense, a gem a day! another day another gem!! looking forward to the daily cave in grind tomorrow!!

Posted 06/01/21
Happy pride everyone!! I’m very happy with these updates, the minigame payouts were especially painful but i’m glad they’re being adjusted!!!
Posted 06/01/21

Oh my goodness! The Buntatos look so amazing! I love the variety in coat pattern! And of course thank you for the payout bump!

Also little note: the Activity Updates still say the CC has new prompts for May. :)

Posted 06/02/21

I love these updates so much! And the new oots looks so cute.

Happy pride and happy anniversary MC! <3

Posted 06/02/21
Wait, hold up, why is nobody screaming about the games nugget limit increase and payout boost? Huzzah!
Posted 06/02/21

YESSSS thank you so much for the payout increase! Aside from a couple of days of random bursts of motivation here and there, I never cap out, but I might finally find the patience for it now. Which is good, because I hadn’t planned on liking the monthly as much as I do :’)

Happy pride!

Posted 06/02/21

Thank you for the pride items!! I know that they take quite a bit of work to put together. They look really stellar, and I am hardcore digging the option selections! Especially nice are that we can have pride hearts on our forum avatars. That is fantastic!

I also really enjoy that Mouse’s kiwis are not only site official now, but that there are some different poses available for them! I really adore that I can get all 3 of my flags into one avatar frame. ;;~;;

Also, thank you for the cap and payout increases!!

Posted 06/02/21
I meant to post this yesterday, but the game payout changes and daily limit changes are pushed! I’m glad you all are liking the updates and the new pride items (I asked glitch to put them in the shop after I finished the upload because I was sooo tired after uploading all 51 new items :‘D)!
Posted 06/02/21
The game updates are phenomenal (maxing out in 10 minutes???), I love the new pride stuff (so cute), and I greatly appreciate being able to see my pets in the marketplace (no more thinking I forgot to put one up)! Wonderful updates all around. <3 Thanks as always for all the hard work!
Posted 06/02/21
Echolocation is my favorite game on here and I’m really happy with the update making it a lot easier to max out with it! I’m not sure if I’ve ever maxed out my earnings but I certainly did today and it was a ton more manageable and fun, so thanks! Good update!
Posted 06/02/21
Pet categorization update

Seasonal pets were moved from the “other” category to a new “seasonal” category!

Posted 06/05/21
YES SEASONAL CATEGORY!!! :pleading_face: so good, thank u myla and glitch!!!
Posted 06/05/21

I know it’s just coincidence with 4 seasons and 4 columns, but seeing the columns of each season line up now that there is a category just for seasonal coats makes me more satisfied than it should. :/ I appreciate this, haha.

also I am late but thank you omg maxing out is so much faster and those 600 nuggets are going to make such a difference!!! especially since there’s reason to save fish instead of sell them all now :o

Posted 06/05/21
Can you probably add more games please? I would enjoy finding pairs of the same pictures for my memory :D
Posted 06/06/21

Something I just noticed is that now that the daily cap and game payouts have been raised, some pages in the knowledgebase are out of date—it’s probably not a high priority to fix it but I just wanted to make sure y’all knew ^^

These are the two I’ve noticed:
-New Player’s Handbook: Currency
-Games page in the Knowledgebase

Posted 06/08/21
Starling Thank you for letting us know! We’ll get those updated :D
Posted 06/08/21
The high scores are still showing for May, is that how it normally is? (I don’t usually pay much attention, but I got on the scoreboard last month :>)
Posted 06/10/21
snafflewyrm The High Scores are not automated and glitch does his best to give out prizes and update to the new month as soon as he can. Apologies for any delay regarding that!
Posted 06/10/21

Thankyou for the info! I was just a little worried that the changes to the game payouts had been affecting it, so it’s helpful to know that it’s not automated!

Posted 06/11/21

Posting to yell about how much I love the new items, I’m so excited for them to be available!!!! ;o;

(quietly begging for a plaid version of the shirt)

Posted 06/18/21, edited 06/18/21
The new items are 10/10!!! Omg so exciting!
Posted 06/18/21

oh my sweet winter children

summer is coming 8)

Posted 06/18/21

very excited for shirts…......

poor taylor has just been eating her sammich tiddies out for too long!!!

“mind ur business”

Posted 06/18/21
Howls in excitement for the retro sunset background !!
Posted 06/18/21