# Chat Public Beta has ended.
Please see [this post](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/2256/2#post_f2b9d17f3c). Thanks for helping us test things out! We learned a lot of really useful info :)
Hi everyone!
So a few weeks ago we had a small private-beta for the new incarnation of chat, announced via a little challenge in [my lair](https://www.mycenacave.com/~glitch). We’ve had the time to do a whole bunch more work on it since then, so we’re just about ready for a public beta test!
### Chat will be accessible between 00:01 on Saturday and 00:01 on Sunday server time
#### EDIT: it’s opening *now* (20:55 server time on Friday) because I’m trying to procrastinate doing other work
The chat page will be available [here](https://www.mycenacave.com/chat), and the help page (please everybody read this before joining) is available [here](https://www.mycenacave.com/chat/help). Thanks and I hope to see you there!
*If all goes well we should be ready for our final release next week*
Posted 09/17/14, edited 09/21/14
Awesome! Can’t wait to see everyone there and how it handles the load. ouo
-makes mental note to check it out on saturday-
Posted 09/17/14
Sounds interesting. I hope everyone has fun with the chat!
I’ll try to catch it, if I can.
Posted 09/17/14
Oh, yay!
*waits anxiously for the opening of the public beta*
Posted 09/17/14
I’m REALLY excited for this!
I find real-time interaction is the easiest way for me to make friends and keep interested in places. <3
Thanks for doing this. :D I can’t wait to check it out!
Posted 09/17/14
Looking forward to it! I will definitely try to be there :D
Posted 09/17/14
Hmm, never been that much into live chat (mostly because our computers were always too slow to run it and I’m more of a lurker anyways) but it sound rather fun! I might just have to poke my head in and see what all the fuss is about~
Posted 09/17/14
We’d love for some non-chat frequenters to join & tell us what they think, too! We’re hoping we can make it a comfortable place for everyone, especially with the personal chat rooms you can make for yourself & friends :)
Posted 09/17/14, edited 09/17/14
*Gasps and bounces excitedly, then curls up to stare at the page expectantly*
So exciting! Yay~
Posted 09/17/14
-gets his explosives ready- owo
Posted 09/17/14
Hmmm owo
I never got around to trying the chat before it was taken down, but because I’ve heard so many good things about it, I’m really interested in popping in this time. So. *raises hand* Non-frequenter, ready to join!
Posted 09/17/14
*high fives diglett’s raised hand* :D
I’m in! Chat, forward-ho!
Posted 09/17/14
Hey this seems pretty nifty! I’ll have to check it out when I can! :D
Posted 09/17/14
I might try the personal chat thingy when i get home…if I can find someone to join me that is.
Posted 09/17/14
Sweet, I’ll definitely try to make it on! The rules are reasonable as well.
Posted 09/17/14
-smiles warmly- Another chat? Awesome! Even if it’s just temporary as of now, it sounds like it’s going to be a bunch of fun times!
Posted 09/17/14
Posted 09/18/14, edited 09/18/14
A hen? ... Well, to each his own. If being a hen makes Glitch happy then I’m certainly not standing in his way. Go be a puffy hen Glitch!
Though why he can’t be a less evil type of barn fowl I don’t know… Geese are nice, why can’t you be a goose Glitch?! Geese have never tried to peck out my eyeballs. *hides from the Glitch hen*
Posted 09/18/14
I have definitely been charged by geese before. But I do agree that hens are pretty nasty. |8
Ducks? I don’t think ducks have ever given anyone any trouble.
Posted 09/18/14
Nope. Ducks are amazing, fuzzy, little critters. 8|
*cuddles imaginary duck*
Hens on the other hand… *screams and flees for life*
Posted 09/18/14
Ducks are good too, ducks have also never tried to peck out my eyes…
We get into weird conversations on this site. XD
Posted 09/18/14
From my experience with Geese they are even more assholes than chickens 8| they are nasty creatures. Swans are too. Never had trouble with ducks, but I have heard they bite.
Posted 09/18/14
I had a flock of geese try to follow me into one of the buildings at my university campus once.
It was awful.
Posted 09/18/14
Ohgodno, not Geese! *cowers* I used to work in a call center that had a strip of wetlands across the parking lot, EVERY spring/summer the geese and ducks would crawl up into the decorative ivy around the building to lay eggs, ans while the ducks were just SUPER CUTE, all they’d do is hiss at you as you walked by… Those freaking GEESE!!! They would attack like they had rabies!!! Building management had to cordon off the areas where goose nests were and put huge-ass warning signs around the area to keep people away.
Q.Q And one year I was working there, the geese nested RIGHT NEXT TO THE FRONT DOOR INTO THE BUILDING!!! v.v We all had to walk the long way around to get in! (Thankfully “Late due to goose attack.” WAS an allowed excuse. XD)
Edit: At least the hordes and hordes of fluffums baby duckies (and, ok, geese) were worth the agony of a few goose bites and scratches. :3 Baby duckies are -Always- worth it!
Posted 09/18/14, edited 09/18/14
And the poop. >.> Oh my god, goose poop. I cannot count how many times I’ve slipped and fallen on a dock because of goose poop.
Posted 09/18/14
reminds me of those annoying chickens in zelda games or the evil chicken from runescape.
Posted 09/19/14
Actually, due to the fact that I’m procrastinating and such, chat beta is starting *now* ;)
Posted 09/19/14, edited 09/19/14