I saw that, baeeek.. you were SO CLOSE. XD There were a few people that sent in “60” or “60.txt” or “Tamako” (since she’s user ID 60). I was waving my arms around at the screen like “AH YOU GUYS ARE SO CLOSEEE.” Hahaha. Congrats to manimani though, I believe that they tried 60 first as well and then just kept trying.. 8)
Posted 04/09/15, edited 04/09/15
Oh my gosh. @_@ So, I was trying to solve it at like 4am my time (after having pulled an all-nighter for WoW, eheh), and thought that maybe the answer was to multiply their ID numbers, but my brain derped out and did this dumb thing and I wound up assuming glitch was #2, myla #3, and daemon #4…. and then added 2 and 3 together, and multiplied that by 4… and sent in 20 as my answer (even though I’d been trying to multiply them all). My half-dead brain was like “ehhh, something’s off” but I wound up just giving up and going to bed instead of re-doing that. I’d even thought about how I did the math wrong on my way home this afternoon, and that txt meant to write it as letters. *just got home* But it’s really rewarding to know I was at least on the right path! 8’D Next time I’ll hopefully notice it earlier in the evening. XD; Sleepy brain is ultra-derpy-brain.
Posted 04/09/15
Full Solution
There are two things to notice: first, these look kind of like Sudoku boards; second, that there are exactly nine different symbols in each board. Sudoku need not be done with numbers, but if you find it easier, on any board you can simply make up your own substitution (e.g. “M” = 4, “g” = 6, etc) and solve them like any other Sudoku challenge. The leftmost Sudoku was very easy, the middle one was of medium-range difficulty, and the rightmost was more challenging. None required any “advanced techniques” or guessing. Once you were done with the Sudoku boards, you ended up with this: There is exactly one line shared by all three boards, and it seems to contain something meaningful: Indeed, we get: Some shenanigans with capitalization was necessary, to avoid the problem of a particular letter appearing more than once on a single Sudoku board. Even so, normalized, we get mult glitch myla daemon txt. What on earth could that mean? In fact it was telling you the answer in a roundabout way: “multiply glitch, myla and daemon together, and write your answer as text”. Since you can’t multiply people (well…) this was a reference to our user IDs, which are 4, 3 and 5. Thus, the final answer was 4 * 3 * 5 = 60 written as text: sixty Congratulations to manimani, and everyone else who got close! As an amusing aside, one of our earlier drafts of this problem used the phrase “prod glitch myla daemon txt”, as “prod” is the more generally accepted short-form of multiply things together (i.e. short for “product”). However, we realized just in time that the three of us would drown in an onslaught of “pokes” and “prods”, so we changed it to “mult” at the last minute. If you enjoyed this challenge, or want another shot at a medallion, the next challenge will be posted tomorrow in the late morning server time (roughly a 12-hour offset from when this challenge was posted). Thanks for playing, and good luck!
Posted 04/09/15, edited 04/09/15
so close….Congrats manimani!
Posted 04/09/15, edited 04/09/15