18:09 ST
July News Discussion
Welcome to July!

This month we have the fantastic White Spotted Jellyfish coat as well as the Sea Butterflies and Lunar Headpiece items, all crafted by Wren!

We also saw our spring seasonal coat, the Flowering Fawn, cycle out to be replaced by our new summer seasonal: Tamako‘s Gerbera Daisy! The Gerbera Daisy will be in the Fungimental Magic Shop through September 22nd.

June was a really busy month! Here are some of the updates we saw around site:

A Birthday Was Had!

Mycena Cave celebrated its second birthday on June 21st! There was much jubilation, and each player who came online for its duration had the opportunity to receive some yummy cake, courtesy of feyers! Also, to get our third year started out on a bright note, three new Forever Coats were released into the Caves!

These three beauties were made by feyers, Morgan, and King! The mushroom forms of the original Forever trio are still available for purchase in Fungimental Magic.

New Staff!

Several new staff members were added to the site during the month of June! Following the long artist application process, Mouse, Rhyme, Hush, and Ruori were selected as trial artists. We’re already seeing some of their contributions in the form of both customs and Sprouts and are excited to see more of their work going forward!

Additionally, Dove and Crow have taken up the newly implemented role of Community Coordinators.

Whom Do I Echo?

A comprehensive guide on which staff member to echo about which topics was also made! This can be found on several staff members’ profiles, as well as in a permanent thread over here.

Something serious happened on the forums - Use “Report” feature on right hand corner of post.  All mods will be notified as soon as you submit the report.
Something serious happened in chat - Use “Report” button on right hand side of Live Chat.  All mods will be notified as soon as you submit the report.
Deleting double posts or other minor forum concerns - Can use Report feature or echo mods individually.

Questions relating to forum content, trading, or site rules - Echo a moderator (see above)
Questions related to new updates - Feel free to ask in the announcement’s thread, but if we miss your question, you’d like a more detailed response, or feel it is better fit to a private echo, contact Dove or Crow
Questions related to roleplaying - Echo Dove or Crow
Questions related to events or gameplay - Echo Dove or Crow
Typos/errors or questions about item descriptions or Mycena Cave story - Echo Prose
Art errors - Echo Myla
Price estimate on future customs* - Echo Plasma (faster), Myla, or any other site artist
(*you do not need an estimate before you submit a custom form; this is mostly used optionally by people who can’t get an accurate estimate using the form check boxes and want to know how much they need to save)
Questions about game, site, & event mechanics/statistics - Echo Juney
Bugs, glitches, or payment issues - Echo glitch
General site questions - Echo Dove or Crow

If you have a question not covered by this list on what a particular staff member can assist you with, please feel free to ask in this thread or echo Dove or Crow.

We hope this list will be useful to everyone. All staff is always happy to help! <3

The Sprout Queue Cometh!

The test run of the Sprout queue has been completed, and with that behind us, the queue will soon be implemented. That said, there are a few important things to note pertaining to this feature:

  • Wait Period: Once a user’s sprout is delivered, there is a wait period of 4 months before that user may re-enter the Sprout queue again.
  • Geness Consent: Users entering the Sprout queue will be required to check a box stating that they have spoken with and received consent from the other members of their Geness regarding adding a Sprout to the family. Please be sure to discuss this with all other members of your Geness in order to avoid any hurt feelings or misunderstandings down the road.
  • Pose Preference: Users will be able to select their preferred pose for each species, so no worries if your active/upright preference changes between the Ineki and Drasilis bases!
A Reminder Regarding Customs & Sprouts!

This is just a quick reminder that users should not be approaching “non-green” status artists in echo, chat, or elsewhere regarding accepting their custom order, as this is not something that they are able to negotiate ahead of time. If you would like to request a specific “non-green” artist for your custom, you may do so within the custom form itself and said artist will be approached about it when the order reaches the front of the queue. If it is not viable at that time for the artist to accept your custom, you will be informed and given the option of editing or canceling your order if you wish. :)

Similarly, users may not request specific artists for orders in the Sprout queue, as these are accepted by our Sprout queue artists in the order they are submitted.

