08:01 ST
January News Discussion

Weeeelll that I can help a little with 8D; -plops this here-

Grey Fedora
Leaf Hat
Golden Headpiece
Silver Halo
Golden Halo
Candy Corn Earring
Candy Corn Ring
Little Bat Hat
Ornate Gold Bracelet
Grape Hair Clip
Strawberry Hair Clip
Cherry Hair Clip
Wind Chime Earrings
Daisy Hair Clip
Forget-Me-Not Locket
Gardenia Blossoms
Red Neck Bow
Cream Neck Bow
Fanciful Gold Earring
Boss of the Cave Hat
Flower Trio
Green Globe Necklace
Blue Globe Necklace
Pink Globe Necklace
Black Schiffchen
Eggy Earrings
Pancake Hat
Silver Stud Earrings
Gold Stud Earrings
Onyx Stud Earrings
Thrilled Toadstool

If you think we missed something, you can always ask!

Posted 01/13/15, edited 01/13/15
Thank you guys for adding the avvie items, I absolutely adore it @.@;. Uh, could suspiciously red paws be added, too?
Posted 01/13/15
Afraid not :( Suspiciously Red Paws affect both paws; Only items that fit the exact avatar frame as you see it for all species/lines it is equippable to are eligible. The second paw falls outside of the frame for e.g. jumping ineki, so anything that shows on both paws won’t work.
Posted 01/13/15, edited 01/13/15

Sadly the suspiciously red paws don’t work as avatar items since the suspicious substance is on both front paws.

Edit: Ninja’d by Juney

Posted 01/13/15, edited 01/13/15

*high pitched screaming* Say it isn’t so, Gardenia Flowers have become avvie items!? Yaasssss!!!

Best update EVER

Posted 01/13/15

Woah, awesome :D
Need to add some of those items to my inventory now XD

Posted 01/13/15

:o No way!

I’m loving this update~

Posted 01/13/15

I’m really psyched about this!
Now I’m having an even harder time deciding which pet I want on the forums owo

Posted 01/13/15
Posted 01/14/15
We’ve added a new feature to chat:

The syntax is /roll [sides] [numdice] — both parameters are optional and default to 6 and 1 respectively.

For example /roll 20 3 results in:
glitch rolls a 20-sided die 3 times: 13, 1, 20 (total: 34)

EDIT: this will be used to draw the raffle when it ends :D it’ll take a little longer and I’ll have to manually remove duplicates, but this way you guys get to watch me draw the tickets live ^^

Posted 01/19/15, edited 01/21/15


-plays with the feature in a private chat room-

Posted 01/19/15
Posted 01/20/15, edited 01/21/15