02:59 ST
[EVENT] Whispers of the Nexus (Oct 29 at noon - Nov 12)

You’re enjoying the satisfying feeling of leaves crunching under your feet and the unmistakable smell of autumn on the breeze when a peculiar sight catches your attention. There, just outside of his shop, Bruc is engaged in lively conversation with a black cat ineki in a large, pointed witch’s hat. If the sight of the cat wasn’t strange enough, Bruc is gesturing and talking animatedly, something you had never thought you’d witness… you can barely get three words out of the guy on a good day.

Curiosity compels you to edge nearer, and you search for an excuse to get within hearing range. You settle on the idea of purchasing one of Bruc’s enchanted Glimmers. They’re reasonably priced, and you can always resell it.

As you approach, the cat and Bruc are so engrossed in their conversation that they don’t even notice your presence.

The black cat speaks with urgency, “I’m going to lose my business if they keep eating one bite out of every single one of my cheesecakes. You simply must come and help us, dear.”

Bruc, sounding somewhat testy, responds, “I can’t leave my shop on a day’s notice, Sylvie. Had you sent me a message a week ago—”

“A week ago, the rift did not exist! The creatures were contained in their spooky little void. You know me, Bruc, I have my ducks in a row. I was prepared for what Halloween usually brings to our town. But the rift goes beyond what magic we have. I would not be here asking on such short notice unless it was dire… Which it is.”

Bruc appears reluctant, “A day is not enough time to brew up anything that will solve your problems. There isn’t much I can do. I’m sorry, cousin.”

Sylvie pleads, “Bring your mobile workshop, and bring your friends. You can work on your part while they help gather those pesky critters. Your town is far larger than ours; we require many more hands on deck to address this issue. Please.”

“I don’t know about this. But you’ve asked me for little over the years, and so I will try. I have an idea for mending the rift, but you’ll need to rally as many of your townsfolk as well as mine to assist in capturing the mice and delivering them to me. I cannot manage that part, and you, Sylvie, are the charming one between the two of us.”

This cat ineki, Sylvie, sighs with relief before turning to you with a warm, knowing smile. It seems she was aware of your intrusion after all. “You’d be willing to offer your help, wouldn’t you? In our town, we’re grappling with a bit of a pest issue—these Void Mice. If you come, I promise to make it fun; you needn’t miss out on Halloween at all!”

In the heart of Sylvie’s cozy hometown, Silverwood Village, nestled within charming neighborhoods, extraordinary events unfold every fall.  This town holds a secret: it serves as a nexus point where the natural and spiritual realms intersect, causing a host of strange phenomena, especially around Halloween.

In this town, Halloween isn’t just a night of costumes and candy. It’s a time when the ordinary gracefully dances with the extraordinary. Shadows whisper secrets, and the air is heavy with the scent of magic. This year, however, Halloween has taken an even stranger turn than usual. A formidable horde of mischievous Void Mice have nibbled their way out of the spiritual realm, descending upon the town with an appetite for chaos. With each playful prank, they are determined to widen the rift that separates the realms, leaving a trail of pandemonium in their wake.

Recognizing the imbalance caused by the Void Mice, the town’s inhabitants turned to Bruc, a panther with a deep understanding of magic, and one who understands the delicate harmony required here.  He’s embarked on a mission to help his cousin Sylvie restore the interconnected energies that sustain the town’s status as a special crossroads.

But Bruc and Sylvie can’t succeed alone; he needs the townspeople’s help.


Event Information
  • This event runs from Oct 29th (at noon ST) through the end of Nov 12th.
  • This event is similar in style to previous Fall events, in that you will be collecting and combining components, and then using those components to play a game similar to Battleship (Tutorial on how to play the battleship part by player Miranda!).
    • This year, you will be collecting tricks and treats from other pets through Trick-or-Treating and crafting them into lures. You will then use those lures to catch swarms of Void Mice throughout the Silverwood Village. Trapped mice can be traded for Bruc’s potions, which have various effects on the event mechanics.
    • Potion of Swiftness - 1 minute off timer
      Potion of Joy - 2 minutes off timer
      Potion of Fortitude - Take up to four lures during an excursion
      Potion of Intellect - Highlights a mouse during an excursion
      Potion of Luck - Choose your next component

  • Players can set their own pets’ probabilities of giving out a trick vs. a treat between 20 - 80%, and their pet will auto-respond to anyone who knocks (note: tricks and treats aren’t bad vs. good, they are just different types of ingredients).
  • The event prize shop will open on November 5th at noon ST and close after 23:59 ST on November 19th. Players will once again be able to purchase event points with gems.
  • Unused ingredients and lures will crumble into points 24 hours after the event ends. Within 24 hours of the shop closing, any unused boons you’ve received will convert to 50 nuggets apiece and any leftover points will be used to buy prize bottles as efficiently as possible. Any remaining points thereafter will be converted into 100 nuggets apiece.
  • There are several event-specific random encounters, including two which give out new item recolors as a gift.
Posted 10/28/23, edited 10/31/23
I’m really excited for this event!!
Posted 10/28/23
I am so here for this!!
Posted 10/28/23
Oh heck yeah! This sounds so fun!
Posted 10/28/23
Oooh the new mechanics sound neat!
Posted 10/28/23
I’m excited! I’ve wanted to do a trick-or-treat style event on Mycena Cave for literally ten years now :D
Posted 10/28/23
This sounds like it’s going to be fun!
Posted 10/28/23
Posted 10/29/23
I’M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trick or treat!! trick or TREAT!!!!! thank you glitch for living your dreams
Posted 10/29/23
Posted 10/29/23
Heads up! If you don’t get the five bonus points for your first knock today, you’ll get it on your second knock. Tomorrow and going forward it will be on your first knock :)
Posted 10/29/23

I’ve not seen any issues with prior events with people posting on their profiles “send to X pet” but would there be any issue with posting something like “go to this pet for tricks” etc on our profile if we have altered the percentage manually? Or should we keep that secret? I’ve got some tricksy characters for sure.

