04:38 ST
Chat Beta round 3!

### Discovered issues

- ~~background tabs do not scroll on new messages (soooper annoying)~~
- ~~if you try to join a room you’re already in, it clears the userlist until someone else joins~~
- ~~help page references the non-existant “WelcomeLounge”~~
- ~~sometimes when you leave chat, the server figuratively “does not get the memo”~~

*Did anyone find anything else? If so please post in this thread!*


Hi everyone!

Our last chat beta was enormously successful in finding a bunch of things that needed to be fixed. And as of right now, they’ve been fixed! **This required substantial changes to the structure of the code, so we’re having another beta just to make sure everything works.** This will hopefully be the last time we need to make substantial changes :)

Please review [the chat help page](https://www.mycenacave.com/chat/help) before joining, as some parts of it have changed — namely the restrictions on room names. Just like last time, all chat rooms will be deleted at the end of the beta. The beta will last a little longer this time, until **Tuesday at 23:59 server time**. If nothing big surfaces between then and now, it should be up permanently by the end of the week!

See you in [chat](/chat)!

Posted 10/04/14, edited 10/10/14

I am WAY excited for this! :D

Posted 10/04/14
Neat! You guys are doing so many cool things to make this site awesome ^-^
Posted 10/04/14
It wouldn’t let me load any chats or create any chats.
Posted 10/04/14
Alice: I vaguely recall you saying you were on Internet Explorer at some point, although I could be wrong…  in any case, chat will not work in IE9 or below. So if you’re using IE 8 or 9, upgrade to 10 or 11 or switch to any other browser and your issue should go away :)
Posted 10/04/14, edited 10/04/14
/dies from happiness
Posted 10/04/14

Guys & girls, please refrain from dying until after the Beta, thank you. We do need some public in there! We’d really rather not have anyone dying on premises AT ALL >:( -flails-

That said, can’t wait ‘til tuesday >> too bad it’s a day where I can’t be around all day, boo!

Edit: Oops misread. Thanks Ama! /runs to chat now

Posted 10/05/14, edited 10/05/14
We seem to be having a bit of a Chat d/c on our hands :D Be back soon, I hope!
Posted 10/05/14
It crashed just as I was about to shirk homework in favor of chatting, so I suppose this works.
Posted 10/05/14
Looks like we’re back! Come & join us!
Posted 10/05/14
Sorry I wasn’t when I posted that comment. That time I was on Chrome. I had gotten my laptop back before this announcement and I only use chrome.
Posted 10/06/14, edited 10/06/14

Well, Chat Beta 3 is drawing to a close, and the good news is that it looks like there’s very little that needs to be done before the final launch (hooray!!!!).

I’ve updated the first post in this thread with the things that need to be fixed. Did you run into any other issues? If so, please post them in the thread so I know to fix them :)

Posted 10/07/14
I noticed the help page still mentions WelcomeLounge, but when I joined chat the main room was just MycenaCave and I couldn’t find a WelcomeLounge.
Posted 10/08/14

Dear Glitch,

Please bring back the chat as soon as you are able. I’ve found that I am indescribably lonely without the reassuring ‘drip drip- Plop!’ marking the chatter of fellow cave dwellers.

Sincerely yours,


Posted 10/08/14