Sampion paused in his sweeping, ears perking straight up. His green eyes darted around the shadowy corners of his bakery, ears flicking rapidly, but the sound didn’t repeat itself. After another several moments, he shook his head at himself and resumed cleaning. It had been a long day, and he was tired. Hearing things….
He stopped dead again, eyes locking onto a dark space under the display case. Seconds ticked by, as he didn’t even breathe, almost hearing the sound of the dust settling as he strained his ears. The silence stretched on, but he didn’t resume this time,
The green furred feline shifted ever so slightly, one paw lifting ever so slowly, as he carefully lifted the broom off the ground. Ever so very slowly, he inched forward placing each step as silently as years of practice allowed him to be, ears half folded back against his skull.
His ears shot straight up, and he lunged, pupils dilating as a piece of the shadow detached itself. The broom whistled through the air. The shadow zigged, but not fast enough, as the bristles smacked down atop it with a crack. Sampion studied them warily for a moment, then crouched, slowly lifting up the broom as he peered underneath.
There was nothing at all there, just some oddly dissipating motes of shadow. He frowned at them, eyes narrowing as he contemplated the now empty floor. He’d heard the recent uproar about the invasion of void mice, but up until now, he hadn’t thought much of it.
“Gotcha this time you little….” Sampion opened his paws as he straightened from his pounce. His grin dissolved into a frustrated growl as the last shadow fragments quivered out of existence among his fur. “...I think I begin to see why there was such a fuss and bother…” He sighed and straightened up. He was going to have to go out and do a bit of research….see what was needed to deal with this new sort of…infestation. Lovely.