18:14 ST
New menu entry, and finalized backstory!

Hi everyone!

So you may have noticed that the menu entries got shuffled around a little - hopefully that doesn’t cause too much confusion with muscle memory. The “Entrance” menu entry has been put inside the new “Story” dropdown, which is now next to “Help”. This reshuffle is to officially include the finalized backstory!

So big thank you to Prose for her fantastic job writing this up, based on the original version that we wrote but heavily influenced by the anonymously editable version we put up a while ago. Also thank you to everybody who contributed to the editable version, for helping shape our story into what it is :)

Posted 07/26/13

The shuffling wasn’t that big…I mean we dont have that much buttons yet so its still okay xD

And I just have to say: amazing story. So creative.
I would love to RP to this story o:

Good work everybody thank you <3

Posted 07/26/13

The story looks great, and I like how it has it’s own section now.

I’m really happy to see some of my influence in the story is still in tact. Thanks, Prose, for finalizing it! :3

Posted 07/26/13
Yay for finished backstory! That’s pretty much all I have to say on the matter, but I thought I’d at least express my enthusiasm.
Posted 07/26/13
I can’t wait to see what it comes out as.
Posted 07/28/13