18:35 ST
September News Discussion

# September totally sounds like the seventh month

It’s September! ....‘sept it’s the 9th month and all that ;)

Lots of things have happened over the last month, and many more things are going on at the moment.

### Artsy stuff

With Keirro moving on from Mycena Cave, we’re working on [finding a new artist or two](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/1984). We’re just opening up the second step of the application process, so hopefully we should have a few names to congratulate by the end of the month.

### Servery stuff (upgrades! security! technology!)

A few behind-the-scenes updates here: we upgraded our server with more RAM, CPU, and general awesomeness. We enabled [HTTP Strict Transport Security](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security), protecting you from [Man-In-The-Middle attacks](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack) and making your connection to Mycena Cave safer and more secure than ever.

As of today, we’ve also installed and enabled [SPDY](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPDY), which noticeably reduces page load times from the browser’s point of view: on my end, this alone caused a speedup of about 30% loading my profile page.

### Site stuff (humans! avatars! echos! forums!)

We added the **Human Character** construction, letting you customize your human characters with gorgeous art by none other than Eluii. We took care to be accepting of all genders, making as wide a gender range available as possible (you can construct a human character with as much or as little gender association as you would like). We took this opportunity to revamp the **forum avatars** as well (much like we did the pets themselves a few months ago), leading to crisper lines, better color fidelity, and inclusion of the Driftshroom effects.

We pushed a number of updates to the **echo system**, with the ability to archive threads, remove yourself from threads, add other users to threads and so on. For more details on the various features you can see the thread where we announced it [here](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/1845).

Still in the works but ready soon is a **forum report feature**, allowing you to report forum posts directly to a moderator. Stay tuned, it should be out very shortly. And lastly, Markdown is cominggggggg (BBCode will remain an option, of course).

### Other site stuff (mushrooms! pets!)

We released the **Glowing Changingshroom**, a mysterious and rare mushroom which transforms the eater into a random coat from a secret, unpublished list. Exciting! We also dropped the price of the Forever pets in the [OotS shop](https://www.mycenacave.com/shops/monthly) from 10 gems to 7 to make it a little easier to acquire “mushroom fodder” as I hear it called.

The **Magic Puddle** got a bit of attention, and you can now see non-public pets that you own, e.g. you can now dress up your customs, offspring and secret pets just like any other. The list got a little bit of a makeover too, sorting the coats a little nicer.

On the topic of customs, we *temporarily* closed the [Custom Credit shop](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/1900) while we work out a few issues. We look forward to opening it up again as soon as possible. In happier news however, you can now also see at least a rough position for where you are in the custom queue. Estimates err on the side of caution (e.g. it simply counts the number of orders ahead of you, and purposely does not take into account which artists were selected for which order). Check out your order page to see where you are in the queue!

### Rules discussion

We had a [very productive discussion](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/1732) on where the rules for Mycena Cave should go. There’s a *ton* in there to read and consider and we’re still working on it. We’ll announce it when we finalize the new rules :)

### Chat updates

We ran a small beta test of the new chat system, which was only announced [in my lair](https://www.mycenacave.com/~glitch/) by way of a small puzzle. Nonetheless, a number of you found it, and the feedback we got from that was extremely useful in fixing minor glitches and getting it working the way it should. It still needs a fair bit of work, but hopefully we can get a more public beta test going in a week or so. For those of you who didn’t find your way in, we’re addressing the concerns raised with the previous incarnation of chat in the following ways:

- there will be multiple chat rooms, and each user can make their own rooms
- official rooms will be heavily moderated, any off-topic chat is to be taken to non-official rooms
- users are responsible for the moderation of the chat rooms they create, and are able to appoint their own moderators
- a number of other small changes that will be announced closer to release

You can see more detail on the (in construction) help page [here](https://www.mycenacave.com/chat/help).


Phew. Lets see what September holds for us!!

mini-FAQ of stuff we’ve done since the announcement (basically this helps me keep track of things for next month’s announcement ;) ):

- replaced the “administrator” forum badge with specific badges for all of staff — I understand the old administrator badges were a little intimidating, so hopefully this makes us seem a little more approachable :)
- consolidated forum controls — they’re now in the little button at the top right of posts
- added the ability to pin / unpin threads from your homepage
- finally got the [rules](/home/rules) sorted out
- added [Guest Keys](/settings/user) to let you grant people temporary access to your account.
- removed SPDY again — it was causing some issues, but hopefully we can get it back soon!
- hangouts forum created
- chat public beta happening on Sep 20!
- got SPDY running again, properly this time :) also better server software

Posted 09/02/14, edited 09/18/14
September actually used to be the seventh month.
Posted 09/02/14
true! until our good friend Julius Caesar came along and was like “i want a month named after me!!!” and so… July was born!! August was born of a similar fate, except with Augustus. I think they may have both been Julius’s idea tho. I am not an expert I just know fun facts .//.
Posted 09/02/14
What an exciting month! I can’t wait for September and the awesomeness it shall bring now that Mycena Cave is becoming very active!
Posted 09/02/14
Are the High Scores going to update soon?
Posted 09/02/14

Whoo! Sep. and stuff!
I mean cool Christmas and stuff is coming right?
-acts normal-

Posted 09/02/14
I’m repeatedly impressed by these monthly updates. Seems like there’s always a lot to report and that’s great. Thanks for all the hard work :)
Posted 09/02/14

Clearly this is the most important out of all the announcements

:D I’m diggin all the activity and improvements <3
And I can’t wait to see chat come back! ono I miss hanging out in a chat room.

