18:46 ST
[Event] Winter Holiday Fun Book - Feedback Survey & "Most Unique" Staff Picks & Finishing up!
Feedback Survey

Whew, we’re almost done! And that also means it’s time for us to ask you what you thought about this event. There’s no reward for completing the survey this time around, only the knowledge that your feedback is super valuable to us and that we’d love to hear what you thought!

You can find the Survey right here!

You are welcome to leave your User ID if you’re willing to elaborate on your thoughts, should we have questions, but it is by all means not required.

“Most Unique” Staff Picked Winners!

Additionally! Staff has chosen their favorite entries from the Tall Tales Monster, The Mycena Cave Dictionary, Coloring Book, What’s that Sound?, Caption Contest and Doodle pages and they were announced right here! Everyone that was chosen either as a “Most Unique” or “Honorable Mention” gets to choose another Winter Holiday Fun Book event item of their choice, and we’re still missing replies from a few people.

Could the following users please let me, the Bone Monster, know which (and in the case of the last two users, how many of each) event items they’d like?
Loon, Asher, cadpig, Nyfeaena, lollobrigida (x2 items), Meesh (x3 items)
You get to choose between Rosy Cheeks and Icy Magic!

Items will be sent out as soon as we’ve received most of your replies!

Finishing up

Items to be awarded for your 100% complete puzzle entries should be distributed somewhere today or tomorrow, too. Have been handed out!

Thank you so much for playing, all of staff loved your entries and had a blast looking and reading through them. We hope you enjoyed the event!

Posted 01/12/15, edited 01/12/15
Thanks for a really great event! 8D
Posted 01/12/15

Yay I got my prizes!


Maybe asking for just icy magics was a bad idea xD

Posted 01/12/15

Yay! Now I have 3 Icy Magics and Rosy Cheeks.

Excuse me while I add blush on my pets. 8D

Posted 01/12/15
100% correct puzzle entry item rewards have been handed out!
Posted 01/12/15
“Most Unique” and “Honorable Mention” item picks have been handed out!
Posted 01/17/15
Whee! Thanks so much :D So many pink cheeks~
Posted 01/17/15
Survey Summary

Apparently giving an incentive to complete a survey very much stimulates people to participate, as we received 32 replies to this survey, which is 75% less than the previous surveys. That said, though, the event was well liked, as all 32 responders said they’d like to see this event repeated in the future. 84% said the effort required was just right, and a few people thought it was either too much (4) or too little (1) effort.

There were, in total, 4 writing pages (community tall tales, Mycena Cave dictionary, what was that sound and caption contest), 3 art pages (tall tales monster, colouring book page and doodle page) and 5 puzzle pages (word seeker, sudoku, trivia, find the differences and crossword). We designed it this way so you could get the event coat mushroom without being forced to either write or draw, if you didn’t want to. We’ve summarised the survey replies to see how you felt about this.

The pages that were completed most were the Word Seeker and Find the Differences, followed by the Crossword, Sudoku and Colouring Book. The pages that were completed least were the Community Tall Tales and What was that Sound? pages. Equal amounts of people said they would have liked to see less art pages and more writing pages as people that said they would have liked to see more art pages and less writing pages. In general, people felt the Trivia was fairly hard relatively (just to assure you: We triple-checked, and all answers could be found on-site or in the Wiki). One person felt everything was too difficult, but otherwise, the users that submitted feedback in the survey were in consensus that this was the right difficulty level.

Pages that were most often named as favourites were the crossword puzzle and the word search, although most pages were named multiple times. Pages that were most often named as being disliked were the sudoku and the trivia, both because of presumed difficulty. What was also remarked on multiple times is that you were pleased the puzzles could be submitted without having to post on the forums and/or display your work to others. We understand some users are shy, but this is not something we will not likely support outside of puzzle entries for writing/art pages in the future (e.g. not having to post your submission). This is because we like the transparency of having all of the entries on display during events, especially when there are prizes involved.

With regards to the prizes, people generally felt there should have been one or two more different items (as long as you could get multiples of all of them), but otherwise felt the quantity and distribution was good for an event that was intentionally designed to be smaller than a big site event.

Something we’ll definitely take into account:
- Provide a form/set-up for the Dictionary entries.

Page ideas that were named multiple times:
- Where’s the Bone Monster? (/Waldo)
- (Mycena Cave) Word Scrambles
- Haiku/Poetry
- General Crafts/Creativity
- Maze
- Grid/“How to Draw”
- Mystery Picture (like Myla’s forum challenge from a few months ago, but with Mycena pictures)
- Picross

A few more cute page ideas were named multiple times, but they were pages that would sadly not work technically.

Posted 01/21/15, edited 01/21/15