September is here! The newest OotS coat to join our collection this month is Jaguar, along with their Back to School Backpack and Urban Jungle Lockers! This month’s coat was created by Puppy, and the items were created by Myla. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month! Fall is Soon! Fall officially arrives on September 23rd. As usual, this means a new seasonal coat will be available in the Fungimental Magic shop! This also means that you have until then to grab any Summer seasonal mushrooms you might want to get your hands on - at least until they return next year. Activity Updates
Wrapping Up the Drawntlet Prize selection for the Drawntlet has come to a close. If you weren’t able (or forgot) to select your prizes while it was open, don’t worry! Your unspent points will be exchanged for the highest-tier non-choice item(s) they can afford. Feedback forms for the Drawntlet will go out this month, too! It’s Yee Haw Time!
Our summer event, Sundown at the MC Corral is currently ongoing through Sunday, September 10th! Head on down to the sleepy little town of Tumbleweed Junction and take part in a few activities while you’re there! The locals might not be used to tourists, but they’ve got plenty of
Behind the Veil
Posted 09/01/23