
You’re awoken by a rumble–the creaking and grinding of the entire cavern as a tremor ripples through it. It lasts for all of thirty seconds, and though a faint trickle of dust falls from the ceiling and maybe one or two trinkets have plummeted from their shelves, it doesn’t seem like any real damage has been done. Still, best to be sure–you roll out of bed and make your way outside. You and–apparently–every single one of your neighbors.
Other than the shared gasps of surprise and bewilderment, everyone seems to be accounted for and everything appears to be in order. That is… except for the fissure that seems to have opened up right in the middle of the street. It’s managed to avoid disturbing any structures–implausibly so, in fact; you notice that it takes a sharp left turn as if to avoid a nearby park bench.
Slowly, the gathered crowd shifts closer to the crevasse, like an amoeba scooting its way across a microscope’s slide. Soon enough, you’re all peeking down into it, surprised to find not just a dark hole leading down into the earth, but a distant… light? Of some sort. Not like a brightness that obscures your vision, but like whatever is down there has its own sunlight shining down upon it–if you squint, you can see what looks like parched earth skirted with bits of lush greenery. And movement—something bright and feathered gliding by beneath you; the distant smell of sulfur.
“Looks safe enough to me.” Says a drasillis, spreading their wings and giving them a flap before gliding down into the fissure. A handful of others follow after; a few ineki begin clambering down the rockface with only their claws and whatever ropes were easily at hand to rely on. Soon enough, most of you have descended en masse, those with more climbing experience (and wings) helping the less certain along.
You’re greeted by a sprawling, diverse landscape. Parched badlands beneath your feet, spattered with bursts of greenery; golden plains off in one direction, and what looks like a lush forest in another. Sharp, smoky mountains off in the distance, one in particular actively spewing lava; and off in the other direction a similar sight, except the mountains are bleach-white and dwarfed by a large glacier.
You slowly take it all in, awed by this place that, apparently, has existed just below your feet all this time. The sound of someone clearing their throat grabs your attention, and you turn to its source to find another small crowd gathered not far from your own. They’re Mycenians, no doubt, but they appear to be particularly toothy; a bit excessively scaly.
“Welcome, strangers!” One, a long-toothed cat ineki adorned with spines, says, stepping forward. “We’ve never had people come from the sky before. Are you here to join in our ceremonies?”
The lot of you must look particularly clueless, because she quirks sort of an awkward smile and folds her paws in front of her. “The, um–the Quieting Ceremony.” She clarifies, and when even that doesn’t seem to register, she continues: “It’s a pretty simple tradition… We pull letters from the tar pits; stick them on things to make words. Specifically, we bring words of power to specific places–” she motions to the various landscapes that surround you, “—to quiet them down, and draw out our shy, feathery neighbors. But we also like to stick words to each others’ caves and homes–you know, like a fun thing.”
Your crowd begins to murmur in understanding–most of you have participated in similar rituals before, be they the growing of ancient trees or the quelling of an endless winter. The apparent leader of the local Mycenians looks a bit relieved, and her smile appears to grow more genuine as the two crowds begin to intermingle. Soon enough, everyone is chatting like old friends as they insist on showing you around their home cavern.
Posted 03/10/22, edited 03/13/22
oh heck yeah! Lost World for mycena cave <3
Posted 03/10/22
Sweet! I’m so keen on this c=
Posted 03/10/22
Whoopee! Love this type of event :D
Posted 03/10/22
Yay!! So excited, a new lost world right under us hehe
I wonder what new pet’s and items we’ll get and I really like the storyline <3
Posted 03/10/22
omg this is ADORABLE! Dinocenians! <3 Can’t wait!!!
Posted 03/10/22
Whoever wrote the lore for this did a fantastic job. That’s heckin’ adorable. I love whatever quirks of culture mycenians have where a giant hole in the street is an invitation to a party instead of a potential danger. XD
Posted 03/11/22
I’m excited! And I agree with polygone, the lore writing here is great!
I’m a huge fan of dinosaurs so I’m hyped to see the new pets and items!
Posted 03/11/22
Trying to send “tephra” to the volcano, but it’s not working?
Posted 03/13/22
I’m having the same issue as CarmonCranes, but with the word Devonian to the glacier.
Trying to send spits out this error:

While sending the word (but spelt wrong lol) sends a different error:

edit: fixed! hooray! Thank you :)
Posted 03/13/22, edited 03/13/22
CarmineCranes Jacq Sorry about that, it looks like our dictionary update didn’t go through—we’ll get that fixed shortly!
Posted 03/13/22, edited 03/13/22
Dictionary issue is fixed!
Posted 03/13/22
It works, thank you so much!
Posted 03/13/22
The banner currently reads:
The Alphabet Goop event is happening! [Mar 13 at 12PM - Apr 27 at 12PM]
I’m assuming this is a typo?
Posted 03/14/22
I have a small suggestion: it’d be really cool if there was an external indicator of which forces we’ve already sent words to (maybe a little checkmark or something by the name)! Might be a Next Year kind of feature but I wanted to mention it while I was thinking about it. ovo
Posted 03/14/22
An encounter I got:
“A cheerful ineki wanders by you holding an extremely large square of omelet in their paws. You watch as they take a bite out of it like a sandwich and they meet your gaze, pointing behind them. “Better go quick,” they say, swallowing their mouthful, “today’s omelet is carrots and peas!” Before you can ask them what they mean, they scurry away. Unfortunately, when you arrive at the plateau the ineki pointed towards, it’s empty save for some crumbs. How strange.”
A nod to Neopets’ giant Omelet, or just some huge cosmic coincidence? Haha <3
Posted 03/14/22, edited 03/14/22
The Volcano isn’t showing which percent has been appeased, despite several of the words having been sent in. ? Are the words not registering, or is the bar glitched?
Posted 03/14/22
The fissure is not accepting the word fossil
Posted 03/14/22
Lala Yes, that was a typo! Date has been fixed.
OregonCoast This has been fixed too :D
liela-dragon-rayne1 Does your word contain a “tainted” Sprocket letter (it’ll be slightly green and crooked)? If so, you can only send green letters to other players, the Forces of Nature can detect Sprocket’s meddling and won’t acccept the words.
Posted 03/14/22
ninja-d by Myla :‘D sorry for the double ping!
Posted 03/14/22, edited 03/14/22
XD ah man! Well, good to know, thanks
Posted 03/14/22
oh my gosh I got a cute baby dino.

Posted 03/14/22
I just got something really cool when fishing for letters - after I clicked three of the tar “bubbles”, I got the letters E, A, and T, all in the right positions to spell “eat” without even moving them around XD
I literally gasped when I saw them, ha!
Posted 03/15/22
I just sent in the last word for the Volcano, and can claim more than one item (and the button is still active, so I could potentially claim more). I accidentally claimed 3 total thinking that it was my internet connection, before I realized it was giving me duplicates. glitch Myla
Posted 03/15/22
On a much less exciting note, it looks like all the Force of Nature images are the swamp now! xD
Posted 03/15/22