18:40 ST
New Staff: Community Coordinators
Additions to the Staff Team!

Hello, hello!

I have some happy news to bring!  For some time now, Glitch and I have been on the lookout for someone who could take on a new staff role as a community coordinator.  We’ve been feeling very stretched in our various roles, and we both agreed that delegating some of our current tasks to other staff would allow us to focus more on coding/art.  Recently, we approached both Dove and Crow, and they have accepted the position! :)

Some of the tasks you will see Dove and Crow performing as community coordinators are:

  • Making many of the posts in the announcement forum, including the monthly posts
  • Posting OotS/coat color previews
  • Helping us coordinate and run events
  • Answering questions in the help forums and echoes

Community coordinators specialize in answering site questions about roleplaying, events, gameplay, and new updates. They are also knowledgeable enough to answer most questions about the site in general.  Dove and Crow are happy to answer your questions through echo or in the help forums!  These two are excellent resources; they will gladly take the time to thoroughly answer your questions, or, in the case they don’t know the answer, to direct you to someone who can.

Community coordinators are not moderators, so please continue to direct questions or concerns about moderation to our moderating team. They are always happy to assist you! <3

Questions related to new updates
If you have questions about which tasks our staff can assist you with, please direct your questions to this thread.

Posted 06/14/15, edited 06/14/15
Woot :D Go Crow and Dove yaaay! <3
Posted 06/14/15
Awesome. :o Good job, you two!
Posted 06/14/15

Congratulations on the position! This announcement is so coooooool. I’m positively crowing to hear the news!

Now, before anyone mentions it, I’m going into the box of shame.

Posted 06/14/15
Nice! I’m so happy to see these two take up a position like this. I’ve always been impressed with how active and helpful they are here. Congratulations, both of you!
Posted 06/14/15
Yaaay, congrats you two! :D
Posted 06/14/15
Posted 06/14/15
Congratulations, you two!
Posted 06/14/15
Quick response because I’m at work but thank you guys! I’m really excited to get to work and I promise I’ll do my best! :’) -BIG THUMBS UP-
Posted 06/14/15
oh, this is sweet! definitely a fitting position considering how much they do for the community already. congrats!
Posted 06/14/15

Thanks so much everyone! <3 <3 <3 We’re really excited about this opportunity to serve you all, and will definitely do our best to help in any way we can!

Your support is really appreciated! :‘D Givin’ me all the warm and fuzzies <3

Posted 06/14/15
woooooooooo congrats you guys :D
Posted 06/14/15
Nice! The position is definitely deserved, seeing as you two have always been so active and helpful. ^^
Posted 06/14/15
Congrats you two! Will be looking forward to seeing your names around even more :)
Posted 06/14/15

Congratulations to the both of you!

Normally I don’t know who people are talking about but I’m super glad that you both got a staff roll since I know you’re both super lovely and wonderful people!

Good luck and I wish you both all the best, I hope it’s not too much pressure and I hope you have fun!

Posted 06/15/15
Congrats! It’s so cool to see a new staff position cx
Posted 06/15/15
Congratulations! Both of of you seem perfect for the position, I’m excited to see how you do. *w*
Posted 06/15/15
Congratulations, you guys~
Posted 06/15/15
Congrats on the positions, you two! :D I’m sure you’ll both do an excellent job!
Posted 06/15/15

Dove and Crow, eh?  It looks like this position is for the birds!

I’ll see myself out.  But congrats. 

Posted 06/16/15
Congratulations you guys owo
Posted 06/16/15