Jingles: you can check [this page](http://caniuse.com/#feat=spdy) to see which browsers are capable of using SPDY
Posted 10/02/14
Aether; glitch has been a puffy hen for a while now :D daemon; Ikr! Maybe we should file a claim, Nephele is clearly using recognisable photographs of us!
Posted 10/03/14, edited 10/03/14
Rhyme: Thanks. Some curly-haired human photobombed it, but I think it came out okay even so.
Posted 10/03/14
Some how I managed to miss the better part of this conversation, so upon visiting this thread with a real question and reading through this glitch-the-fluffy-chicken kerfuffle two things occurred to me.
Posted 10/03/14
Hello everyone, As of today, Mycena Cave no longer accepts connections using “SSLv3”, which is an (18-year) old version of the protocol that lets your browser connect to us via “https”. Disabling SSLv3 is the only solution to defending against the Poodle vulnerability (yes that is seriously its name; more info here, here and here), disclosed earlier today. Exploiting the Poodle vulnerability allows a malicious user on your network to “hijack and decrypt your session cookie that identifies you to [a website], and then take over your accounts without needing your password”. In short, being vulnerable to Poodle is fairly equivalent to just not using https. As a result of disabling SSLv3, Mycena Cave will no longer be accessible at all via Internet Explorer 6 and below. Any browser more recent than that will not notice a change.
Posted 10/15/14