02:35 ST
November Productivi-Week! (through Nov 22nd)
Welcome to November’s Productivi-DayWeek!

Productivi-Day occurs on the 15th of each month, typically running from 00:01 ST through 23:59 ST. This month, since Crow forgot what day it was entirely we are going to extend it to cover an entire week, starting on right when this post goes up through 23:59 ST on Wednesday, November 22nd! If you wish to participate, all you need to do is take a little bit of time and work on something creative that relates to Mycena Cave!

Examples of things that count:
  • Mycenian profiles
  • Drawntlet pieces
  • Ongoing activity entries
  • Creative Collective entries
  • Pretty much anything that has to do with Mycena Cave!
Things that don’t count:
  • Homework
  • Housework
  • Cleaning the litter box
  • Yardwork
  • Anything else unrelated to Mycena Cave!

Please post a link to what you’ve accomplished in this thread in order for your participation to be counted! All posts must be made between when this post goes up and when the activity ends at 23:59 ST on Wednesday, November 22nd - any posts made or edited after that timeframe will not be counted towards this activity.

All participants in this week’s Productivities will not only receive a sticker for their efforts, but will be entered into a raffle to win a Glowing Changingshroom (a total of 3 will be raffled off)!

We look forward to seeing what you accomplish! :D Have fun!
Posted 11/15/23, edited 11/15/23

Gave these guys a bit of a dress up!

https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/14028 (added changeling dust)
https://www.mycenacave.com/profile/pet/33196 (added daggers, cape, fog, well, and background)

Posted 11/15/23

Fixed up some coding and added more images on Ash and Briar‘s geness profile to fill in the gap left by the sprouts! I’m only three years late.

Shout-out to Nevrae for pointing me in the direction of the poem used :D

Posted 11/16/23
started nael’s profile! there’s a lot to do and i’m still not settled on the story, but i like where things are going so far
Posted 11/16/23

I began the first steps to solidifying a new character idea I’ve had for a while by jotting down some ideas for story blips, and beginning a dress up for character inspiration. I’ll be updating this throughout the week.

Edit: I wrote a full premise summary finally after being sick all week and not getting the chance to write any of the actual story parts I wanted. Whole profile is new, scattered though it is.

Posted 11/16/23, edited 11/22/23

abruptly began work on Loki/Gloomy Night. It’s not over yet and I’ll try to finish it in the next couple of days.

This is my first attempt to create a Mycenian profile and I don’t know English, I’m really sorry if my broken words and terrible texts piss someone off, I didn’t do it on purpose..

Posted 11/16/23

Doodled Eden!

Posted 11/16/23
Worked on and updated Isa and Varin’s Geness Page.
Posted 11/16/23
Got some moodboards in this guy’s profile.
Posted 11/16/23

Added some new fun interactions to the cafe, hotel, and geology museum in this sandbox adventure.

- Cafe: You can now buy from the cafe bakery
- Hotel: You can now party in a hotel room (if you are checked-into one)
- Hotel: You can now hang out in the hotel lounge (regardless of being checked in or not)
- Geology Museum: If you're currently studying earth magic, you may want to stop by the museum and study there!
Posted 11/17/23

I got my second mycenian! I’ve started giving her a bit of lore/personality, as well as some companions.

“Uses her magic to see into the future. While her predictions are always accurate no one seems to believe her, so instead she has chosen to write them down in the hopes someone will find a use for them one day.”

If I have the time/energy this week I might do some art as well :)

Posted 11/17/23
I finally added relationship blurbs on Sunspot’s profile.
Posted 11/17/23


I entered the Creative Collective this month and did an art piece c:

Posted 11/17/23
Did a new profile page banner!
Posted 11/18/23
Posted 11/18/23
Added a description to Orchid‘s page! Previously, they only had a list of basic info at the top.
Posted 11/18/23

Made a moodboard for Sprinklez

Posted 11/18/23

new characters dropped

I’m still working on this but I wanted to post before I forgot lmao now I’m off to make it look better! everything there (including the geness lmao) is new!

Posted 11/19/23
I started working on a blurb/story summary for Wraith!
Posted 11/20/23
Posted 11/20/23
I made Althea‘s profile :)
Posted 11/20/23
Posted 11/20/23
Started rattling down some ideas for [DATA CORRUPTED]
Posted 11/21/23
Made a couple short posts on my adventure test thread. Not a lot, but productive nonetheless. :)
Posted 11/21/23
Worked on an old adventure (see adventure section of CC post for log)
Posted 11/21/23
Slowly started working a bit on this geness profile, at least on the aesthetic part of it-
Posted 11/21/23, edited 11/21/23

Working on circle entries this week~

~ adventure circle



Posted 11/22/23
I worked on Delta‘s profile.
Posted 11/22/23
Worked on entry for CC
Posted 11/22/23
Posted 11/22/23