18:36 ST
The Cave Files Raffle (DRAWN) and li'l ghostie challenge

Hi everyone!

So with a week left, there’s two things left to do :D

Mystery Points Raffle

You remember all those Mystery Points you’ve been collecting? By now you will have received 500 nuggets for each one. In addition, each mystery point is a ticket into a raffle for the following prizes:

- 5x a Halloween Mushroom
- 10x a 2014 Halloween item of your choice

See the event page for your ticket numbers!

The result of this raffle will be posted on November 7th. The winning tickets (note: these are ticket numbers, not the user numbers) are:

Halloween Mushroom:
198, 231, 1916, 887, 904

a 2014 Halloween item of your choice:
3040, 1811, 915, 528, 2993, 822, 410, 2386, 3024, 1081

Congratulations to the winners! Mushrooms will be handed out in the next few minutes, and if you won an item please send glitch an echo with your choice of item :) Once you have received your prize, the ticket number will be struck out.

Li’l ghostie challenge

Three little ghosties have flown off and are hiding on staff pet profiles! Help find them before the end of the event to earn a random Halloween 2014 item! Each player has their own three ghosties, so someone else finding one doesn’t affect yours — everyone can find all three ghosties if they look. What’s more, each ghostie has a small chance of dropping a Halloween Mushroom instead of an item. So what are you waiting for?! Get searching!

Edit: to clarify, the li’l ghosties will not move around, and they are only on named / finished pets

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/08/14

Good luck everyone :D!!

Don’t forget, if you participated in the Dress-Up contest, you can now cast your vote and choose your participation prize!

You can now also cast your vote and choose your participation prize for the Creativity contest!

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/02/14
I clicked on a ghostie and it said nupe ;;
Posted 11/01/14
I’m getting some reports of that happening… gimme a minute to see what’s going on.
Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
also got a ghost that said nupe! on First Out of the Shadows!‘s profile, if that information helps you at all!
Posted 11/01/14
Oh i see a little technical thing with the ghost :) Let us know when it be fixed just found the one meant for me XD
Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14

There we go, it’s fixed: profile pages were showing ghosts on pets that should not have had ghosts.

This means that if you found a ghost, it may not actually be there :< I’m really sorry for the inconvenience

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
I found three but they all just say nupe
Posted 11/01/14
Yep, it says nupe for all three of mine too. But hey, at least I know where they all are now!
Posted 11/01/14
Ty so much :) now me ghost is no longer where it was rofl. Guess i need to start over XD
Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
(whoops, nvm)
Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
Darn! Time to hunt again!
Posted 11/01/14
Mine are all gone….starts over
Posted 11/01/14

Yeah I’m really sorry for the inconvenience… they were showing up on wrong profiles, and I couldn’t just say “ok whatever lets make the ones they were showing up on the real ones” because not everyone got three. At least we got this sorted within half an hour, so I didn’t waste tooooo much of everyone’s time.

It’s all fixed now though!

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
Neato. Thanks! All three worked swell for me. ’ w’
Posted 11/01/14
No problem Glitch! It wasn’t a big deal to look again. :)
Posted 11/01/14

The ghosties aren’t letting me click them :/ I found three pets (edited) with ghosties on them n.n

Edit (again lol) Ah okay I see two items in my inventory, just waiting to see what the third is though. Thought it’d have some notification that I had to select n.n

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14

I got a candlelight and a mask! I like those. :D

BUT A BURN SCAR FOR MY LAST ONE?? NOOOOOO!! xD I have 2 full sets and a third face one!!


Posted 11/01/14
I got a plush spider a scar and….I forgot already lol! Face plants! I did it though! That was fun. Thank you.
Posted 11/01/14
Ty so much for doing this for us, It was allot of fun XD
Posted 11/01/14
The l’il ghosties were a nice addition, I found mine :D Good luck to everyone in the raffle!
Posted 11/01/14
found mine! :D that was fun.
Posted 11/01/14
AYYYYY I FOUND A HALLOWEENY SHROOM 8D wiggles excitedly ufufuu
Posted 11/01/14
can anyone tell me what the ghosts look like?
Posted 11/01/14

Nine They’re pretty obvious if you’re on the right profile, without much/any scrolling. They are very pretty c: I dunno if I’m allowed to tell you details, haha.

EDIT: Eeee~ I got a Halloween shroom :D I’m curious what the odds are on that.

I also got two pumpcakes though, haha. Now I have 3.

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
Omniblacklight - You should know when you get a ghost item because you have to click a redeem button of sorts after clicking the ghost. The ghosts you’re hunting for are NOT on the actual pet. Those are probably the ghost item equips (such as Oscar the Ghost).
Posted 11/01/14

ugh, we love y’all so much

EDIT: I got the mushroom. Woah. I feel wordlessly elated and so… grateful. Thank you for this wonderful chance. ;;

Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
Ok so these can be hidden anywhere on the pet profile pages? Or just on the images where the equitable ghosts would be?
Posted 11/01/14
LAsDarkFireWolf: They’re not where the equippable ghosts should be, but from my experience, they’re all in the same place (as in, same position, but on different pages).
Posted 11/01/14, edited 11/01/14
Got the ghosties <3 Was hoping I’d be lucky enough to get a Halloween mushroom, but oh well :3
Posted 11/01/14