Posted 09/02/14
Whoo, happy September!  Everything is looking up, as per usual :3
Posted 09/02/14
*eats burritos to celebrate*
Posted 09/02/14
Things are lookin’ really good. I’m super happy I decided to stop by again and get involved! Happy days. :’)
Posted 09/02/14
Insigne thanks for the reminder!
Posted 09/02/14

I’m really happy I decided to stick around here. All these new developments are so exciting!!!

Keep up the good work, everyone!

edit;; ow o!
I got 4th place in cave-in?!

Posted 09/02/14, edited 09/02/14

glitch I just feel the need to mention how awesome your lair is.

Also, me likey the updates and things! I didn’t know about the chat testing but I’m pretty excited that things are in the works!

Thank you awesome MC staff!

Posted 09/02/14

glitch- “I wonder if I can just put random text here and people will think it’s a seekret clue?”
yes. a little. maybe.
I don’t know.


Posted 09/02/14

Aww, I missed it :3 Sounds like fun, though.

I am definitely digging the “users must moderate rooms they create” rule. Smart way to minimize moderator work and keep things all cuddley.

Posted 09/03/14

The new chat system sounds awesome! It’s too bad I missed the secret beta but I’ll definitely be in the open beta when it’s up. I’m excited with the idea of there being multiple rooms but, seeing as there was a lot of off-topic discussions in the old chat, will we have to be switching from room to room to keep up with multiple discussions?

I find it weird that I just now found out about my birth month not existing initially. After all these years and I don’t know a single thing about my own birthday.

Posted 09/03/14

; You can choose which rooms you want to be in, and the tabs (much like tabs in a browser, or tabs in an IRC program) will flash if something is said there. So yes, for multiple topics, you might have to stay up to date on multiple channels, but you get to pick which ones you want to be in to begin with :) You can have a chat room with just one (or a few, or a lot) of your friends, too, where you get to decide what the topic is.

Also, ‘we’ (as in, humanity) only fairly recently started counting years (relative to the planet’s existence), and a little longer than that (but still recent relative to the planet’s existence) we came to define ourselves as human beings, so not to worry, ‘initially’, nothing existed anyway :D

Posted 09/03/14, edited 09/03/14

We’ve just released a new forum feature! You can now **pin threads** to the homepage. Simply head over to the thread you want to pin, click the “Action” button (which replaces / consolidates the old post controls) and select “Pin thread”. It will now appear on your homepage in a box similar to the “Sticky threads” box.

You can pin up to five threads at a time.

I expect you will find this feature useful if you are participating in the forum event going on at the moment, or for your RPs and/or trading threads :D

Posted 09/07/14, edited 09/07/14
Posted 09/07/14

glitch, I love you, but the homepage is currently displaying /everyone’s/ pinned threads xD

I really do love it tho <3

Posted 09/07/14

Thank you so much! :D
Me and Nyfaeana were just wondering about that o,o

Posted 09/07/14
This does sound like a mighty useful feature! Although… I’ve pinned my thread, went to the homepage, and saw two more threads pinned that I didn’t pin? I refreshed; another thread pops up. Am I seeing other people’s pinned threads? O: Is this supposed to happen?
Posted 09/07/14

Whoops! Fixed ^^

EDIT: also moved the “post actions” button to the top, to get around that annoying display issue where it couldn’t extend beyond the bottom of the thread >>

Posted 09/07/14, edited 09/07/14

Oh, oh! I have a thing under my name now, too! -ogles- :o

..Uhm, yes, I love the new pinning threads feature >> (I’m tempted to post a classified ad / character home thread just because I can have it handy at all times now!)

Oh, why, I seem to have happened upon a challenge medallion clue. Interesting, where stumbling gets you :o

Posted 09/08/14, edited 09/08/14
I’m ridiculously happy about this!  No more lost threads : D
Posted 09/08/14

love the new pinning feature :D first thing I used it for was my cave diving thread.

also, I found a clue…but I am scratching my head over it…

Posted 09/08/14
^3^ I LOVE the pinning feature… >.>;; Though now that there’s a dropdown at the top of posts, I keep tripping over myself and getting lost trying to find my ‘edit’ button. lol! Whelp, relearning habits time! :D
Posted 09/08/14
What’s this racket about clues?
Posted 09/08/14
LadyHawke: she may be referring to something over [here](https://www.mycenacave.com/~glitch)...
Posted 09/08/14