09:49 ST
[EVENT] Lunar Luck Festival (Jan 22nd - Feb 5th)

Every year, sometime in midwinter, the moon passes across a large opening in the ceiling of the Cave, showering the cavern below in its light. This is not an illusion, or some deep-Cave phenomenon that imitates the moon’s light and countenance — but the actual, physical moon. The one that exists Outside.

The moon’s yearly visit to the denizens of the Cave loosely marks the beginning of a new year. Mycenians from all over gather in the cavern to socialize and celebrate. This convergence has come to be known as the Lunar Luck Festival, as local legend states that basking in the moon’s silvery light is bound to bring good luck for the year ahead.

Event Information
  • The Lunar Luck Festival will begin at 12:00 ST on January 22nd and run through the end of the day on February 5th.
  • This event consists of a handful of forum-based activities and one chance-based game.
    • Participation in at least 1 activity will earn you the event sticker
    • Participation in each activity will earn you a Lucky Envelope
      • Each Lucky Envelope contains a random Cave Capsule
    • Participation in at least 2 activities will earn you a Fireworks item
    • Participation in at least 3 activities will earn you a Year of the Rabbit Mushroom
  • Each activity will have its own set of submission rules and guidelines.
  • There will also be a handful of event-flavored Random Encounters, from which you may receive a Wearable Lucky Envelope!
  • The activities in this event will be marked manually. We will try to keep up with marking and prize distribution throughout the event!

Event Links
Posted 01/20/23, edited 01/22/23
im in love with this cute lil rabbit and their itty bitty ears!! and the fireworks!!!! i love this event, very excited!! luv me a good, do-it-at-ur-pace forum event!
Posted 01/20/23
Oohh this is great! And perfect timing lol.
Posted 01/20/23
Ooo! Sounds fun!
Posted 01/20/23
Posted 01/20/23
Oh wow! Exciting to see my cultural holiday on the cave :)
Posted 01/20/23
This is so exciting!
Posted 01/21/23
Oh the coat is so cute! ^_^ Can’t wait! :D
Posted 01/21/23
ohhhhh I love this I can’t wait!!!! lil bunny nose!!!!! lil bunny feet!!!!!!! also obsessed with the firework item
Posted 01/21/23
The Lunar Luck Festival has begun!

Check out the festivities here! And happy Lunar New Year to all! :D

Posted 01/22/23


the link says The requested forum does not exist! :o

Posted 01/22/23

Pearfect Uh oh, thanks for letting me know! I’m not sure what happened, I’m sorry about that! Let me take a look and see if I can get that fixed real quick! 8);;

EDIT: Should be all fixed now! Please let me know if it’s still giving an error!

Posted 01/22/23, edited 01/22/23


It works now!! thank you !! :D

Posted 01/22/23
Awesome! Enjoy the event! :D
Posted 01/22/23
Question, would some of these things (like the traditions) count for CC/CoR as well?
Posted 01/22/23

As long as they involve a character of yours with a Mycenian form and, in the case of the Creative Collective, fulfill the prompt - absolutely!

Posted 01/23/23

You opened a Lucky Envelope to find a Lucky Envelope!

…uh, are the envelopes working? They don’t seem to have the cave capsules listed as contents.

Posted 01/25/23

I didn’t think to check before I handed them out - they still need to be filled with capsules. I’ve let Myla know and I’m sure she’ll get to it as soon as she’s able to!

Posted 01/25/23
Envelopes should work now! Sorry about that!
Posted 01/25/23
Just opened mine! They do work, thanks! ^^
Posted 01/25/23

Crow First of all, I’m sorry if the question comes across as silly, but since I still have difficulties with some terms, I just have to ask to be sure.

What exactly does Mycenian form mean?

Is it a canon only character or can it also be a non-canon character with a pet representation?

Posted 01/26/23

Basically, all it means is that your character has a pet representation on site! It does not need to be a canon character for most activities, and when it does, we will usually try to specify as such.

Posted 01/26/23
Crow Now I’ve understood. Many thanks for that answer! ♡
Posted 01/26/23

Question about the Fireworks Fantasia:

I’ve never had to reroll on the events that have rolls involved, so can someone tell me if I’m doing something wrong? I’ve edited to put in a new roll, but I just keep getting the same number, 1, which is the duplicate number I need to replace. Am I just extremely unlucky?

Posted 01/29/23

The dice rolls can be a bit finnicky - try putting the second dice roll next to the first or later in the post, but including them both. The first one will always be the same number as its initial roll, but adding a new roll in after it should work fine!

Posted 01/29/23
I had a kinda funny idea that means I got a question just to be safe. Would making (for reals, and taking photos of) an alcoholic beverage mixer be an acceptable entry for the shareable snackables, by any chance? I had an idea, but I don’t wanna submit something that I shouldn’t in that case. I assume that writing up a description/recipe is fine, I just want to make sure that if I make a thing like I want to tomorrow night, I can do photos and such.
Posted 01/30/23, edited 01/30/23

That’s fine! :D

Posted 01/30/23
Crow yeah I’d tried to do that, but it must’ve rerolled into 1—I managed to fix it by adding a third roll, and then it finally rolled into a new number. Thank you for your help though!
Posted 01/31/23
Crow for the fireworks. My second refill has me with almost the same outcomes as my first post. Only the color changed. Should I kill that post and try all over again with a new one. Or just leave it?
Posted 02/05/23

You could do either or, in that case! I can definitely see how making two very similar fireworks should be kind of ... Not fun, haha.

Posted 02/05/23