23:02 ST
March News Discussion
It’s March Now!

The newest OotS coat to join our collection is Razzle Dazzle, along with the items Roller Derby and Star Magic! This month’s coat was created by Plasma, and the items were done by Myla. You can purchase this set from the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month!




Activity Updates
  • The Creative Collective has been updated with new prompts for this month!

  • A new round of the Chamber of Reflections will begin!

  • This month’s Productivi-Weekend will run from Friday, March 14th through Sunday, March 16th!




Changing Seasons

Spring is coming, and with it, we will be welcoming a new Spring Seasonal coat to our collection! This also means that the Winter Seasonals will be on their way out until next year - be sure to pick them up before March 20th!



Valentine Sprout Raffle

Our annual Valentine Sprout raffle was pulled last month, and we are now awaiting the selected sprouts and semi-customs! They will be posted in this thread once they arrive! Congratulations again to all the winners!


Behind the Veil
  • glitch and Myla are mostly functional again—myla worked on shop updates, OotS, and the v-day raffle. This month she will be working on the spring event, catching up on various things we’re behind on (e.g. event stickers), and a few other misc art tasks.

  • The coordinator team are looking forward to planning the spring event.

  • The art team are working on the sprout raffle winners!



Posted Mar 1, edited Mar 2