Productivi-Day occurs on the 15th of each month, running from 00:01 ST through 23:59 ST. If you wish to participate, all you need to do is take a little bit of time and work on something creative that relates to Mycena Cave!
- Mycenian profiles
- Geness profiles
- Roleplaying
- Creative Collective entries
- Pretty much anything that has to do with Mycena Cave!
- Homework
- Housework
- Dishes
- Meal-prep
- Anything else unrelated to Mycena Cave!
Please post a link to what you’ve accomplished in this thread in order for your participation to be counted! All posts must be made before the activity ends at 23:59 ST on the 15th - any posts made or edited after that timeframe will not be counted towards this activity.
All participants in today’s Productivi-Day will receive a sticker for their efforts! Stickers will be distributed in the day or two following the activity.
Posted 08/14/22, edited 08/15/22
Crow “work on so thing”? Or did you mean something?
Posted 08/14/22
Wrote a reply in a shared Adventure: Link
Posted 08/14/22
Profile doodles! To be digitized…eventually, lol. I want to try using these sketches on paper to then scan into gimp and then use _those_ digital files for my profile.
Posted 08/15/22
Posted 08/15/22, edited 08/15/22
If ever you think the phrase “hey wouldn’t it be cool if”, the answer is no.
Posted 08/15/22
Rewrote the little scene from Lian’s profile since it was really old and bothering me ^^
Posted 08/15/22
I did a dressup for my bat girl Šik! She also finally has a name, and even a basic character premise/plotline going! Yay!
Posted 08/15/22
Gonna upload this to the creative collective tommorrow, running into technical difficulties atm
Posted 08/15/22
started working on a profile pic for my sprout!
Posted 08/15/22
All stickers have been distributed! See you next month!!
Posted 08/16/22