Happy New Year! January sees the introduction of our newest OotS, Snowshoe Cat, along with their Fluffy Parka and Knit Pixie Wig! This month’s set was created by Puppy. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month! ![]() Activity Updates
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bin-Go RP is on Break It’s hard to believe Bin-GO RP has been running in its current format for nearly a year! As we roll into 2022, the activity will be going on a one-month pause so that staff can do an assessment and make any tweaks that might be necessary. If you have feedback about this year’s Bin-GO, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to post in the main Bin-GO RP thread or echo Crow and/or Prose. If you’re in the middle of filling out a card, don’t worry: you can carry your card with you into the new year. We won’t be redeeming points or issuing new cards in January, but you’ll be able to turn in your current card any time after that and have it count for 2022! This is also a great time to start thinking up some new bingo square ideas! One of our goals is to grow the variety of available squares over this hiatus. And, of course, to everyone who’s redeemed at least one bingo over the course of the past year, this is your call to spend those points! All points earned so far will expire at the end of this month, and the slate will be wiped clean for 2022. Secret Santa Mycena Cave Secret Santa is nearing its end! All Santa-ees should have received their gifts by now (or a tracking number/confirmation that it has been shipped, for those expecting IRL gifts). The hard deadline for gifts to have been received is January 7th. And, for those who have already received their gifts, this is a friendly reminder to mark it as such on the Secret Santa hub page. Warm Winter Wonders There’s still time to visit Cho in her icy cavern full of winter wonders! She’ll be sticking around until the end of the day on January 21st, at which point the cavern will freeze over once more while she catches her little birdy breath until next year.
New Items We had several new items added to the marketplace this month, thanks to the thoughtful donations of several players. If you’d like to learn more about edit donations, check out this knowledgebase article. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Inventory Update After much work, glitch has finished working on his inventory update! Your inventory should be much easier to manage with search and filter features and a fresh new look. Clicking on an inventory item now shows you the preview image and there are new options for customizing the view of your inventory. You can now even hold up to a whopping fifty pockets! As this is a fresh update requiring a lot of new code, we ask that you report any bugs you may encounter to glitch so that they can be fixed ASAP. Several have already been addressed, but you never know how many might still be hiding out there! Winter Event We expect our Winter Event to take place towards the end of this month (or possibly early next month). As is typical of this time of year, it will be a forum-based creative event with various activities to complete. More details will be made available as we get closer to release! Behind the Veil
Posted 01/01/22
I’m so psyched for the inventory update!!! I was just thinking a couple days ago how I need more pockets cause my inventory was starting to get hard to find things lol I’m not sure if I just haven’t figured it out or not, but is there a way to rearrange the pockets once they’re created? Like I want to split my background pocket into two, but I don’t want one background pocket to be at the top, while the other is at the very bottom, if that makes sense
Posted 01/01/22
Just some personal feedback on the inventory changes. New items/new copies of items (so fishing a 3rd of whatever item from the pond) don’t float to the top of the inventory anymore, which maybe most affects us non pocket enjoyers, I suppose. My other comment is the inventory page feels like a quick stock page with varying degrees of zoom, rather than a main inventory page. Would it all be possible to have the old view as an option? If not, I understand.
Posted 01/01/22
More pockets yessss. <333 hoping pet pockets get expanded next <.< >.> <.< <3 I actually am really glad the newest items don’t float to the top anymore. XD It was such a nightmare to have to continuously re-arrange all my pockets so that all the types of recolor items stayed next to one another when I got another I already had. The ability to move pockets up and down on the list instead of having to do item transfers to shift everything would be amazing though. o:
Posted 01/01/22
New Recipes Added We’ve finally finished up with the new recipes from the Professor Sprocket’s Combinabulator Concoctions activity we hosted for our birthday! :D I’ve been adding them as they’ve been made, but I just finished up the last one. These recipes were randomly chosen from the submissions for this activity. The new recipes are all categorized as Secret recipes, which means players first need to fish up a Recipe Bottle from a pond. The Recipe Bottle is openable and will contain one secret recipe. We will be decreasing the rarity of fishing one of these up since we now have a decent stock of secret recipes (we previously only had two) so they aren’t as hard to come by as they are currently! The new items and recipes are:
Posted 01/14/22, edited 01/14/22