Then, you hear it—a voice. It’s distorted and distant; somewhat warped-sounding, like whoever’s at the other end has a poor signal. But, it sounds desperate. Scared. There are noises you can’t quite parse in the background; rumbling, maybe? A storm—an earthquake? “Please,” the voice says, breathless and wavering, even beyond the interference. “Please, someone; anyone. It’s—” a patch of static, and a sort of echoey ringing that feels like it’s coming from just behind your eardrums, making you cringe in discomfort. When the voice picks up again, it almost seems to blossom from the feedback, the ringing breaking into a conversational tempo before finally becoming discernable words once more. “—barriers have fallen; the city is lost.” Another patch of indiscernible feedback. “Going to save as many as possible—please, if anyone——please come—-” The voice is overtaken by a dull, distant roar—not unlike the sound of putting a large conch shell to one’s ear. Then, silence. All around, you begin to see Mycenians react. Some look around, bewildered; others respond verbally, a light chorus of ’Hello? Are you there??’ sounding from those within earshot. You meet the gaze of those who seem to be, same as you, looking for some sort of confirmation that someone else just experienced something weird. Beyond the confusion, the concern, you are left with a vague sense of direction. Somehow, you know where the voice was coming from—where it wanted you to go. The distant call of gulls and crashing of waves; the taste of salt; distant sunlight shifting through pristine waters, and the building of pressure in your ears. The ocean calls—and somewhere far from the beach, deep beneath the waves, a city needs your help. Head to the Town Square for more information!
Posted 10/22/21, edited 10/24/21
![]() Welcome to Nautalis! It doesn’t look like much now, but before the cataclysm, Nautalis was a thriving underwater city. We (the axolotls) have long been the guardians of this place, and are quite thankful that so many kind Mycenians have answered our call for help! - So that was you speaking in our heads? - What was this ‘cataclysm’? Collecting Embuebbles ‘Embuebbles’ is a silly word, isn’t it? It makes us smile. Short for ‘magic-imbued bubbles,’ these are the bits of our magic that have survived the cataclysm. On their own, they are quite powerless—little more than colorful bubbles, much like the ones that occasionally escape us when we yawn. But, combine them together and you can make many interesting potions! Because of the unpleasantness still lingering within the waters here, we can only advise diving down to collect these bits of magic every fifteen minutes or so. Once you’re down there, make sure not to linger! Scoop up your embuebbles and swim back up to safety! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Concoctions We may be quite wise, but time takes its toll on us all. We can recall six potions of varying strength that should be helpful to your efforts. Each one will allow you to stave off the lingering miasma for a certain length of time, giving you a chance to search among the ruins for our slumbering citizens and magi-machinery. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Search and Rescue Between the coralline growths and rubble, there is a lot to dig through. Once you’ve uncovered something salvageable, the magic granted to you by the potions you’ve imbued yourself with will help to awaken our citizens and return some power to our machines. In turn, some of the magic lingering within them will transfer to you, providing you with several helpful boons. And since boons, by their nature, are a form of magic meant for sharing, you may in turn share your boons with your friends if you so choose!
Rewards & Keepsakes To thank you for your efforts, we have set aside a number of Nautalian artifacts to share with you! Beginning on October 31st, you can visit Bubsy’s Hub to take a little piece of Nautalis back home with you. You may also find an interesting relic or two scattered throughout the ruins. Many of the clambys that we store our goods in were lost in the cataclysm. If you’re fortunate enough to stumble over one of them, or any other interesting lost treasure, you are more than welcome to take it! ![]() ![]() ![]()
Posted 10/24/21, edited 10/24/21
Hey priz (and anyone else involved in the creation of the sundered city bg): OWIE MY FEELS. (but also I need like 50)
Posted 10/24/21
Fun event! Am glad we finally get an underwater city themed one! :D ...Now to poke at the efficiency of shopping and what changed from last event. In particular, here’s a little shopping calculator in case anyone wants to plan out how many points they need before the event ends. Just edit the light blue cells in the Cost Calculator section of the first sheet. The other sheets have various information on the mechanical parts of the event. And now, a list of mechanical things that have changed in the efficiency of the event since the last time this event was run! (during Saltrock Cove)
Overall, while the cost of the loot boxes went up across the board, the fact there are less of them this event means that we should be able to get more event items this year than previous. This includes both items and event coats, the latter of which has been kept the same price to get from the loot box as the previous event. This saves 25% on tokens to buy everything directly, and saves .22% when buying everything using loot boxes.
