07:14 ST
December News Discussion
Alice: Shift+click the items you wish to move.  When you shift+click the item/items you are relocating, a dialogue will pop up at the bottom of the screen asking in which pocket you’d like to place the items. :)
Posted 12/04/14

I noticed that when I got a fish today from the pond, it went to my main pocket and I had to move it over to my fish pocket. Do they stay in the main pocket until you move them? Or are they supposed to go to wherever duplicates of that item are and it’s not working? Like.. I hope this makes sense. ^^;;

Like…. I had 1 fish in my main pocket (the fish I caught today), and then the rest of my other fish in another pocket. ^^;; And I was wondering if I’d have to move them every day manually if I wanna keep all my fish I catch or if it’s possible for this to be fixed for them to designate to where my other fish are automatically? Idk how hard that’d be to code tho, and it’s really not a big hassle to move them myself. I was just curious!

I’m really sorry, I feel like I’m being ungrateful for bringing this up, and that’s totally not the case! I really love the new organizing feature, but I’m honestly just curious if perhaps it’s supposed to be moving things automatically and it’s not or if we have to move them ourselves. iluguysdon’thurtmeeee ; w ;

Posted 12/04/14, edited 12/04/14
Tama: things do not get sorted automatically. Every item you receive gets plopped into your main pocket, for you to sort as you would like :)
Posted 12/04/14
@glitch: the workaround is good enough for me, haha! thanks :>
Posted 12/04/14
Okay, thanks, glitch! ^^ That’s what I was wondering about. XD
Posted 12/05/14
I’m not able to shift click my items into the other pocket ;/
Posted 12/05/14
Alice: is your browser old / outdated? It’s been tested and found working on recent versions of Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.
Posted 12/05/14

My Chrome is up to date.

Edit: I figured it out.

Posted 12/06/14, edited 12/06/14

Some other updates went through! Can you spot them in the Bazaar, on the Gift pages and in Trades ;)?

For those that just flat-out want to know: All item & pet name search boxes are now A-Z sorted & have a search functionality built in!

Additionally, the Recent Posts link is now also displayed on the right top of the main Forum page!

And some other less visible bugs were fixed, too ;) (Something with handheld HA item layering, and the tip of torches showing on Forum avatars :D)

Posted 12/16/14, edited 12/16/14
; A; I am so happy right now, I’ve haaaated trying to find stuff in the bazaar. Thanks for the update!
Posted 12/16/14
:o The Recent Posts change, yesssss~
Posted 12/16/14
I would have been super grateful just for everything to be alphabetized, but a search box as well? Yessss. <3
Posted 12/16/14
Oooo! 8D Christmas-y lights on avatar frames? Yessss <3
Posted 12/17/14
I just noticed the christmas lights too and I like them a lot :‘D So festive!
Posted 12/17/14

Festive lights are brought to you by Tamako + glitch! :D

Potato: *licks red light* 

Posted 12/17/14, edited 12/17/14

Ooh shiny :D

Love these christmas lights!

Posted 12/17/14
Myly, it looks like Potato is trying to eat the lights… You should do something about that.
Posted 12/17/14
Potato:  my mom says that eating one red light a day keeps the space invaders away
Posted 12/17/14
Posted 12/17/14

These lights are so adorable oh my gosh!! <3

And is that a winter background for avatars I spy??! It’s been added to the item database and glitch seems to be showing it off! :D?

Posted 12/17/14
Where did these lights come from? o.0?
Posted 12/17/14
The avatar lights are making me soooo happy and excited for Christmas!!!!
Posted 12/17/14
These lights are flipping adorable.
Posted 12/17/14
Loving the avatar frames 8D It does indeed look like Potato is munching on them~
Posted 12/17/14
AHHH THE LIGHTS D8 *flails at them and topples over*
Posted 12/18/14

/ bounces excitedly for surprises

I wanna know how to get the pet and itemssssss D8

Posted 12/18/14
Oh, I love these lights. They’re so festive :D
Posted 12/18/14

Ah man, I adore these little lighty lights, they’re so cute and are actually making my Holiday fever worse!

And I just can’t wait to see what else is coming up in the tail end of this month and all of next year. *starts peeking in & around corners*

Edit: That’s suposed to say ‘little lights’ up there, but my subconscious apparently decided ‘little lighty lights’ was more fitting. >.>

Posted 12/18/14, edited 12/18/14
Lights are so cute! :D
Posted 12/18/14
Awww, these lights are so adorable. >///<
Posted 12/18/14