[Cave Challenge] The Return Home, a story of control and space (solved!)
hmm.. keep getting a red flash after the return home part. is ‘home’ a key on a regular keyboard? i’m on a mac
edit: found out ‘home’ and ‘end’ can be achieved using fn + left and fn + right but there is no insert equivalent on macs. bummer.
Posted 04/24/15, edited 04/24/15
That one was clever. O:
I kinda envy the Mac users their lack of the insert key, I keep pressing it accidentally. ; - ;
Posted 04/24/15
Juney has Lackadaisy on her computer background O:
i cant find anything on my flippi n keyboard lmao
Posted 04/24/15
They keep putting these up that only half their users can even participate in.. it’s kind of unfair. :\
Posted 04/24/15
To be fair, there is a substantial user base outside of the U.S. who likely felt the same way about past challenges. It’s impossible to please everyone n
Posted 04/24/15
Yeah, there will always be people sleeping or away. That’s why staff have been doing multiple cave challenges. ^^
Posted 04/24/15
I was confused last night because I was sleepy and didn’t think it was registering the break key. Haha. This was a fun one :D
Grats to the winner!
Posted 04/24/15, edited 04/24/15
I’ve participated in the last 3 challenges (this one was against my better judgement though… So sleepy)
Posted 04/24/15
i noticed the background changing colors when i scrolled. Thought the page was buggy lol. Expected to have to find a small tunnel hidden in the site somewhere.
Or a memory card and actual console. Got the keyboard hint but didnt expect it to be used without something more concrete in game
Posted 04/24/15