Please note! In order to participate in this Secret Santa, your account has to have been created before October 1st to be eligible. If your account is more recent than this, we hope to see you in next year’s Secret Santa! Important dates!
November 30 at 23:59 server time: Signup deadline! No exceptions! If both you and your Santa are okay with it, your Santa can mail you a physical present. However, seeing as there are still many places heavily impacted by the pandemic, we are strongly encouraging digital gifts again this year. Santa’ees who do not wish to give out their name and/or address (or who would simply prefer a digital present) may select a “digital presents only” option. If you’re a Santa and you want to send someone a physical present, we’ll do our best to match you with someone who has not selected this option, but of course we can’t guarantee it. Every year, lack of regular contact with your Santa or Santa’ee is the largest source of anxiety and most frequent cause of messages to staff about the activity. Don’t be a hard-to-reach Santa or a disinterested Santa’ee. Please keep the comms open, send your counterparts messages to let them know you’re thinking about them, and respond to messages promptly. Remember to not only be a good Santa, but also be a good Santa’ee: don’t deny your Santa the opportunity to make your day :) Special notes or differences from Santas Past
For much more info (well, all the rest of the info, in fact), head over to the Secret Santa page and get started!
Posted 11/16/21
deertush The default is that those who flake cannot participate in the future, but we have manually re-enabled in some cases. We do require that the next year after the flake incident is skipped, but you can reach out to glitch or me after that and we can re-enable it. The logic is that flake incidents are highest with new members that don’t have a lot invested in the community (because they forget and just never log in again) or, more rarely, a long time member who just had a tough year, and the latter case it’s highly unlikely that they will flake again if re-enabled.
Posted 11/17/21
Myla Ah, okay, so if last year (2020) was my flake incident, I have to wait to ask for my participation to be re-enabled next year (2022)? I understand; thank you!
Posted 11/17/21
Santas and Santaees have been assigned! Please reach out to your Santas and your Santaees as soon as possible. Feedback has consistently shown that the overwhelmingly most significant factor in how much someone enjoys Secret Santa is how communicative and responsive their assignees have been (in both directions). So help make someone’s holiday super by getting in contact :)
Posted 12/01/21