02:33 ST
Bingo Square Blitz

1: Murphy has decided to sit on their shoulder all morning
2: They keep noticing eyes staring at them from the darkness
3: Two characters get stuck in traffic
4: Who’s turn is it to watch the kid/pet/door/house
5: Character A tries to teach character B magic tricks.
6: They meet up at a rave.

Bonus: Character A is trying to write a novel and asks character B for some story ideas.

Posted 01/22/22, edited 01/22/22

- a character meets an old friend - they drifted apart and didn´t see each other for a very long time
- two characters happily share food with each other
- two characters spend an evening of stargazing together
- character A gives a meaningfui gift to character B
- character A offers to help but gets rejected by character B

Posted 01/22/22

- The characters accidentally cause a commotion in a public place (knock over a display, have an argument, use magic in a setting that fears it, etc)
- Uh-oh, you’ve angered the beast! The characters have accidentally wronged someone or something that will come back to haunt them later.
- Your character ignores a warning or advice, either from another character, a sign, etc.
- The one that got away. Your character describes a time when something was almost in their reach, but they missed out.
- Jinx! Have at least two characters find something simple they have in common—a favourite colour, song, or book, the same middle name, went to the same school, etc.
- Your character has a secret hobby or interest they don’t normally share—either accidentally or intentionally, they reveal it to another character.
- But I can’t swim!—All the characters realize they can’t do something that would be the most obvious solution to a problem, and must come up with a different way, begrudgingly or otherwise.
- Your character has an allergy, and it’s pollen season (or a cat comes up to them, they are accidentally served a food they can’t eat, etc).
- Grade-A Nuisance—Your character finds something another character finds annoying, and can’t help pushing their buttons, just for a little while.
-Your characters have a mix-up with words that causes an unexpected outcome (mishears something, misspoke, mixes up the names of two locations, misreads a sign, etc)

I haven’t actually played Bingo so I threw some extra suggestions in to account for repeats of existing squares—hopefully some of these are new ideas! ^^

Posted 01/23/22
  1. The characters react to an object catching fire.
  2. The characters hug.
  3. Character A trips on something in front of character B.
  4. Character A gives a present to character B.
  5. Character A pushes character B.
  6. Character A points out something in the distance to character B.
  7. A character screams or shouts where another can hear.
  8. Character A climbs somewhere high and tells character B what they see.
  9. The characters run together.
  10. Character A shares or gives food to character B.
  11. Character A drops something, character B picks it up.
  12. The characters get into an argument.
  13. Character A has to deal with something character B is scared of.
  14. The characters try to sneak past something or someone.
  15. Character A brushes character B’s hair/fur.
  16. The characters find a cute animal.
  17. Character A teaches something to character B.
  18. Character A breaks something of character B’s.
Posted 01/24/22

1. Events of a previous role play are referenced (can be an overall continuation of the plot or just an action or catchphrase parodying another you were part of)
2. One or more characters sleep and have odd dreams
3. searching for something/someone missing
4. A character has trouble tying a knot
5. A character must clean their room/another person’s messy room
6. the characters encounter a rare animal
7. The lights go out at the worst moment
8. Clothes shopping
9. A character considers eating a coats changing mushroom
10. One character participates in the other’s hobby and learns something new

Posted 01/27/22

1. Character A teaches character B how to cook.
2. Character A and B heads over to the section of the cave with many uncarved mycenians.
3. Character A and B plays hide and seek.
4. Character A and B go to a concert
5. Character A falls into a portal into character B’s world.
6. Character A and B meet up again after 20 years.

Posted 01/27/22, edited 01/27/22

1. The characters lose track of time.
2. Someone is caught doing something sneaky.
3. A character paraphrases something.
4. One character attempts to hide something from the other.
5. The characters attend a social event or gathering.


Posted 01/27/22
Thank you for your suggestions!

Tickets will be distributed this weekend.

Posted 01/28/22
Golden Tickets have now been distributed! :)

Please let me know if you were missed!

Posted 01/28/22