The bone monster’s great jaws creaked as he yawned. Most of the time, his job was rather dull: the outside world was quiet and rarely a creature tried to enter the cave. Likewise, most Mycenians were content staying in the cave (except, of course, in the spring when the flowers outside the entrance tempted them to cross the barrier).
Without any chasing or guarding to do, the bone monster formed a habit of sneaking and gathering items Mycenians were a bit too careless about. It wasn’t exactly stealing, except for that one time an ineki tried planting a changingshroom to see if it would beget more changingshrooms. How odd that it disappeared during the night. And that other time—well, the bone monster didn’t live by the highest moral standards.
The items weren’t useful to him, and Mycenians would sometimes dare to plead for their return. Most of the time, he growled and chased them off, but occasionally, if the right word was spoken, he would toss something their way. He found teasing his charges in this way alleviated some of the boredom that came with the task of guarding the cave entrance.
OOC Note: We’re experimenting with implementing smaller forum games on a somewhat regular basis. The two released today are challenges that you must solve by yourself, without discussing it with each other. Please keep this in mind; if people are working together, we’ll have to put a stricter limit on number of winners or avoid these types of games altogether. If this works well, we’ll think of future challenges that do allow discussion so we have a good mix to suit everyone. Also, we will release the answers after the challenge is over. :)
Through the Magnifying Glass are challenges involving macro images or significantly magnified images.
Take a look at these 20 macro images and try to figure out what they are. Echo your answers (subject line: Through the Magnifying Glass) in list form to the bone monster. Each guess will be assigned a point value from 0 to 2 (0 = incorrect, 1 = correct but vague, 2 = correct and specific). Occasionally you can get a bonus point (so a point value of 3) on an answer if you are freakishly specific and the bone monster is impressed. Be careful though, if you try to be crazy specific and get even one part of the answer incorrect, then you will receive 0 points on that guess. It’s safer to be more generic (e.g., a macro of a tomato would get you a 0 points if you called it an orange, 1 point if you said fruit/veg/red food/etc., 2 points if you said tomato, and 3 if you gave me the specific variety of tomato). Do not discuss this challenge with each other.
36-40 points: 5 gems + Challenge Medallion (equippable item)
26-35 points: 3 gems
16-25 points: 1000 nuggets
5-15 points: 500 nuggets
This challenge will end August 31 right before midnight.
Posted 08/24/14, edited 08/24/14
Do we find out our score on the 31st?
Posted 08/24/14
Foxcat As soon as I get them all scored, which will likely be the 1st!
Posted 08/24/14
Do we have to put all our answers in one echo or can we come back to it with more answers later?
Posted 08/24/14
Please echo your submission all at once. :)
Posted 08/24/14
Can we send in one echo with vague answers and another with what we think are more specific answers?
Posted 08/24/14
Emeralda: Nopeee. Unfortunately, you’ll have to pick between one or the other!
Posted 08/24/14
This looks like fun. Even if I get most of them wrong it looks like fun so thank you for the new game.
Posted 08/24/14
hey, this ends in under an hour!
just in case anyone was meaning to do it but had been putting it off .//. i did too until this afternoon!
Posted 08/31/14
Wheeee answers, scores and prizes will be released shortly ^^
Posted 09/01/14, edited 09/01/14
Have the scores, answers, and prizes for this been released yet? Because I participated, but haven’t heard anything.
Posted 09/03/14
AestheticAcoustic; As far as I know, nope, they have not :D Myla’s been a little swamped with artist applications and grading, I’m afraid! Hold tight a little longer :3 You’ll definitely be seeing the answers, regardless of what you scored, and that should be the sign that grades/etc. have been sent out!
Posted 09/03/14
## Prize update
After looking over the scores, we went ahead and changed the point values for the prizes so that more people would earn better prizes. The new prize requirements are strictly better (i.e. you either win the same or more than you would have under the original prize requirements):