Edit: btw the void mice banner is positively, utterly adorable and it is my new favorite banner we’ve had thus far.

Posted 10/29/23, edited 10/29/23

raus not at all!

There’s an option to make the probability visible (see Spoony) by unchecking the “Hide probability” checkbox if that’s what you want to do, but you’re also welcome to put any info you like in the profile or name. Though if you do it via profile or name instead of just making it visible, there’s nothing requiring that it match the actual probability ;)

Posted 10/29/23, edited 10/29/23

This looks like a blast!

I gotta say tho I find the probability slider a bit unclear. Like, which of the 2 options is that the probability for?

Edit: nvmd thats what i get for trying to use this site on a tiny screen w/o my glasses, my eyes skipped right over the perfectly present relevant word

Posted 10/29/23, edited 10/29/23

glitch I see! Thanks! Honestly my first thought was that the “Hide probability” button was to collapse it from our own view. That makes sense now.

Hmm. That’s a fun idea. >:)

Posted 10/29/23
As someone who doesn’t really know anyone on this site, is it ok to trick or treat on strangers profiles? I just used one of raus’ pets and I’m hoping I’ve not made some kind of faux pas.
Posted 10/29/23

Neut It’s always ok with these types of events! You can always look up random names if you don’t know anyone off-hand to visit. Feel free to use any of mine, whenever, FYI. There’s also usually a thread that someone posts in the forums with events like this to make it easier to find other users to participate in the event with. If I thought I could keep up with it throughout the week, I would go ahead and do that myself. Maybe someone else will. :)

Edit: Also, you should only see the option available for any users who have activated the event, so there won’t be any option in these kinds of events to send/trick-or-treat from users who have not opted into participating.

Posted 10/29/23, edited 10/29/23

Edit: raus got to it before me 8)

Yes, we’ve designed it so you can just start typing in letters to find random names of participating players/pets. Sometimes I’ll just type in a letter and look at the names and send it to a name that sounds cool. :D

Posted 10/29/23, edited 10/29/23
I either keysmash for names, or look up active users in the online list and go to one of their pets.
Posted 10/29/23
at this point it looks like you can quite literally just search for “trick” or “treat” :D
Posted 10/29/23

Thank you! I just worry about accidentally bothering or upsetting anyone so I appreciate the reassurance.
And thanks for such a cool event :)

Posted 10/29/23
A general note that glitch reworded the probability slider on your pets’ profiles to hopefully be less confusing! Sliding the slider to the right means that the pet is more likely to give a treat, and to the left more likely to give a trick.
Posted 10/29/23
I think the timer sentence has a mistake in it, it says something about placing lures which seems timer independent to me.
Posted 10/29/23
Elfe thanks, glitch pushed an update to the wording!
Posted 10/29/23

I got Permadrift Eyes on Prey and thought they’d be red, they are green. lol
Still super cool, does that mean like the eyes can be any color?

Posted 10/30/23

That’s correct! Permadrift items are items that are randomly drifted from their original colour (the colour shown in the preview) when you purchase them from the shop, and then locked at that drift. This means that they can be any colour, but will also stay that colour even if you trade them or drift the pet.

Essentially we have three groups of items:
‘Standard’ - always the colour shown in their preview images
‘Drifty’ - change colour alongside the pet, if the pet is drifted
‘Permadrift’ - randomly drifted to another colour and then permanently locked at that drift

Posted 10/30/23, edited 10/30/23

Neat! :D Thank you! ^_^

Posted 10/30/23

i made a lil tutorial for the battleship game, in case anyone isn’t familiar with it!

in the image in the bottom you can see the 5 square swarm, the 4 square swarm, and a 3 square swarm. what i didn’t find was the two square swarm (its hard to find lol) and i did find the other 3 square swarm (which is a line of three all in the same direction) but i didnt realize i missed it on the screenshot lol

so ya basically u have the Big Square shape (takes 4 hits to catch), the L shape (takes 3 hits to catch), the short line (2 hits), the long line (3 hits) and the big one that’s like a big square with a lil sticky outy part (5 hits to catch). they can be in any orientation! so the long ones can be horizontal or vertical, the sticky outy part of the biggest swarm can be on the top bottom left or right of the rest of the swarm. (note that since its to the left when the swarm is facing up right, that helps you know where to shoot for it) (the same for the L shaped one too!)

things that help me is just to click around randomly in spread out spaces and try to envision what shapes i know are left and what untouched spots (no O or X) they could be hiding in. also i always wait until i can take the max number of lures i can hold! if you dont use a lure when u caught all the swarms, you can bring it back with you and use it next time.

i hope that helps someone!

Posted 10/31/23

Would someone be so kind as to post a spoiler with a brief explanation of the potion effects? I feel like I remember seeing the explanations for each on desktop via a mouseover tooltip, but mobile (chrome) isn’t showing me anything when I tap on the potions and I likely won’t be back on desktop for a couple days to look for sure. Am I misremembering?

edited for clarity

Posted 10/31/23, edited 10/31/23

Here you go!

Potion of Swiftness - 1 minute off timer
Potion of Joy - 2 minutes off timer
Potion of Fortitude - Take up to four lures during an excursion
Potion of Intellect - Highlights a mouse during an excursion
Potion of Luck - Choose your next component

Miranda I linked to your tutorial in the post since I think it’s really helpful! <3 Thanks for making that!

Posted 10/31/23, edited 10/31/23