03:31 ST
[ACTIVITY] [H.I.V.E Chamber] Create Your Avatar
Posted Jun 15

One for Rigel!

Posted Jun 15
Posted Jun 15

For Haunt the Night. Normally she’d have hair, but I wasn’t going to subject myself to trying to draw that. :P

Posted Jun 16

While Claudia is skilled at destruction spells, her main skill is identifying boobytraps. Unfortunately, when she identifies a trap she feels an irrepressible urge to trigger the trap instead of disarming it. It is not advisable to stray too close to her when adventuring, as she isn’t very good at healing spells.
Posted Jun 16
Posted Jun 16

A combination of my pet and the character she’s based on

Posted Jun 16

>Must show 15-30 minutes effort.

How did this end up taking me four hours. I was going to do two of these but haha it’s 6am I’m going to sleep thanks bye

Posted Jun 16, edited Jun 16
Posted Jun 16

Phew, had a busy week, but wanted to get at least one done!!

Posted Jun 16

Name: Bellanger
x1 Straw Hat – An old, worn straw hat meant to protect the wearer from the sun while outside. A film of gauze cascades off the hat’s rim, obscuring the wearer’s face.
x1 Utility Belt – An oiled, leather belt with multiple straps and pouches for holding tools. A series of gardening tools dangle off the belt: trowel, rake, shears, fork, spade, hoe, and various other accoutrements always at the ready.
x1 Mud-Crusted Boots – Gardening is a dirty activity.
Appearance: Bellanger is a shy man, and his face is usually covered in order to hide his expressions. However, in the rare moments that he takes off his straw hat, people can catch a glimpse of his off-white eyes, bashful expression, and round features. His skin, a grey-blue color that is reminiscent of stone, is weathered and cracked from exposure to the elements. Bits of stone and moss are braided (tangled?) into his long, white hair. It is difficult to tell if this is on purpose or accident.

Despite being heavy-set, Bellanger has mastered the art of moving around quietly. He hates being noticed and can ghost through a room without being noticed. His boots are well-oiled, and he wraps his gardening tools in fabric to prevent them from clanking while he walks. His clothes are almost streaked with dirt and grime.
Skills: Gardening – Bellanger is an expert at gardening in the Underdark, a task that requires many unique skills different from those above ground. He knows all the edible mushrooms that will grow in their locale, and helps arrange for light spells to help grow more exotic fair from the surface.
These Fists – Bellanger is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. The pests that infest gardens in the Underdark are often bigger, stronger, and more dangerous than those above the surface. While some can be handled with pesticides and fencing, when it comes down to it Bellanger can toss thee critters out with his bare hands. He usually has to fight off several of them in the course of a day.
Stealth – Both because he is shy, and also not wanting to attract the attention of the dangerous critters in the Underdark, Bellanger has learned to be extremely quiet on his feet. People (or monsters) are not likely to hear him coming unless he wantes to be heard.
Letter Bag: Meh, collecting letters is second to gardening. He’s doing it casually as he works, but he’s just throwing the letters into the same pouch he uses to carry fertilizer. It’s a large, leather drawstring bag dangling from his utility belt. It is streaked with dirt and grime, and occasionally clinks when he moves because of the letter tiles he’s haphazardly thrown in there. All the letters he pulls out of it are also incredibly stinky.

Posted Jun 16
Posted Jun 16
Posted Jun 16
Posted Jun 16
Small Announcement: Since there seems to have been some confusion about the end time for the forum event, we’re going to go ahead and extend entries for this until 23:59 ST tonight. Go ahead and throw me a ping if you have any questions!
Posted Jun 16
Posted Jun 16, edited Jun 16

From starverse, L.W.! Equipment is her trusty tablet and a pair of cat head hair clips themed after Mr. Meow and Ms. Mawling. Three stars; one bestowed and two earned during her plot. Bag has another screen on top.

Posted Jun 16
Posted Jun 16

Irris Weavewalker

A figure as pale as starlight, he seems almost ghostly in his frailness. But Irris is not quite as delicate as a first glance might suggest. Despite the lack of muscle and gauntness of his features, there is a vibrancy behind those opaline eyes which carries a spark of some inner strength. It is not merely the suggestion of an iron will, but the tangible flicker of his magic held within the ever-changing hues of his gaze. It is not a gaze that is easy to meet. Despite the strangeness there, the rest of his features are open and quietly gentle. A reflection of his nature, though again there is in the soft and almost ethereal way he moves something undefinable that implies perhaps something more subtle at play.

His clothing could be called eccentric, though it isn’t an expression of personal style. Rather, the pastel robes and many-colored fabrics with which he drapes his form are just worn out of habit. From the many locales he’s visited, he has found simple scarves and sashes to be of use. And the odd cape or cloak, in light and airy materials, as well as multiple shawls of the same sort, are easily enchanted and the most lightweight of equipment he could bring. Jewelry, too, is sometimes worn, though the many bangles and bracelets and rings and amulets he possesses tend to get in the way far more than a simply bandana or strip of cotton round the forearm.


crystal staff - The staff is of an iridescent material, although its crystalline appearance might well be glass. Soft rainbows are forever moving across its surface, even when all else is still. A little taller than Irris himself, the weapon is capped by some scintillant, silvery material on the bottom. It isn’t metal, but rather seems to be some sort of shimmery sort of stone. The top holds an emerald of striking hue, its depths carrying cerulean notes that, when reflecting the light, seem almost like the shifting branches of a lush rainforest canopy beneath the twilit sky.

rune-etched hairclip - Crafted from some sort of precious stone, perhaps similar to agate or tiger’s eye, this hairclip is delicately built but surprisingly strong. The clasps are golden in hue, but likely some tougher alloy. All along its upper site are fanciful runes, in languages long lost from places long forgotten.


HP: 110
Str: 4
Agi: 15
Dex: 25
Wis: 16
Cha: 12
MP: 600

Letter Bag:

worn satchel - The satchel is crafted from some sort of leather, though the texture of its oddly-wavy surface suggests it came from no ordinary animal. To the touch, it is suede-soft and, but with great elasticity and strength. There are numerous scratches and loose threads, though no visible holes. And the shoulder strap remains strong.

Posted Jun 16

One for myself:

Posted Jun 16
All avatar submissions have been marked!

Prizes will be distributed shortly have been distributed!
please let me know if you were missed!

Posted Jun 18, edited Jun 18