18:42 ST
A very unusual raffle...
The raffle has been drawn!

We have an unusual raffle going on…

There are only two prizes: two glowing changingshrooms.
There is a ticket cap of 10 tickets
Like last time, your first ticket is free
Just for the hell of it, all the other tickets are free, too

What? Yes.

Oh and, when this raffle ends, we will have a nugget auction for an additional two glowing changingshrooms (i.e. two winners), so if you don’t get your hands on one here, you still have a chance!

Posted 09/28/14, edited 10/05/14

... Wow. O_O

*rushes off to raffle page*

Posted 09/29/14

Yay for free stuff :D
‘grabs all the tickets’

Posted 09/29/14


Aww yea!

Posted 09/29/14
Whoa o.o. That’s awesome! And probably pretty sweet for data gathering <3
Posted 09/29/14

> Roan wrote:
> Whoa o.o. That’s awesome! And probably pretty sweet for data gathering <3

Well actually, I did have a specific question in mind: “if tickets are free, will people cap out?” and what was my nagging suspicion is turning out to be correct: “no”.


Posted 09/29/14

Awesome! Very kind!
However, when I try to get the additional tickets, the screen freezes D:

Posted 09/29/14
Ah we had a minor glitch where the raffle preference ordering from the previous raffle was interfering with this one… could you try again and see if it works?
Posted 09/29/14

Aw man, I’m so happy ;o;
At first I was like oh no, I’m soooo broke still — how am I going to max out?
My face lit up when I saw it was free. :D!!

Posted 09/29/14
glitch, I haven’t gotten all ten of my tickets because I like to space them out. I know it doesn’t actually affect my chances, but it’s what I’ve done for all of the raffles, which at least accounts for one person who hasn’t maxed out yet. In case you were curious x)
Posted 09/29/14

glitch: Maybe some are trying to “spread out” their tickets? I know I am. xD

Edit: Oof. Ninja’d by Prose. ._.

Posted 09/29/14, edited 09/29/14
Legend - I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who does that!
Posted 09/29/14

Neat :D

And Prose, I normally don’t spread out my tickets but I think I will this time.

Posted 09/29/14

(there are a total of 586 tickets in the bowl, belonging to 69 players)


Posted 09/29/14
Wow! That is super generous of you, thanks!!
Posted 09/29/14


Thank you for a raffle that doesn’t make me go bankrupt. :‘D

Posted 09/29/14

Oooh, this was pretty awesome to wake up to! ^o^ *rolls around in free tickets*

I’m probably going to regret claiming all my tickets at once (like normal), but wheee~!

And yeah, glitch... The results of the data may surprise you a bit closer to raffle-drawing time. Lots of people tend to spread out their ticket numbers. ^3^ To say nothing of some people possibly not having seen it yet. >.> I only just now woke up and saw it to claim my tickets. lol

I’d be curious to know for sure after the raffle gets done though. :o

Posted 09/29/14, edited 09/29/14

I don’t spread mine out because…whatever. xD

Also, thanks for this! This is super neat! :D

When If I get that ‘shroom, Rosco is getting it. AND HE WILL PRODUCE A DIFFERENT, NEW, UNDISCOVERED COLOUR. He will do it, since he can’t seem to pick a good colour from the changingshrooms I’ve given him as of late. D:<

Posted 09/29/14, edited 09/29/14

If just headed over to the raffle page (just found this thing), and there’s over 700 tickets already. Normally the number’s closer to 200-ish :|
I’m also a spread-them-out type, by the way! Never realised how many of us were doing that.

Posted 09/29/14

I try to spread my tickets out, but I’m not always very good at it…

In any case, even if it’s just for data, thank you!  I love the raffles <3

Posted 09/29/14
@glitch : Um, I don’t know if it’s my Internet connection or what, but the screen keeps freezing when I try to buy more tickets. Is this a (pardon the pun) glitch or something?
Posted 09/29/14
I like this idea of a free raffle it gives us poor users a break xD
Posted 09/29/14
I usually spread mine out too but with searching for peer reviewed articled I was afraid I would forget to come back and grab the rest. D: So I just nabbed them all at once this time. :)
Posted 09/29/14
*sees raffle* GREAT JUST GREAT THERE GOES ALL MY NUGGETS ARGH… wait wait wait…. free? :D Yaaaaaay! My nuggets are safe from my compulsive buying habits!
Posted 09/29/14
Those of you having trouble buying tickets, please send me an echo with what browser you’re using, as well as if you’re had this trouble with raffles before, so I can try to get to the bottom of this. Thanks!
Posted 09/29/14

Kismet groans “Aww, I’m still broke!”

Glitch:  Like last time, your first ticket is free. Just for the hell of it, all the other tickets are free, too

“Wait WHAT?! AWESOME!” *runs to gather ALL THE TICKETS EVA.*

Posted 09/29/14

Awesome! Thanks for the free raffle.

If people aren’t capping out even though the tickets are free, keep in mind people like to space them out..

Anyway, happy data collecting!

Posted 09/29/14
From the numbers I’m running, looks like most people are capping. I keep getting averages of 8-9 tickets per player.
Posted 09/29/14
Everything is free? Oh maaan yay! Thanks glitch! :DDD Good luck everyone!
Posted 09/29/14, edited 09/29/14

There’s really no reason why anyone wouldn’t cap out, or get close.

When it’s super close to raffle drawing time I really doubt a majority will have under 3 tickets.

Posted 09/30/14