Posted 10/24/21, edited 10/24/21
That’s a really handy calculator — thanks polygone! As you’ve noticed, there’s a few things we’ve tweaked to tune the mechanics from last time:
Posted 10/24/21, edited 10/24/21
Condor The three clambys, the Sunbleached Saltwater Wig, Blue Ringed Hugotopus are all a part of the same random encounter group which means there is an overall likelihood of a player triggering that encounter (exact same likelihood for all players). While I can’t give the exact %, if you’re regularly playing the event, there is a high likelihood you’ll see this encounter at least once. We balance out the high likelihood of getting the encounter with a cooldown, so you’ll get the encounter and then you won’t have a chance of getting the encounter again for a certain amount of time. This makes it less luck based & allows a more even gifting across the playerbase but still allows us not to oversaturate with the items in this encounter. Within this encounter group, the different prizes have different likelihoods. So when you get this encounter, you’re most likely to get the sunlight zone clamby, followed by the wig and hugtopus, followed by twilight zone clamby, and the rarest is the midnight zone clamby. The flavor text only encounters are a part of a different encounter group with its own probability and doesn’t affect the likelihood of getting an encounter with a prize. I hope that helps! <3
Posted 10/25/21, edited 10/25/21
Posted 10/27/21
We had an issue with the event shop in the first few minutes of it’s launch, where purchases were not being correctly subtracted from your point balance. The issue has been resolved and point balances calculated correctly, but during this time it may have been easy to accidentally buy things without realizing you were buying them. If you made any purchases from the event shop during this time that you’d like rolled back, please send me an echo and I’ll get it sorted out :)
Posted 10/31/21
This is fun, but I am having a time getting all the required Embuebble for potions. I have so many different ones, and right now can only make one potion, the 9 point one. I’m trying to get a Black Embuebble so I can make an 11 point one.
Posted 10/31/21, edited 10/31/21
Just seconding what Odin said: The black embuebble is so rare, I literally am only able to get it when I am gifted the boon that lets you pick your next salvaged item. If you could increase the likelihood of getting the black embuebble, or at least allow us to trade in a certain number of other potions to get an embuebble of a different color, that would be immensely appreciated!
Posted 11/01/21
The Echoes of Nautalis event has now concluded!
only a few hours late posting this thanks to a midday nap :)’ - crow
Posted 11/07/21, edited 11/08/21
Crow, pinging you since you signed off on the Bone Monster post, though maybe someone else needs to know about this. :’)
Posted 11/08/21
Nyfeaena That was my mistake! The date in the banner is the correct one. The shop will close November 27th. Also, there was a discrepancy with the potions: they crumbled along with the embuebbles but were supposed to remain until the shop closed. I forgot we had them set to crumble so we could convert the boons to nuggets today without continuing to generate boons after the fact. We will go ahead and make it so that you can continue to use the potions until the shop closes, and do the nugget conversion for the boons, the autobuy, and nugget conversion of extra points after the shop closes. Tdlr: the potions will be back, and the nugget conversion for the boons will happen after the shop closes. Edit: Potions are back!
Posted 11/08/21, edited 11/08/21
Myla So I’m a bit confused. Are we not going to get to use our leftover embuebbles as points for this event, if they’re not supposed to crumble until after the shop closes? Or is this just referring to potion-making and boons?
Posted 11/08/21