April reigns! We introduce our newest OotS coat this month, Candy Cosmos, along with their Wavy Pastel Ombre Wig and Pearl Strings!! This month’s coat and items were made by Meru. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month! Activity Updates
Spring Seasonal This year’s Spring Seasonal is now available for purchase in Tamshir’s Specialties! They’ll be around throughout the rest of the season, up until the first day of summer on June 21st.
Mycena Rave The ravens have taken over and the bass is bumpin’ and the tail feathers are a-shakin’! Our April Fool’s activity runs until noon on the 9th; come join us! There’s a participation sticker, item set, and other prizes available. Head this way to the rave! Spring Event The Spring Event will begin this month! It’ll be our scrabble-style event and should start up around mid-April. Further details will come as the event gets closer. (Right now, staff is still scrabbling to get everything prepared!) Behind the Veil
Posted 04/03/23
We’ve added a feature that will allow you to check if a given word exists in the Mycena Cave dictionary. This was originally event feedback, but we thought it would be useful outside of the context too, so it’s now generally available in the Help menu. Or you can just click here :)
Posted 04/30/23
Excellent feature, though, thank you so much! 8D
Posted 04/30/23