16:10 ST
October Productivi-Weekend! (through Monday the 14th)
Welcome to October’s Productivi-Weekend!

Productivi-Day occurs around the 15th of each month, typically running from 00:01 ST through 23:59 ST. Because it appears to work better with folks’ schedules, we have decided to extend it to cover the weekend nearest to the 15th of each month. This month, Productivi-Weekend begins on Friday, October 11th and runs through Monday, October 14th (because it’s a long weekend in the US!).  If you wish to participate, all you need to do is take a little bit of time and work on something creative that relates to Mycena Cave!

Examples of things that count:
  • Mycenian profiles
  • Character doodles or drabbles
  • Profile work
  • Pretty much anything that has to do with Mycena Cave!
Things that don’t count:
  • Laundry
  • Homework
  • Work-work
  • Anything else unrelated to Mycena Cave!

Please post a link to what you’ve accomplished in this thread in order for your participation to be counted! All posts must be made between when this post goes up and when the activity ends at 23:59 ST on Monday, October 14th - any posts made or edited after that timeframe will not be counted towards this activity.

This month, we’ll be raffling off a total of three Bags of Wonders among participants!

All participants will also get a yellow sticker!

We look forward to seeing what you accomplish! :D Have fun!
Posted 10/11/24
new character!  that’s the power of a fun dressup lmao
Posted 10/12/24

Worked on a handful of dressups for new(er) pets, along with a character idea/blurb for two of them. now they are no longer nekkid
link link2 link3

Posted 10/12/24, edited 10/12/24

Refreshed a dress up:

Posted 10/12/24

did the rp cc wahoo

Posted 10/13/24
re-did my dressup of toodaloo a little i think the toga works ok as a skirt now, like i wanted
Posted 10/13/24
Posted Chapter 5 of Songstone Stream. Also added a one or two sentence description to all my mycenian profiles so that none of them have blank bios.
Posted 10/13/24

I dressed up Zea!

Posted 10/13/24
found inspiration and impulsively dressed up the character
Posted 10/13/24
I fiddled a bit with a new-ish character. 8)
Posted 10/13/24

Finally created rabbit Lylalias.

Posted 10/14/24
Got another segment of The Archivist‘s profile written!
Posted 10/14/24

I dressed up Vilkas Perkėlimas finally. Old hunter finally has a form.

Posted 10/14/24
I wrote a little drabble for Gilly’s profile!
Posted 10/14/24
messed with a design for Coriolis
Posted 10/14/24
Productivi-weekend is over!

Our raffle winners for this month were Pyrrha, vindienmay, and Nyfeaena! :D Congrats!
Stickers & prizes have been distributed!

Posted 10/15/24