20:50 ST
July Productivi-week! (through July 19th)
Welcome to July’s Productivi-Week!

Productivi-Day occurs around the 15th of each month, typically running from 00:01 ST through 23:59 ST. Because it appears to work better with folks’ schedules, we have decided to extend it to cover the weekend nearest to the 15th of each month. This month, we will be doing something a little special! Starting on Monday, July 14th and running through 23:59 ST on Friday, July 19th, you can post your creative endeavors here! Each day of the week that you do something productive, will earn you a ticket in the end of week raffle (max 5 per player)! If you wish to participate, all you need to do is take a little bit of time and work on something creative that relates to Mycena Cave!

Examples of things that count:
  • Mycenian profiles
  • Submissions for ongoing events or activities
  • Drawntlet pieces
  • Pretty much anything that has to do with Mycena Cave!
Things that don’t count:
  • IRL Gardening
  • Washing your dog
  • Doing laundry
  • Anything else unrelated to Mycena Cave!

Please post a link to what you’ve accomplished in this thread in order for your participation to be counted! Entries for each day should be in their own post. All posts must be made between when this post goes up and when the activity ends at 23:59 ST on Friday, July 19th - any posts made or edited after that timeframe will not be counted towards this activity.

Raffle prizes will be added when Crow is not on mobile. :’)

All participants will also get a yellow sticker!

We look forward to seeing what you accomplish! :D Have fun!
Posted Jul 14
Worked on my Drawnlet entry today :) I decided to make up a creature that goes along with the daily Drawnlet prompt, and today’s is a piebald platipus/japanese peace lily fusion creature laying in shallow waters. Wip shots below!

Posted Jul 15
Posted today’s Drawntlet entry.
Posted Jul 15
I wrote and posted yesterday’s Drawntlet entry.
Posted Jul 15
I just did some of this week’s Drawntlet entry
Posted Jul 15
Joining the Drawntlet party!
Posted Jul 15
Worked on today’s Drawnlet entry ^-^ More wips under the cut

And some alternate colours because I could not quite made up my mind on the coloring for the bow ^^”

Posted Jul 15
I did Monday’s Drawntlet Entry. It’s still Monday for me XD
Posted Jul 16

Welp missed this yesterday but here is today’s drawnlet entry :D

Posted Jul 16
Uh, I also did a drawntlet entry!
Posted Jul 16
Wrote my Drawntlet entries for today and yesterday
Posted Jul 16
Wrote yesterday’s Drawntlet entry.
Posted Jul 16
Posted today’s Drawntlet entry.
Posted Jul 16
Posted Jul 16
Did today’s Drawnlet entry ^-^

Photo study (ish) of this bird, which is a local quail:

Can you tell I just winged the second foot Personally I think I should have made it even rounder, maybe one for next time ^^”

Posted Jul 16
Did another Drawntlet Entry.
Posted Jul 17

17th of July - did this drawntlet entry:

Posted Jul 17

14th of July - did this drawing entry:

Posted Jul 17
Wrote another Drawntlet entry!
Posted Jul 17
I worked on a Drawntlet entry!
Posted Jul 17, edited Jul 17
Posted Drawntlet entries, starting here!
Posted Jul 17
Posted today’s Drawntlet entry.
Posted Jul 17
Posted Jul 17, edited Jul 18
Another Drawntlet entry down!
Posted Jul 17
hello drawntlet my old friend
Posted Jul 17
Posted Jul 17
day 14   got the 14th’s entry done for drawntlet
Posted Jul 18, edited Jul 18


Did this drawntlet entry

Posted Jul 18

finished the appearance of the new character, also his story in the process of writing
(unfortunately, my strength does not allow me to participate in the drawntlet this year. To everyone participating, have fun!)

Posted Jul 18
Worked on today’s Drawnlet entry!

A hydra, for the “Split” prompt! Somewhat based on the Hydra design from the game Heroes of Might and Megic III:

Posted Jul 18