16:50 ST
Halloween Event Teaser [starts Oct 18]

Detective Aliza Montaigne ruffled through some papers spread across her desk, then sighed and brushed a few strands of hair from her face. It’d been a long night, and she didn’t much feel like finishing up the disturbing case she had just completed. It had to be done, though, and money had to be made. She liked her job, in general, and most days she quite enjoyed solving other people’s mysteries, but sometimes they did wear on her spirits.

A gust of cold night air flew in from the window, sending a chill up her spine. Aliza got up and walked over to close it, but paused at the window sill for a moment. It was full dark, which wasn’t that strange, given that it was the middle of the night. There wasn’t much to see outside, but still, she really enjoyed the smell of autumn. Taking one more deep breath of fresh air, she pushed the window shut.

Autumn, she thought, and smiled to herself. That means it’ll be Halloween soon.

Posted 10/11/14
owo detectives!
Posted 10/11/14


-runs around flailing-

(-has been flailing madly for about two hours, ask other staff >>- I hope I didn’t drive them completely insane O.O sorry!)

ps. feel free speculate about what the event might be (here or in the chat) ;) I’d love to hear your thoughts heeeee~ :D

Posted 10/11/14, edited 10/11/14

*marks the date on the calendar* Soon… soon…


Posted 10/11/14

/ secretly hoping I can nab a fog and wispy

I’m super stoked!
Halloween is my favorite time of the year so I can’t wait!!

Posted 10/11/14
“YAY! I love Halloween AND mysteries!” Kismet says, bouncing on the balls of her feet. She runs home to mark the date on her calender and makes sure she has everything she needs.
Posted 10/11/14
Sounds exciting, can’t wait!
Posted 10/11/14
Sounds like something fun is about to come~ @u@
Posted 10/11/14
*pokes in and noses around curiosly* so cool o-o
Posted 10/11/14



Posted 10/11/14
Oh dear.. is this going to be another writing event?
Posted 10/11/14
I hope not, but I’m ready to kick into overdrive for Halloween!
Posted 10/11/14
I’m busy on the 18th… hope I can still manage to snag some time when it starts.
Posted 10/11/14
Hmm… That looks interesting. A writing event would be cool, but I’m not sure if I should expect one or not. After all we had a writing event for Halloween last year… But then again some of the events so far seem to be set up as yearly things… I don’t know what to expect.
Posted 10/11/14
Ahhh~ So excited!
Posted 10/11/14
Posted 10/11/14
- excited shrieking -
Posted 10/11/14

*Excited squeaky bouncing* Detective? Are we going to have a mystery to solve?! Oooh!!! SO FUN!!! ... But maybe it’s misleading, maybe it’s something else…  Hmmm… BUT SO MUCH EXCITE, OMG!!!

*hopes it’s an RP event finally* ^3^ *sprinkles love around even if it turns out to not be one*

Posted 10/11/14
I hope it’s not a writing/rp event….or at least, I hope there’s an option for something else. That’s kinda why I missed out on it last year.
Posted 10/11/14
I’m not interested in writing/rp events either so yeah, hopefully this year’s Halloween will be different.
Posted 10/11/14

Yeah I sat last year’s event out because it was a writing event so… Hopefully I don’t have to miss this year’s also.  ^^;

But I’m looking forward to seeing any new colorations/items!!

Posted 10/11/14

I thought last year actually had multiple options.. Not sure if I remember correctly, but you could draw, sculpt, bake, etc. right? I believe I tried constructing the cave (or what we knew of it then) using Minecraft, then made a walk-through video and earned participation points. I suppose I could have things confused though..

Still super excited for my favorite holiday, whether it’s a game or creative works!

Posted 10/11/14
Indeed, last year’s event allowed you the freedom to create pretty much anything you wanted to. This year’s event will not be a repeat of last year’s.
Posted 10/11/14

Yay! Halloween! New colors and items!

Though, I am getting bummed out by the lack of RP events. As someone mentioned, last Halloween it was creativity in general, not just writing, which was awesome because it let people participate no matter their creative medium. Even if it’s not an RP event I hope it at least won’t be click based.

Posted 10/11/14

oh yeah, that’s right….it was more than just writing…or something like that? but I wasn’t comfortable doing anything like that at the time, either. I’m in a better place with my drawing this year, at least…so an event involving that would probably be okay. hmmmm.

anyway, it would be convenient for me if there was a click-based thingy option, but the events have all been a little different, so maybe there won’t be this time. just like with the dungeon exploring event thingy. I hope that if it’s forum-based it’s a little similar to that one, cause actual rp/creative writing, if required…seems to take me ages of planning or brainstorming to get started before I’m okay with it. though if there are…rewards I want badly enough, I suppose I can force myself to write something, lol. I definitely don’t want to spend next year trying to get something I didn’t earn through participation.

though we don’t know anything about this event yet, and the concept itself(however it is played out) seems kinda neat, so I will wait and see. we can’t go assuming anything unless we know for sure!

Posted 10/12/14

I didn’t realize last year’s event had more to it than writing. All I remember is people discussing what they would write for the event, but back then I only checked in a few times each month anyway so that’s probably why I missed the specifics.

Anyway, I like that the events here are different from each other. People like different things so the more variety the better. I can’t wait to see what this event will be about and maybe have the chance to collect some Halloween items or even a mushroom! :D

Posted 10/12/14
Posted 10/12/14
This shall be interesting :B
Posted 10/12/14
Halloween >w>
Posted 10/13/14


About a day away!!

Posted 10/17/14