18:20 ST
Event teaser! begins February 7
Inside the cave, a small earthquake shakes loose a wall, revealing tunnels leading down into a place that’s never before been seen or explored.

Welcome to the Mycena Cave Choose Your Own Adventure event! This is a creativity-based event. There are three chapters, each consisting of a prompt and two options. When a chapter begins, players will choose one of the options, and create an entry which depicts their character interacting with said option. At the end of the chapter, staff will tally up the entries submitted for both options, which will affect the course of future chapters.

The schedule will be:
Chapter 1: February 7 through end of February 18
Chapter 2: February 20 through end of March 3
Chapter 3: March 5 through end of March 16

The prompts and options will be posted the day before each chapter begins, and each chapter gives you twelve days (each including two weekends) to create an entry.

An entry is a creative work by you. Like in our 2013 Halloween event, this can be anything from a short story, a roleplay, a painting, a sculpture, an interpretive dance, a Minecraft world… really anything you can dream up. All entries will be scored by staff members using a simple rubric, which mostly looks at how well your entry answers the prompt, if the work is detailed and original, and whether or not it seems like a reasonable amount of time was spent on it. Once your total scores have been tallied at the end of the event, you’ll receive points, which can be spent in a shop that stocks five new event items.

In addition to the event items purchasable with points, players who reach minimum participation for all three parts will also receive the event pet or mushroom. This mushroom will also be available for sale in the Fungimental Magic shop (stocked 1 per player) for the duration of the event.

More details will be posted when the event begins. I look forward to seeing you there!

Posted 02/01/15, edited 02/07/15
Cool 8l This sounds really exciting, can’t wait for more info/to start the event! :) Thanks for the update!!
Posted 02/01/15
I am really excited for this! 8l
Posted 02/01/15
That looks like such fun! I can’t wait!
Posted 02/01/15
Neat! *makes a nest to await eagerly*
Posted 02/02/15

/ wiggles around
I need something like this to help me write something again. I can’t wait!

Posted 02/02/15

*unstoppable shaking*
I’m supposed to be studying but why am I so excited for this event?

Posted 02/02/15
YES! I had so much fun with the creative part of the Halloween event, can’t wait to do it again!
Posted 02/02/15
I’m the most uncreative person I know but I’ll try my best! :D
Posted 02/02/15

I was thinking that a CYOA event would be cool! I can’t wait to see how this works out. :0

The mentioning of a Minecraft world, though…I would totally be down for one of those. Could you imagine a Mycena Cave themed skin?

Posted 02/02/15
I’m just as excited to see the other people’s entries as I am excited to create my own. *w* I already have some really weird ideas pop in my mind. >w>
Posted 02/02/15, edited 02/02/15
Wow that was fast! I’m looking forward to this!
Posted 02/02/15
aaaaaaaa excitementtttttt 8D i’m gonna play the HECK out of this event! -rolls about excitedly-
Posted 02/02/15
I’m really excited to see what the event pet is like!
Posted 02/02/15


^ This is how I feel about this event

OuO I can’t wait *slobbers all over glitch*

Posted 02/02/15
Why, why must you torment us with this?! xD! Not even giving us a sneak peak look at something to drool over :O!! But Oh I loved these books, made things a bit more, fun xD.
Posted 02/03/15
Posted 02/03/15
Time for me to try a creative event.  Don’t be alarmed at the creaking noises coming from my area, I have to limber up my writing muscles and it has been years since I did any creative writing.  Sounds like fun.
Posted 02/03/15

i REALLY wanna do this but my brain doesn’t like writing…. PRACTICE TIME!!!
*sets up own little area in corner with music and other things to inspire me and practices writing*

Posted 02/06/15
Hodamn!! That’s tomorrow ....
Posted 02/06/15
-eagerly waits for posts-
Posted 02/07/15
*Keeps obsessively refreshing, hoping it won’t break Mycena.*
Posted 02/07/15
We’re still putting on some finishing touches, but you can expect the post before noon server time :)
Posted 02/07/15
Oohh, that’s quite soon. @w@ *Jumps around excitedly.*
Posted 02/07/15
*Holds Rhyme in place.* Shhh… Stop or you will break Mycena. :U
Posted 02/07/15