05:42 ST
[Cave Challenge] The Infinite Cavern (solved!)
This puzzle has been solved, see here for the full solution

Need something to puzzle over while you wait for the DING?

Have you been waiting to get your hands on a shiny
Gold Medallion?

While exploring some of the deeper caverns in the Cave, you have stumbled upon a strange labyrinth. So strange, in fact, because it is small but infinite, because it loops around but only has one side… Indeed, you have discovered the legendary Mycena Möbius Maze.

Legend has it that any explorer traversing the maze, from the beginning to the beginning, finds themselves wiser than they were. This wisdom points the way to a secret long lost, but beware! The labyrinth is only the beginning of your journey.

Do you dare take the first step?

Click the image for full size:


This maze is on a Möbius Strip. To create it:

  1. Cut out the maze
  2. Fold it in half along the thick black line
  3. Connect the ends with a half-twist like this
  4. Start at the orange star
  5. When you have discovered the secret, send it as an echo to the Bone Monster with the subject Cave Challenge: The Infinite Cavern. Make sure there is nothing other than your answer in the echo.
  • If you’re the first to send the the correct secret to the Bone Monster, it will instantly congratulate you and give you a Gold Medallion
  • If you get it right but are not the first, the Bone Monster will congratulate you on getting it right anyway, but will not give you a Gold Medallion
  • If you get it wrong, the Bone Monster will not reply at all.
  • You can use the same echo thread to try multiple answers, as long as each try is in its own echo
  • If this challenge is won by a staff member, a second Gold Medallion will be given to whoever gets it second
  • When I notice that somebody has won, I will update this thread so that people know
  • Event rules apply: “Using outside tools or software is allowed (as long as they conform to the rules in section 7.2)”
Posted 04/10/15, edited 04/10/15
Oh man, good luck everyone who attempts this!
Posted 04/10/15
I almost skipped class to work on this… Almost.
Posted 04/10/15
I see the first part but then yeah lol
Posted 04/10/15

/tries to think really hard


Posted 04/10/15
Wish I wasn’t at work!
Posted 04/10/15
Crap, one of these I can actually do and my printer is broken.
Posted 04/10/15

Is there any way to do this without printing it? I’m afraid I don’t have access to a printer right now. ):

(Otherwise looks like i’ll just have to wait for the next one~)

Posted 04/10/15
Bahaha I don’t even understand how to make the puzzle to start it. Good luck folks.
Posted 04/10/15
Hopefully this isn’t solved until I get home from school since I can’t print this right now >>
Posted 04/10/15, edited 04/10/15
Cool let me just attempt this without being able to print it out
Posted 04/10/15
Well I got the first part but now i’m totally lost
Posted 04/10/15
Huh, and I was planning to go to a friend’s house tomorrow. Maybe I should print this out and give it a shot P:
Posted 04/10/15
I can’t even replicate the paper twist lol.
Posted 04/10/15
Hem also have part 1 but nothing Iv’e tried for part 2 is working 8l
Posted 04/10/15
Scrap, I got part of it but the other part is still out of reach since I can’t print out >.>
Posted 04/10/15

*attempts to twist paper as shown*

Well, that’s not working XD

Posted 04/10/15
Posted 04/10/15
How do I echo the bone monster? I solved this.
Posted 04/10/15

-wails- Am I doing something wrong?! This doesn’t make sense D<
-shakes fist at self-

Posted 04/10/15

I’m too stupid for this. :C

Posted 04/10/15, edited 04/10/15
Just start an echo and put the user as “Bone Monster”
Posted 04/10/15
Thanks, Dove ;) I didn’t get a reply tho, maybe I formatted it in the wrong way? :/
Posted 04/10/15
Can’t attempts again ;_; MC is blocked on my works Internet so I can’t print…
Posted 04/10/15
I cannot print to try, but good lucks everyone!
Posted 04/10/15

To those having difficulty making the twist — the maze is quite a bit thicker than the example I linked to uses, so your end-result is probably going to look a little more like this:

Posted 04/10/15
So I managed to get the message following the maze, but does it need a certain formatting or anything?
Posted 04/10/15

CONGRATULATIONS Rhyme! <3 <3 <3 <3

//She told me that she won. XD

Posted 04/10/15, edited 04/10/15
I’ve got it! It was surprisingly easy. *w*
Posted 04/10/15, edited 04/10/15
Ahhh I’m about halfway there… I have what looks like half a message and some gibberish XD
Posted 04/10/15