![]() Zee giggles at the little cookie representation of her. “Well done Seno.” She pats the little fox’s head, who happily wags her tails. Auksinis tilts his head, gawking at his own. “Did you have to just use one color for mine?” Seno laughs and points to the cookie. “I didn’t! See, your eyebrows are white!” He puts a paw to his face with a grin and a shake of his head. “How silly of me.” “Lyla, dear, how are you doing?” Zee steps over to the other table, inspecting the kelphling’s progress. “Just finished! Look, it’s big sis!” The fox’s ears shot up. “Me?” Seno quickly makes her way over to see, eyes going wide as she beholds the masterpiece that is her cookie-self. She gives Lyla a hug. “Aww, I love it! Thank you!” The kelphling’s grin widens. “You’re welcome!” Auksinis looks around the little shack. “Hey, where’s Tyf?” In the corner, Poly swallows a bite of cookie before pointing out the back door. “He’s sulking because I bit my head off before he could show anyone.” Zee and Auk glare at him. “What?” Zee points towards the door. “Go apologize.” He stares at her for a moment, then shrugs. “Very well.” He sinks his teeth into the cookie again as he makes his way out the back on all fours. Auk sighs. “I’m glad we’re not the ones who adopted that cat.” Zee giggles and gives him a playful shove. “Don’t be rude.” Seno tilts her head at them, sitting. She responds to their light-hearted bickering, deadpan. “He adopted himself, really. He followed Lyla home and just didn’t leave. He’s been very helpful though.” The room goes silent for a few moments before Lyla steps over to give her a hug. “What sis means is that he’s really grown on us as a part of the family, and we’re glad to have him.” Auk and Zee look at each other with a half-concerned smile. Suddenly, the fur on Seno’s back starts to puff up. Lyla gasps, noticing it before she does. “Poly!” She shouts backing away from the fox, who’s left confused for a moment before grabbing at her head and shoving herself to the floor in groans of agony. Zee and Auk stare wide-eyed, backing away, though what they really want to do is rush forward to help. Rapid thumping of footsteps on the wooden boards could be heard from the other room just before the black cat bounds back into the room, leaping onto the downed fox just as she gets up, snarling at him. The pair struggle a bit, but Seno is quickly pinned to the floor, though in a position where she busies herself chewing on his hind leg. The floor under them sizzles, wood slowly melting away against her caustic hide. The smell is unpleasant, and the other occupants of the shack busy themselves gathering up the cookies to take into the other room. In a minute, it’s over, and Poly picks up the sleeping fox in both arms to carry her into the other room. He walks over to Auksinis, holding her out for him to carry instead. “Here. She’ll be fine for a while now.” “I-Wha-?” Auk struggles to hold the fox, stumbling back onto his butt within moments. “Oof!” Zee walks over to check if they’re all right as Poly leaves out the back. Lyla is already busy making another cookie, hoping to make Tyf feel better if she makes one for him.
Posted 12/19/21, edited 12/19/21
Me, with 0 art skills and a dying laptop that only has MS Paint on it: This is going to look like a five year old took five seconds to draw this when really it took me nearly 40 minutes for all three. I have come to terms with this. It is fine. *coughs* so here are my cookies, which started out trying to be something, and then became what I would, realistically, decorate: Gaudy icing with hoards of mismatched, crazy sprinkles like the troll I am.
Posted 12/19/21
At first glance, you wouldn’t think that the cookie was edible — in fact, the word cookie probably wouldn’t even come to mind. It sits on the old wooden table, unaccompanied by either plate or napkin, and resembles a pair of old, rusty cogs stacked atop one another. Only the smell, warm and slightly spicy, betrays their true nature. On closer inspection, what you assumed to be burnished metal is in fact a thick layer of glaze. The rust patches are sprinkled cinnamon and chili. You cannot ascertain what kind of cookie lies underneath from a visual inspection alone and so, hesitating only a little, you take a leap and pop one of the cookies into your mouth. Even having smelled and felt them, you still half expect your teeth to shatter on metal… But instead they sink into a soft, slightly chewy bite of what is clearly a molasses cookie. Your eyes roll back into your head in sheer relief and delight, and you quickly grab for the second gear, rust-patterned crumbs spilling over your fur. You don’t know who baked these, or why, but you’re glad you took the time for a closer inspection… And that your nose didn’t lie to you.
Posted 12/19/21
What a scrumptious bunch of holiday cheer! Cookie decorating is now over. Darcy shoos the last of the crowd and their colorful confections from her kitchen, tucking the promised rewards into each of their arms as they depart. In total, 53 individuals decorated at least one cookie, with a total of 114 raffle entries! The Random Cave Capsule raffle winners are: DeepRiver1995, Shigure, polygone, Ravenpaw, Skay, Lullaby, Laggingbehindreality, Rowyn, Oxton, and talicinx! All prizes have been distributed!
Posted 12/20/21