03:09 ST
October Productivi-Weekend (& raffle)!
Posted 10/17/21
Created Dominic’s character profile :)
Posted 10/17/21
Did Kikili’s profile and dress up.  probably add more later as I figure out where i wanna take his character. Plus i’m gonna put him on lunar glint i think.
Posted 10/17/21
Created Rory’s Profile and submitted for Chamber of Reflections.
Posted 10/17/21
I was extremely indecisive for several hours and poked at a bunch of story scraps and worldbuilding! But I also wrote up an entry for tsira, which is probably going to be referenced on Mornah at some point!
Posted 10/17/21
I wrote up an RP post :)
Posted 10/17/21

Made a good start on my scribe circle entry! It’s not done yet, but I think I was able to capture the right feeling that I wanted to write about

It was late autumn the day Mingyu met them.

That day, walking home from Miss Ele’s house in the cold evening air - her hands shivering even from within the sleeves of her father’s oversized fleece jacket - she had stopped, as she often did, at the rusty iron bridge one street from home and glared out at the towering new apartments now blocking the sea from her view.

It had been a split second decision, a brief thought of rebellion bursting into her young mind, to sneak up the elevator to a high roof and catch a glimpse of the red sun as it drowned.

So she did.

Dodging behind a group of kids she recognized from the school uphill, she slipped her way past squabbling elbows and knobby kicks to board the rickety passage skyward.

Up, up, up, up, she rode her way to the fortieth floor.

The smell of the ocean was stronger here, the presence of briny water no longer an incorporeal phantom misting through the streets below, but a living, breathing serpent coiling its body around her senses with a languid squeeze. The distant sounds of industry, too, echoed up the concrete walls, blaring horns from the shipyard - low and deep - and heavy chains swinging against crusted hulls.

As always, the city was alive around her, but what she had not predicted was that she wouldn’t be alone.

Posted 10/17/21, edited 10/17/21
WOOHOO LAST MINUTE ENTRIES - Got a bit of Autumnal Fae’s setting nailed down and written up! Pardon the lack of clickylink, I’m on my phone at work :‘D https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/29361
Posted 10/17/21
Made a character concept sketch for this pet ! c:
Posted 10/17/21

Made a small introductory profile for my lovely Shade.

(Poor guy has been with no profile for so long).

Posted 10/17/21
i wrote a bit more for this geness!
Posted 10/17/21
Productivi-weekend is over!

We had 40 people participate this month! :D Yay, productivity!

Raffle winners are as follows:
- Changingshroom: Marina
- Bag of Wonders: Hawkins & Chibi Envy Chan
- OotS set: nope & Ashlar

I will get prizes & stickers sent out momentarily!

Edit: everything’s been sent out! Please let me know if I missed you!

Posted 10/18/21, edited 10/18/21
Thank you! <3
Posted 10/18/21

Wow. Thanks Crow and crew for holding this.

Usually I don’t win anything. Heh. XD

Posted 10/18/21
Thank you so much! n__n <3
Posted 10/19/21
Congrats to the winners! I can’t wait until next month’s productivity!
Posted 10/19/21