18:27 ST
Raffle drawing next weekend!!

Hey everyone,

We’re going to hold a raffle next weekend :D

The way it works is simple. Each raffle ticket will cost 500 nuggets, and for this particular raffle there will be a cap of 25 tickets per user. Each time a winner is drawn, all of her tickets are removed from the pool, and she can pick any of the prizes that have not already been chosen by a previous winner. That way, each player can only win one prize, and each prize can be won by only one player.

The tentative prize list is:
* A Torch mushroom
* A Tanuki mushroom
* A Kheper mushroom
* A Petrified mushroom
* A Blushroom
* A Grey Fedora
* 5 gems
* 5,000 nuggets

I’ll update this post when you’re able to buy tickets. you can now buy tickets!

Good luck!

Winning tickets have been drawn!

The winning tickets, in order from first to last, are:
336, 327, 46, 312, 375, 351, 277, 169

So, go check your tickets! If you won, please post in this thread with the prizes in order of preference :)

Prizes have been given out!

1. Kali receives a Torch Mushroom!
2. Diglett receives a Tanuki Mushroom!
3. Hina receives a Kheper Mushroom!
4. BlackSapphire receives a Grey Fedora!
5. Elfe receives 5 gems!
6. Niri receives 5,000 nuggets!
7. Kismet receives a Petrified Mushroom!
8. Monologue receives a Blushroom!

Thanks for playing everyone :) Congratulations to the winners, and I hope everybody had fun!

Posted 09/14/13, edited 09/24/13
Yaaaaaay Raffles!
Posted 09/14/13
Ooh! Looks exciting! :D
Posted 09/14/13
ACK.  To spend nuggets to have a chance of getting a Torch Ineki…  Or save them so I’m able to buy all of the monthly items??  I can’t have both.  Eeeee pretty things, I want them all!! xD
Posted 09/14/13
How exciting, what do mushrooms do by the way? (haha noob question)
Posted 09/14/13
Mushrooms are items you use on your pets to make them change species/color. ^^
Posted 09/14/13
Well, since there isn’t too much people that signed up yet, I’ll use my only 1000 nuggets to have a go!
Posted 09/14/13
Whoo-HOO, sounds like an event! You admins are working hard to keep things abuzz around here, and it’s quite appreciated :)
Posted 09/14/13
Cool! I cant wait for this to start!!
Posted 09/14/13
YES! I’ve been waiting for this :D
Posted 09/14/13
/grabby hands at Torch mushroom
Posted 09/14/13
Ooh, exciting :D
Posted 09/14/13
Ohh, what amazing prizes! But to spend or not to spend, huuhuu..
Posted 09/14/13

RAFFLE? * 0 * Exciting!~

Hopefully, my internet will be running at a more acceptable speed soon, so I can actually go back to enjoying the site and the upcoming raffle! ; A ; Getting Cave In! done recently has been a nightmare, but this isn’t the place to talk about that. >.>;;

.....WOOO! 8D;;;;

Posted 09/15/13
This sounds great! I can’t wait!
Posted 09/15/13

As of now, you can officially buy tickets! :)


Posted 09/15/13

I did not just buy 5 tickets. I don’t know what you guys are talking about.

Anyways, I am very excited! A TORCH MUSHROOM!!!! ;A;

Posted 09/15/13
I’ll try my luck xD
Posted 09/16/13
I’m curious how this raffle will work. On digis we actually used to get assigned numbers when we bought them, and could then compare them to the numbers pulled. But when I bought tickets here all it says is how many I bought. How exactly are these going to be picked?
Posted 09/17/13
I’m guessing that winners will simply post a list of preferences in the appropriate thread when the time comes.
Posted 09/17/13
xD No I mean how are the winners going to be picked, not how do the winners pick their prizes. Part of the fun from the raffles had always been waiting for the ticket numbers to be posted and then trying to see if/where your tickets were pulled before the names were stuck next to them and the duplicates crossed out. I have a lot of fond memories waiting for raffle drawings to post and watching the AIM chat explode
Posted 09/17/13
Oh! I see what you mean. My bad. XD; I agree that was quite entertaining hanging on to the edge of your seat as you scanned for your ticket numbers. Honestly not sure how the winners will be announced. There are a lot of different ways to do it. Just have to wait and see.
Posted 09/17/13
sure, we can do it that way - check the raffle page to see your ticket numbers :)
Posted 09/18/13
Woohoo! You guys are the best you know <3
Posted 09/18/13

Ahhh~ <3
Thank you. I like to see the numbers too hehe.
[pats tickets]

Posted 09/19/13
This should be interesting.
Posted 09/19/13
What day are the tickets going to be drawn?
Posted 09/22/13
Aw shit, it looks like I missed the chance to buy one?
Posted 09/23/13

-barely contained excitement-

Posted 09/23/13
Yeah, by like an hour :c Sorry Ly-ly D:
Posted 09/23/13