18:15 ST
Please welcome our three (!) new artists!

About a month ago we [began the process](https://www.mycenacave.com/forums/viewthread/1/1984) of trying to find a new artist. We got so many amazing applications, it was *really* hard to decide between them. However, we’ve finally finished the process, and are ready to announce the results.

## Please welcome Morgan, Tamako and King to the team!!

They are all being added to all pending custom orders *which had all artists selected*. If you did not have all artists selected in your custom order, but would like to add one or more of them (or if you had selected all of our artists but would *not* like one or more of the new artists handling your order) just send me an echo and I’ll sort it out :)

Posted 09/28/14, edited 09/28/14

-rubs eyes open from sleep-


CONGRATULATIONS :D! Your art is eeeeee~ fabulousssss!

Spotted one in the wild :D!!

Posted 09/28/14, edited 09/28/14
Congratulations, and welcome to the team! I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with :D
Posted 09/28/14
Posted 09/28/14
congrats~ :D
Posted 09/28/14
Congratulations you guys!! It’s so exciting to have you join the team! :D
Posted 09/28/14
Ooh, nice! Congratulations!
Posted 09/28/14

*Chomps all the new artists and stomps around them in a circle*  :D :D :D!

((translation: Welcome to the world of staffdom!  No time like the present to start getting used to being chomped. :D; <3!))

Posted 09/28/14
Woo! Congrats! ^-^
Posted 09/28/14
Congrats! :D Looking forward to seeing all the awesome things you guys come up with. :)
Posted 09/28/14
This is exciting! Congrats to all three of you!! :D
Posted 09/28/14
exciting!! aw yay new artists!! yay congrats to all you lil daisies!! :D
Posted 09/28/14
Posted 09/28/14

Congratulations all three of you!
Y’all are amazing, creative people — I have no doubt you’ll making gorgeous things for everyone c:

Posted 09/28/14
Congrats, guys! Look forwards to seeing your future work :3
Posted 09/28/14
Congratulations to all of you! I can’t wait to start seeing stuff from ya’ll!
Posted 09/28/14
Aiii, such a warm welcome, thank you! I hope I can please all (or most) of you! I won’t be doing customs right away, as I wanna practice a bit more before I start doing them! But I will be doing items, and I hope that you guys will like them. ^^
Posted 09/28/14

Congratulations! :D I can’t wait to see all the beautiful stuff that you guys make!
...Also hopefully maximum eye-sparkle-magic from Morgan? :o

Posted 09/28/14
I am so excited to see the future work of all three of you! The work I have seen you guys create is just amazing. Congratulations! I am so happy to see our staff grow!
Posted 09/28/14
Eeeee!!! Congratulations guys <3
Posted 09/28/14

Oooh, congrats, guys! Can’t wait to see all the beautiful customs you make. @u@

Also, I recall Myly saying: “The creations made by those we pick to become official artists will probably be posted as part of the news announcement”, I wanna see theem. D: *Curiouscurious.*

Posted 09/28/14
Thank you all for your warm welcome <33 I’m happy and excited to work here. I’ll try my best to make nice stuff for you guys! :D
Posted 09/28/14
Screams!!! Thanks for the super warm welcome guys! ;v; I’m really looking forward to making stuff for all of you and I’ll do my best to make it awesome!
Posted 09/28/14
Congratulations, everyone!
Posted 09/28/14
Oooh! OOOOOOHHH!!! :D Yay! Congrats!!!:D I bet you will make lots of cool stuff! ^.^
Posted 09/28/14
OMGOSH!! CONGRATS GUYS!!!! This is exciting news!
Posted 09/28/14


Seriously. very exciting guys, high fives all around!

Posted 09/28/14

Welcome and congratulations!!!
I’m excited to see what they’ll make!!

Posted 09/28/14
Congrats guys! :D Can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
Posted 09/28/14
Congrats everyone! I can’t wait to see what you all come up with! ^^
Posted 09/28/14