13:59 ST
[EVENT] Once Upon A Magical Library (April 30th - May 14th)

It is said that the Sorceress was an avid appreciator of the written word, and that her vast collection of books was kept stashed away in its own little pocket realm. Though hidden, it’s believed that entry into this library is possible – though almost always accidental. Few alive today claim to have seen it, and those who have never seem to be able to find its whereabouts again, leaving their claims unproven. With its shifting location and lack of any known key or spell to gain entry, some Mycenians theorize that, perhaps, in the years since the Sorceress’ disappearance, its magic has taken on something of a life of its own – and that it may be eternally searching for its owner.

Whether by fate or by fortune, you stumble upon this library. You and just about everyone else you know. You aren’t sure how, and you aren’t sure why, but you’re here now - and the place is a mess.

Books and pages and scraps thereof are scattered throughout its seemingly endless halls, and the air is thick with magic. Swarms of bookwyrms flutter throughout the aisles, harrying unsuspecting visitors, and magical amalgamations of fictional places and characters climb in and out of any open books they can find.

There’s got to be an exit somewhere around here… but you get the distinct sense that you won’t find it until you’ve gotten things cleaned up. Thankfully, there are a lot of you, and many of you are old pros at throwing letter combinations at each other. You’re pretty sure you got this.

This event will begin on April 30th at noon ST!
The Town Square page is updated with information and links!


Event Links
Posted 04/23/23, edited 04/30/23
Awesome! Looking forward to this new event :D
Posted 04/23/23
Yes, please!
Posted 04/23/23
This sounds like it might be my favorite event ever! Fantastic idea, can’t wait! :)
Posted 04/23/23
I cant wait! Events are always so much fun!
Posted 04/24/23
Oh sounds so fabulous! I am excited! :D
Posted 04/24/23
The Magical Library is open!

Activate the event via the event page - and check out the activities that we have for the event here!

We also have a new dicitonary checker to help out!

Posted 04/30/23, edited 04/30/23
ahhh love everything about this <3 the art - the coats - the books - the banner!
Posted 04/30/23
Since the letters for this event may be a little hard for some to read, we’ve also added a new ‘Show Letter Overlays’ option! This will overlay your tiles with unstylised letters, and will be made available for future scrabble events.
Posted 04/30/23, edited 04/30/23
I know From Between the Pages has a stipulation of “piece of literature” of any type, but can this be a genre and not a specific piece of literature? Or does it have to be a physical piece? For example, I have a group of characters inspired by “southern gothic” literature and themes but not really a specific book, story, or series. I also have a noir detective who is inspired by a more broadly defined genre, and fits the character archetype specific to this genre being the “hard-boiled detective.” I understand allowing genres as an inspiration might make it a little too broad to judge though, so I figured I would ask before writing my entries for this activity.
Posted 04/30/23
raus Hi raus - that’s fine with us! We’d love to hear about characters inspired by genres or types of stories and what kind of tropes or themes or characteristics you’ve taken inspiration from. Thanks for asking! I’ll add in a clarification to the activity post for this, and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s characters. :D
Posted 04/30/23
Cien Awesome, thanks!
Posted 04/30/23

sorry there’s gotta be something obvious i’m missing and I don’t know where else to ask:

Try as you might, you just can’t get all the letters to stick!

is medieval not literally one of the available words here? why won’t it let me send?

Posted 05/01/23


Vowels you get from sprocket’s exchange can’t be sent to the genres - looks like you have an exchanged A!

Posted 05/01/23
Is the Fairytale Steed coat/mushroom supposed to be in the Scroll of Bricks?
Posted 05/01/23

Kay Mentrae
The Fairytale Steed is the prize for completing the community word challenge portion of the event! As long as you send at least one word to each genre anthology, you’ll get a copy of the coat.

Posted 05/01/23

Oooooh that makes sense lol thanks for letting me know!

Posted 05/01/23

For the Y/N In Wonderland and From Between the Pages activities, they both seem to award Paper Airplanes, Darkmode Bookwyrm as well as a raffle entry for each submission.

Just curious, if we participate in both, do we get two copies of Paper Airplanes and Darkmode Bookwyrm or only 1 set?

And up to 2 or up to 4 raffle tickets? (Assuming we do 2 entries for each.)

Basically, I guess I wasn’t sure if they’re sharing a prize pool between the two or if they’re each awarding separately.

Posted 05/02/23, edited 05/02/23


In past events it’s always been that each event has a separate prize/raffle, so even if the prizes are the same for two events they should still distribute stuff separately :>

Posted 05/02/23
Umbra Purr is correct! Separate prizes/raffles and two sets of the items if you participate in both activities :D
Posted 05/02/23
For the Y/N in Wonderland activity, would a scene made in a game count for an entry? I’ve been playing around with the Build/Buy mode in the Sims4 and I kind of want to try and set up a scene with that.
Posted 05/06/23

okay I wanna come in here because I know I’m gonna forget most of my thoughts by the time the feedback survey goes out fjfkdkd

I just wanna say how much I’m enjoying this event so far!!!!!!! the aesthetic is so good! the coats! the items! and I especially appreciate the activities. the From Between the Pages was SOOOO much fun!!!! I honestly base most of my characters off music (future event…..????) so I really had to think about the inspiration I get from different areas! just considering my characters in a sort of… not clinical way, but just very deeply considering their origins was so interesting to me. especially some of the older ones!!! and then being able to just Talk about them without the drudgery of filling out a profile was so nice. also of course I’ve really enjoyed poking through every one’s entries. sone of these have inspirations I never would have guessed!!!! idk I just think its super duper!!!!!

Posted 05/07/23

Hawkins, we’re so pleased you’re enjoying the event! <3 We had a lot of fun coming up with everything and putting it together!

Nephele I think that would be fine! We would just like to ask you to please add a brief description (one sentence is fine) of what’s being represented and/or how you’ve represented it, depending on what kind of scene you decide to make!

Posted 05/07/23
We had an issue where accidentally had the word “intrigue” on our Mystery wordlist twice. Whoops! It’s a bit late in the game to be adding new words, so I replaced the second one with something that will hopefully be easy: night.
Posted 05/10/23
To add to that: if you sent in “intrigue”, it was counted! It just went to the one that was already crossed off because the second “intrigue” had a space after it (which is why our duplicate checker didn’t catch it).
Posted 05/10/23


Thank you! I just finished them and I’m super excited about they turned out.

Posted 05/10/23, edited 05/10/23
Oh my gosh the Fairytale Steed is GORGEOUS!  ????
Posted 05/12/23
The forum activities will end on May 14th at the end of the day, 23:59 ST!

The end time for these activities (The Mysterious Books, Y/N In Wonderland, From Between the Pages, and Judge a Book By Its Cover) was accidentally left out of the posts, so we’re extending the end time to give everyone a couple more hours.

The letter collecting portion of the event still ends at 12:00 noon ST.

Posted 05/13/23
Cien I was about to ask that, thank God for the extension! I forgot I had DnD today and still needed to finish up my submissions lol
Posted 05/13/23