Eligibility In order to participate in this Secret Santa, your account has to have been created before October 1st to be eligible. If your account is more recent than this, we hope to see you in next year’s Secret Santa! Important dates!
November 30 at 23:59 server time: Signup deadline! If both you and your Santa are okay with it, your Santa can mail you a physical present. Santa’ees who do not wish to give out their name and/or address (or who would simply prefer a digital present) may select a “digital presents only” option. If you’re a Santa and you want to send someone a physical present, we’ll do our best to match you with someone who has not selected this option, but of course we can’t guarantee it. Every year, lack of regular contact with your Santa or Santa’ee is the largest source of anxiety and most frequent cause of messages to staff about the activity. Don’t be a hard-to-reach Santa or a disinterested Santa’ee. Please keep the comms open, send your counterparts messages to let them know you’re thinking about them, and respond to messages promptly. Remember to not only be a good Santa, but also be a good Santa’ee: don’t deny your Santa the opportunity to make your day :) For much more info (well, all the rest of the info, in fact), head over to the Secret Santa page and get started!
Posted 11/21/22
Sorry this post is so long and self-absorbed. Please ignore if the vibe is off, or if this is the inappropriate channel to discuss. Just figured this event has been running for years, so I might be able to get some insight! Trying to decide whether or not and/or which option to sign up to. I’m in Australia (Sometimes expensive to ship to, but not from). I’d want to keep the physical present option open in case the Santa preferred that, but do you think it might make them feel obligated to send something physical? My xmas wishlist is normally ‘‘Just send me something random and/or stupid” (reddit sent me a hair comb, a padlock, and loose elastic bands one year and it was hilarious and worth it) I just don’t know if I’d be an absolute nightmare to send a gift to, if facing massive shipping or trying to figure out a digital gift for my brand of nonsense.
Posted 11/22/22
deertush I’ll reach out to you shortly! Frankie I think you’d be fine selecting the physical present or digital option since that allows the Santa to choose either option based on their preference, resources, etc.. You’ll also be able to communicate with your Santa to let them know all the things you’ve just said here, too. :D
Posted 11/22/22
Frankie okay I don’t wanna speak for anyone else haha but I think you could definitely sign up and opt in to physical gifts!!!! it’s set up to be pretty accommodating - you don’t HAVE to send a physical gift even if your santaee might prefer one, and you have to check a box saying you’re willing to ship internationally! so if you’re worried about ending up with someone who might not be able to afford shipping to you, I don’t think that could happen!! there also might be some other Australians around! we’ve got plenty of Europeans, folks from New Zeland, Africa, etc etc. anyway, like I said, if you somehow get someone who is truly genuinely uncomfortable with sending a physical gift, there’s always an option to send a digital instead. but I don’t think that would happen - there’s plenty of goofballs around here who would probably delight in sending you random objects lmao edit: HFUFDKKD MYLA WHERE DID U COME FROM
Posted 11/22/22, edited 11/22/22
Thank you both so much for the input! Super helpful and comforting! I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that you could just tell your santa this yourself ahaha. I have a hard time getting involved in the site sometimes (due to me, nobody/nothing else) so hoping this is another step to getting more active here. IDK what it is the community here seems so nice! Okay got off track! Off to sign up!
Posted 11/23/22, edited 11/24/22
Posted 11/24/22
Thanks JustTopaz Just confirming I don’t think I’m the only Australian on this site, haha. Just that I’m in Australia *and* difficult to gift digitally - but I’ve signed up and will communicate with Santa to not be a nightmare for them lol
Posted 11/24/22
I’m gonna cheer y’all from the sidelines this year since I’m gonna be AFK too much to give a proper back and forth interaction. This is one of my fave Mycena traditions, so everyone plz post all the fun stuff and let me live cvicariously thru u all lol. (I didn’t see an option to sign up for being a super santa without being a regular santa - I don’t think there’s ever been a lack of super santas, but I would definitely volunteer for that if needed).
Posted 11/30/22
Posted 12/07/22