02:50 ST
March News Discussion
It’s March Already??

The newest OotS coat to join our collection is Millie Fleur, along with their Chick Chick Friends and Trusty Banjo! This month’s coat was created by Plasma, and the items were a collaboration between Hush and Plasma. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month!

Activity Updates
  • The Creative Collective has been updated with new prompts for March!
  • Bingo RP is still on hold for the moment. You may continue working on old cards, but no new cards will be generated. We should determine the fate of this activity soon!
  • A new round of the Chamber of Reflections has begun!
  • This month’s Productivi-Weekend will run from Thursday, March 15th through Sunday, March 17th!
A Shift in Seasons

Winter is finally almost behind us! With spring just around the corner, this year’s Winter Seasonal Mushroom is preparing to return to dormancy until next winter’s chill creeps in. Be sure to pick up a Season’s Greetings Mushroom before March 20th!

Little Light Festival

Our winter event, the Little Light Festival, has now concluded. Work will soon begin on creating the chosen items from the Dragon Magic activity, and the item descriptions chosen from the Shop’s Composition activity will soon be updated. 

Since this was a fairly straightforward, forum-based event with no new mechanics or significant changes introduced, we will not be releasing a feedback survey for it. However, we always welcome player feedback! You are welcome to post your thoughts on the forums or echo one of the Community Coordinators or Bone Monster.

Peent De No-mor

With the Season of Connections behind us, Peent has closed up her shop and wandered off to wherever she vacations between Valentine’s seasons. She is sure to return next year with a new array of heartful items to sell!

Sprout Raffle

Our annual sprout raffle was pulled last month and eight lucky winners (plus one from the Heart Full of What…? activity)  are now eagerly awaiting their new additions! As is tradition, the sprouts originating from the raffle will be posted on the forum, allowing the community to watch them grow!

Creative Event Survey

The results of our Creative Event Survey have been posted. As always, we appreciate your feedback, and are taking your thoughts into consideration as we discuss upcoming activities and events. We thank all of you who participated!

Coats for a Cause: Kiwi’s Recovery

Our current Coats for a Cause campaign is ongoing through April 30th, with all proceeds going towards Kiwi’s Stroke Recovery. So far, we have raised a total of $945! Thank you all for being so generous - we have such a lovely, supportive community!

Coats for a Cause Donation Page


Behind the Veil
  • glitch and Myla: Myla is working on some unique pets, and will be jumping into event planning and art! Glitch has been working on some interface updates, such as a clear all for notifications, and will likely continue doing the same this month.
  • The coordinator team is working on planning the spring event!
  • The art team have been working on the sprouts won in the raffle, and the queue!



Posted 03/01/24

I am sad to see winter leaving us but the March oots is very cute and I am excited to see the next seasonal. The Little Light festival was also lovely and I’m glad I got to participate

Happy March everyone!

Posted 03/02/24
So glad to see some animal themed pets! As a chicken lover and owner, this is adorable <3
Posted 03/02/24
IT’S ME I’M THE MONTHLY COAT no but the fact this is one’ve my favorite chickens????? If this had come out for my birthday month (next month!) it woulda been—wild, honestly LOL. Anyway obviously i already got 7 chick chick friends,
Posted 03/02/24
The Valentine Raffle Sprouts and Semi-Customs were delivered to the winners!

The new seasonal coats are now also available for gems!

New seasonal coats were previously only available for 72k nuggets. Now, the new seasonal coats will be available for nuggets or gems (20 gems). When they return to the shops, they will continue to only be available for nuggets at the usual cost of 107k nuggets.

Posted 03/19/24

omg thank you for making that change, I am now so much more likely to buy new seasonal coats in the future!

edit: Also congrats to all the winners, the pets are LOVELY oAo Excited to see how the sprouts grow up!

Posted 03/19/24, edited 03/19/24