Posted 05/09/15
Hush; no worries c:! I sort of already knew it’d worked out for Myla when she made it by the time I posted so I was already absolutely sure someone would post a nomination worthy of your recipe & that made me feel like I could post my fail attempt 8D! mellomyst; Hmm, ‘bakpoeder’ in the picture literally translates to baking powder, if that’s not it then I don’t know what is =p we always use that as baking powder, and so far it’s been fine (and it’s only a tiny bit, too). As for your other suggestion, well, we don’t have a proper mixer, so I first mixed it by hand roughly with a whisk, and then put a hand blender in for maybe thirty seconds. It’s possible, of course, but can’t be sure? I somehow think it may have been too much honey plus too much banana as fey said, but also due to conversion and not just because of the recipe listing heh. Was having trouble getting a third of a cup >> tell me gramsssss (or worst case, milliliters)! Pssst. glitch we also totally cleaned out our banana mix bowl & scraper, no shame! NONE!
Posted 05/10/15, edited 05/10/15
I’m really glad feyani enjoyed my recipe!! (& that it cooperated on the second go round. >:O) thanks for the sugar tip - anything to save my poor arms some mixing! ;; (I really like these simply because they are flourless! they’re a lot less doughy and stodgy than usual brownies, I find. :>)
Posted 05/10/15
@Juney I did a little more research on the baking powder. The conversion for 1 tsp is 4 grams. The addition of the honey would have given the recipe an acidic batter. Baking powder is meant for use with alkaline batters. If you were to try again while still using honey I would suggest using 8 grams of baking soda instead to counter the acidity of the honey. Also I just wanted to mention about the Flanigan’s Fancy… I have a feeling people are avoiding it because of the coconut. My sister absolutely hates coconut and this is one of her favorite desserts. Especially if you only use chocolate on the top layer instead of coconut the little bit that is in the crust is a flavor enhancer and not overpowering. Just in case anyone needed a little encouragement to tackle it.
Posted 05/15/15
I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST COCONUT! I actually think the recipe itself is daunting to some, moreso than the coconut. I would not call it a beginner recipe, myself. At least not for internet. If you’re IRL and teaching someone to make it, it’s probs a lot simpler. xD! (no baking! score!) ((Omg i wanted to post my nomination yesterday but RL jumped up and prevented me from being able tooooo! ;;;;))
Posted 05/15/15
Fey I am so glad you and the hubs liked it. I am sorry you ran into some issues. I feel like in my attempt to make the recipe easy to follow and understand I may have made it more complicated as I tend to do. My sister would be sure to tell me I am thinking too much. Yes it is a No Bake recipe. I think I should have added that in there. Aside from your worry over the egg and salt misstep it seems you fared really well. I love the beautiful glamour shot of the piece on the plate. If anyone is interested this is a Canadian recipe more commonly known as Naniamo Bars in case that helps
Posted 05/15/15
Ahahah, daemon, you weren’t appointed to review your own recipe, you were listed as having made your own recipe… frequently :P The disqualification was solely because staff members couldn’t participate this round ;) (which caused many grumbles in feyers, I believe, that dragon has maaaany recipes to share with the world!)
Posted 05/17/15, edited 05/17/15
That gave me a much needed laugh, lmao xD “but they’re both empty” I’m really loving this event! I’m always looking out for new stuff to feed my noobs, and some of these are perfect for our family (given how many mouths we need to feed!) I have a feeling the troll’s mash will become a regular here :P I also kept thinking the flannigan’s fancy sounded like naniamo bars! xD Hurray for Canadian food!
Posted 05/17/15
Ahhh so, the top five ended within a decimal point grade from each other…Juney So there’s currently five people tied for first place? *goes and counts the total number of recipes nominated* That’s… almost half of us… *breaks out the hair nets because it sounds like this is going into sudden death overtime*
Posted 05/26/15
And the winner is… Without further ado, the staff gourmet experts & cookers would like to announce the winner of the first Mycena Cave Cuisine Competition: shadowpup88 with their Vietnamese Spring Rolls!
Even though only one staff member nominated and cooked this dish, many of us are still planning on making it in the near future; They look absolutely delicious (and taste delicious, too, according to feyers) and the Mycenification made many of us chuckle & snort. The final choice depended on many factors, amongst which things like the ease of use of the recipe & the thoughtful ‘food preferences’ notes shadowpup88 included for all staff members. Thank you so much everyone for participating, we can’t wait to try this event — perhaps with a different theme! shadowpup88, your Gold Medallion will be delivered to you as soon as possible :)
Posted 05/27/15
so I spent like ten minutes trying to figure out if the cuisine competition had ended or not… finally stumbled back onto this thread and discovered that yep, it is! XD;; although omgoodness I won??? oAo;;;; honestly, I didn’t expect that, since there were so many delicious-looking recipes! aaaah so excited! :)) judges - thank you judges for your kind words!! :) I’m so happy you liked my mycenification, since I cracked myself up putting it together XD and I’m glad you found the food preferences section helpful :D I hope you all get a chance to make them - please let me know how they turn out and what you think!! feyani - THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT \o/ aren’t they delicious? :D I always go back for like…tenths…whenever my friends get together XD oops, I wish I had put in a warnings/caution section now, since the bowl size (for the wraps) and how long to put the wraps in are definitely tricky (also the wrapping of the food…when the skin sticks together haha) P: everyone with delicious words of positiveness (hina, crev, rinrar, miranda) - my roommates and I are very happy that you all liked/plan to make our variation :DDD if you do make them, please let me know what you think! ...now I’m tempted to upload our budget-friendly sushi recipe too haha
Posted 05/30/15, edited 05/30/15