18:02 ST
Spring Swarm Extravaganza Raffles (drawn!)

You opened a Yellow Chrysalis to find a Beaded Organic Necklace!

woohoo!! that was actually the last one I needed hehe, prior to a trade.

and congrats to all the breeding winners, yay more babies!!!! I cant wait to see them all o3o
(lol especially Swim, we have an almost identical geness, so im especially excited to see your baby!)

Posted 04/28/15

•Ticket 1089 (held by liela-dragon-rayne1) means that Alec Armand and Kadija will receive 2 sprouts!
- EEEEE <3
Oh my god! :“D
I had such a horrible day and this made me super duper happy!
They’re going to have such pretty babies ;_____;

Congrats to everyone! <3

Posted 04/28/15
Ha ha yeah, I wonder if the same, or different artist will be in charge of our babies. It will be really cool to see the similarities and differences!
Posted 04/28/15
Wow, got a yellow one! Thank you and congratulation to all the winners!
Posted 04/28/15
Congrats to all the winners! :D
Posted 04/28/15
Ahh, was that 14 ticket cap mentioned before?

It was mentioned when the raffle was officially announced in the forum here. The prizes were small because the purpose of this raffle is basically to deal with tokens that you were unable to spend, so that nothing was entirely wasted: since almost all of the prizes were worth 15 tokens (with a smattering of 30-token prizes) I hope you didn’t allocate toooo many tokens for this raffle :(

Posted 04/28/15

sobs into the sun
ohmygOD our adorable Cael/Kali children are getting babies and I’m just
Now I have to update his profile with all the gross headcanons and ideas Swan and I have been thinking of ;u; I’m super excited!! Congrats to all the other winners as well, I can’t wait to see them all~ <3

Posted 04/28/15
Congratulations to the winners, Vintage Rose and I are eager to see all of the new Sprouts :D
Posted 04/28/15

To be honest, glitch… I had nothing in particular I wanted after having 100 tickets left. [Whoops]
But this was my first event here, so it was just a little newbie mistake. Lesson learned, haha.

Posted 04/28/15, edited 04/28/15

Way to go Scruffletuff! <3 awww I’m so proud of you quq

Congrats to all the other winners too, I can’t wait to see those babies!

Posted 04/28/15
That’s okay, Catfood, I had over 100 tokens too because I thought they’d all go for the raffle oops
Posted 04/28/15
Oh my gosh!! Oh my gosh. I’m so glad.
Posted 04/28/15
Oh my gosh! I wont a blue Chrysalis AND a Sprout??? I’m going to cry oh my gosh <3 I can’t wait to see it!
Posted 04/28/15

I’m almost sure I’ve had the maximum number of tickets in every single breeding raffle we’ve had so far, I should have learned by now… ; - ; *Eagerly awaits the next chance anyway. :‘T*

Nonetheless, I’m pretty excited for the new sprouts! They’re just perfect to feast eyes on, I can’t wait. Congratulations to the soon-to-be parents! *w*

Posted 04/28/15
Oh my gosh! I’m so excited for babies!  I blew over the raffle drawing and was stunned to see our pair!
Posted 04/28/15
I’m still in shock, like. I can’t even begin to explain how blessed I feel. Given the odds of raffles, I was trying so hard not to get my hopes too high. Now, it’s like Song and I won the friggin’ Oscars. I am beyond words. Thank you, staff, and artists. Oh my god. I know you guys will do an amazing job. I can’t wait to see what ya’ll come up with because I think Cael and Kali make for gorgeous bbs. ;; This is. amazing.
Posted 04/29/15

Oh wow I can’t believe I actually won the raffle! I’m so excited oh my gosh.

Congratulations to all the other winners! I’m excited to see all the new sprouts c:

Posted 04/29/15