- **31-40 points:** 5 gems + challenge medallion
- **20-30 points:** 3 gems
- **10-19 points:** 1000 nuggets
- **0-9 points:** 500 nuggets
## Answers!
1. Key
2. Soda bottle mouth (or “beer bottle”, etc)
3. Green Apple Jolly Rancher
4. A penny (Abraham Lincoln’s face)
5. Tamper-proof seal (Uline brand)
6. Winder on the back of a music box
7. Ocean on a globe (or “map”, etc)
8. Jeans (or “denim”)
9. BB gun pellet
10. American flag
11. Charcoal (for grill)
12. Tip of a trowel
13. Bud coming off a gladiola bulb
14. Inside of a geode
15. Red crayon
16. Pistil of gladiola (“flower stamen” / stigma etc etc all ok)
17. Mango and fruit sticker
18. Wine bottle cork
19. Tip of a prism
20. Eye of Myly’s cat
## Scores!
Sorted by username because google docs will do that for me:
- **AestheticAcoustic (#1189):** 18
- **Aloulore (#143):** 12
- **BlackSapphire (#103):** 18
- **Blemy (#41):** 18
- **BrokenGlass (#2164):** 13
- **Crow (#2087):** 20
- **Dakota Riley (#77):** 21
- **Diglett (#50):** 18
- **Elsa (#1643):** 14
- **Emeralda (#494):** 19
- **feyani (#16):** 25
- **Firkasa (#37):** 29
- **Foxcat (#20):** 17
- **Ginn (#939):** 16
- **Ishliayaq (#14):** 25
- **Kay Mentrae (#1043):** 20
- **Keeper_Greymuzzles (#170):** 11
- **King (#166):** 19
- **lollobrigida (#549):** 25
- **Lycan (#26):** 21
- **Miranda (#1288):** 20
- **Mouse (#125):** 16
- **natsutaka (#1169):** 23
- **Nessie (#2096):** 12
- **Ninth (#942):** 13
- **Ourloonybin (#847):** 19
- **plaidLabrador (#1963):** 25
- **Pooka (#133):** 20
- **Porphyry (#1057):** 17
- **Prose (#74):** 13
- **Pyon (#937):** 18
- **PyroLuna (#96):** 17
- **Raivica (#1943):** 11
- **Rhyme (#323):** 18
- **Roan (#43):** 6
- **Shizuo (#900):** 14
- **Skye (#36):** 17
- **Tamako (#60):** 33
- **Tsar Nicky (#99):** 19
Prizes will be distributed shortly :)
Posted 09/03/14, edited 09/03/14
AWw, I was 3 points away from gems. X3 Ohwell, yay, prizes! <3 This was pretty cute. Thank you, Myly! <3
Posted 09/03/14
Yay! Thank you for the nuggets. I was horribly off for most of those o_o
Posted 09/03/14
Heh xD I should have played it safer on some of these. (i.e. the mango that I called a grapefruit, and the geode I called citrine - which I knew was a geode, but I tried to get too specific ^^;)
Grats everyone on their prizes (and super grats to those that got gems - some of these were really hard O-o)
Posted 09/03/14
Awh, two points away from gems!
I’m amazed that someone actually got the medallion. @@
Posted 09/03/14
Aw man, two off the medallion. XD Next time~
Congrats to all the participants! :D
Posted 09/03/14, edited 09/03/14
Awwww yis. Challenge medallion belongs to Tama! *holds it dear and close to me* 8D This was fun! Thank you for the fun minigame~ <3
Posted 09/03/14
I was so, so off on basically everything, haha. That was fun, though. Thanks for putting this together!
Posted 09/03/14, edited 09/03/14
I did better than I thought I would. :‘D I am generally not very good at these things, aha.
Was fun though!
Posted 09/03/14
Hooray guessing randomly got me 1k :D
I am so so terrible at this kind of game.
Posted 09/03/14
dang i was hoping for personal scores lol or at least a set stating what the pictures were XD i’m a curious soul
Posted 09/03/14
-Ryn- Glitch did post personal scores/answers, which you can see if you scroll up a bit. Or you can click on the link here to go to the post directly.
Posted 09/03/14, edited 09/03/14
lol, that green jolly rancher looks like an alien!
edit: also! what exactly is meant by “prism”?
Posted 09/03/14, edited 09/03/14
Miranda: a prism is [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prism)
Posted 09/03/14
this whole thing was devil magic <____<
Super fun thought congrats everyone! :D
Posted 09/03/14, edited 09/03/14

I was so sure I had the right answer for #17 :I
That said, I scored much better than I thought I would haha. This was fun! I hope you guys decide to do more little forum games `v`
Posted 09/04/14, edited 09/04/14
I can complain too much about my score considering I did this the day of, aha…
But I WILL get a medal some day /shakes fist
Posted 09/04/14