02:25 ST
Glowing Changingshroom nugget auction

Hi everyone!

As promised, we’re releasing two more Glowing Changingshrooms in a nugget-only auction.

Last auction we had, we used a Second-Price Vickrey Auction model. A significant number of people found this confusing, so this time we’re experimenting with a Sealed First-Price Auction, which is as simple as it gets: enter your bid, and if it wins you pay it :)

So if you’re interested in another shot at a Glowing Changingshroom, head over to the auction page and place a bid!

Posted 10/05/14, edited 10/05/14
Ooh… Welp, best of luck to those of you with nuggets!
Posted 10/05/14

Wut a second price vickrey auction sounds cool I wanna do one D’:

/is too poor for any form of auction xD

Posted 10/05/14
Unfortunately, the amount of nuggets I have is nowhere near the minimum bid. Good luck to those who have the nuggets, though!
Posted 10/05/14
ooh secrets~ good luck to everyone who bids ^^
Posted 10/05/14

*Gets back, checks page eagerly, chokes rather violently on the soda I just attempted to drink*

50k Minimum bid? Holy cow… *cough, sputters* Here I was hoping I’d have a chance to at least TRY since I’ve been saving up a while, but NOPE! Jeebus… *cough, headshake* Good luck everyone! Guess we’ll get to see who some of our resident millionaires are on here with this one. XD

Posted 10/05/14
Ah, so this isn’t an auction for the whole site, rather, for those with lots of money. No problem. Good luck to those that can afford it.
Posted 10/05/14

/Aether shatters at the prices

*EDIT* I found that I can bid 60k on it, but I won’t have the money when the time comes, so naw. But still. YOU CAN BID EVEN IF YOU DON’T HAVE THE MONEY. You’ll just be in major debt xD
Also the max bid amount is 2,147,483,647 nuggets. Who comes up with these numbers?

Posted 10/05/14, edited 10/05/14

Sylver / Skye: it is an auction for the whole site. If it would make people happier I can remove the 50k minimum bid, but it isn’t going to make a whole lot of difference to the outcome. The min is just there to add some reasonable expectations: given that a standard OotS goes for 36,000 and a regular Changingshroom goes for ~45,000, a Glowing Changingshroom going for 50,000 is on the very low end.

Still, I do get that this is somewhat inaccessible for a lot of people, which is why we had the free raffle for two of them just now.

Aether: 2,147,483,647 is the eighth Mersenne prime, and is in fact one of only four Double Mersenne Primes known… it was also the largest known prime number until 1867, so yeah it’s a pretty cool number. More importantly, it is equal to (2^31) - 1, which is the largest signed integer that can be stored in 32 bits of memory. If it turns out we need bigger numbers I’ll start using 64-bit numbers (maxing out at about 9,200,000,000,000,000,000) but we are pretty far from needing to do that any time soon ;)

Posted 10/05/14, edited 10/05/14

It’d be sites where the currency in the millions/billions is the norm that would need that kind of increase =P I know the richest user on subeta had a risk of passing the Mersenne prime at one point if I remember correctly.

I do not see that happening on Mycena though. XD

Posted 10/05/14

I have to say, that is neat information :o :o

Millions? I’m pretty sure there are users with that on Mycena. I know at least two were over a million when the bank interest calculation changed. Probably more, since not everyone always wants to say.

Posted 10/05/14

I expected something about that pricey for a bid XD that would be…all of my nuggets, if I’d bid the minimum.

though I am curious on how much some of y’all have saved. I slacked on my saving for the past few months but at one point I had enough where I’d consider actually bidding on this auction. The interesting part will be seeing what the highest bid is…if I were to predict any outcome of this it’d be, whatever price is the winner will be a baseline for user auctions of this item, if there ever will be any. I have no predictions for what that price will actually be. The limits of my imagination tend to be on the modest side when it comes to what other people will spend on stuff.

Posted 10/05/14, edited 10/05/14

Yeah nooo… I don’t have anything after getting the OotS this month aha xD
Good luck to everyone entering!

Posted 10/05/14

Yeah Jingles but that isn’t average on a site like mycena :P And I dunno how likely it’ll be for a user to have 2.1 billion nuggets saved up.

Though kudos to anyone that ever does.

Posted 10/05/14
Hopefully not, unless it’d be at the Gaia stage. We can already get anything with money now, but it’s not that bad. XD
Posted 10/05/14
Good luck to those bidding :) x
Posted 10/05/14

Woah. O_O

Well, good luck to those taking part in the auction!

Posted 10/06/14
Good luck everyone! I happen to know there are still quite some people that would be in the running if they sought after one of these, so may the person that wants it most win ;D!
Posted 10/06/14, edited 10/06/14
I might be able to compete if I bid… But I’d have to wipe out my whole bank account and I’m enjoying not having to worry about whether or not I’ll be able to afford stuff next month plus I’m going back and forth over the Lammergeier Mushroom so… Not this time. Sitting out this one. XD Good luck to everyone else!
Posted 10/06/14
I have a question; do the nuggets have to be ‘in hand’ or can they be taken out of the bank? For all those bidding in this, itd be a good thing to know!
Posted 10/09/14
You can leave them in your bank :) Basically, if your total nugget wealth on MC is below your bid when the auction ends, your bid will be canceled.
Posted 10/09/14, edited 10/09/14
Perfect! Thank you!
Posted 10/09/14
The auction has ended - please check the [auction page](/event/sealedauction) to see if you won!
Posted 10/12/14, edited 10/13/14