Out with the old (shroom), in with the new (shroom)!

Now that gender is no longer associated with pet lineart, our Blushroom item has become outdated. As of yesterday, the Blushroom has officially transformed into the Moveshroom! All previously existing Blushrooms have automatically made the change, so if you were sitting on one (or twenty), you will not need to repurchase any of them.
Additionally, for anyone with a lingering fondness for our recently retired friend, a new, equipable version of the Blushroom is now available in Feathers and Flame.

Dictionary Cleanup!

In response to an abundance of feedback we received about the accepted vocabulary for Spellstones, we opened the Dictionary Cleanup project to develop a new, Mycena-specific dictionary for the game. This project will be ending on July 3rd, so please continue to help us curate our dictionary in the last few days!

A Few Cosmetic Changes!

We saw several changes to the site’s general layout and functionality this month. Here is a quick overview of the changes that went into place!

  • User ID Display: Users are now able to have some control over how and where user IDs are displayed across the site! You can toggle these settings over on the Community Settings page!
  • Who’s Online List: Many of you have noticed that our “Who’s online?” list received a makeover! Users online are now sorted in alphabetical order and will show how recently each user has been active.
  • Table Widths: We’ve added the option to define table cell widths to our BBCode!
  • Date/Time Display: Times and dates on forum posts and echoes are now displayed exactly like they are in Gmail. For example, “4 hours ago” for something posted within the last 24 hours; “Jun 14” for something posted within the current year; and “12/01/14” for anything posted in any previous years. In response to this change, all timezone functionality has been removed!
  • Forum Display: The author of a thread’s most recent post and the thread’s timestamp have been separated and now show in two separate columns for a cleaner, more streamlined look!
  • Pinned Threads: You may now have up to 10 pinned threads! This is an increase from the previous limit of 5. :)

More in-depth information on all of these updates can be found here and here!

The CC Shop is Currently Closed!

The CC shop remained open for much of the month of June! We’ve currently hit our limit again, and the CC shop is closed once more. Here’s to hoping it will open frequently in the future, so that everyone has an opportunity to achieve their custom goals! :)

T Minus 10 Days to Summer Event!

Our Summer Event will be blasting off on July 10th and run for about two weeks’ time. This event will be formatted similarly to last year’s, which centered around ‘mining’ letter tiles to form words for points. We have some great prizes planned and hope you will all thoroughly enjoy! :) Keep your eyes peeled and get excited!

Posted 07/01/15, edited 07/01/15

Nooo. :( I just knew the summer event was going to be right on top of the week I’m away. So sad.

I love that the Blushroom is equipable now, though. It’s very cute.

Posted 07/01/15
\o/ event!
Posted 07/01/15
Cannot wait for the event! I loved the tile-collecting event last year. :)
Posted 07/01/15
Yay! Almost event time!
Posted 07/01/15
Posted 07/01/15
oooh Summers Event! YEAH!
Posted 07/01/15
Yay event :D
Posted 07/01/15
Posted 07/01/15
Posted 07/01/15

I like lettuce too can I join you guys
I’m v excited though, this will be my first summer event here :‘D

Posted 07/01/15
This is my first summer event here too, haha. :I I joined right after the last one ended. I’m super pumped!
Posted 07/01/15

*does some quick calculating and muttering to herself* starts on the 10th… runs for two weeks…

WOOHOO! I’ll be on vacation for part of it! Which means that I won’t have silly responsible adult type things to get in the way *insert maniacal laughter here*

Posted 07/01/15
Yay, event time! This will be my first event here, I’m looking forward to it :) Also I love the monthlies!
Posted 07/01/15
Posted 07/01/15

Last summer event was my favorite event here so far!
I love the scrabble-esque feel to it, since it was based a bit more on your knowledge of words instead of pure random chance of picking flowers or bug poo. (It felt that way, anyway :P)

Posted 07/01/15, edited 07/01/15
I have never done an event here before, so I’m really excited!  Hopefully I’ll get time in between all the…work stuff I have to do.
Posted 07/01/15
Can’t wait for the event!
Posted 07/01/15
I didn’t realize that the summer event was so soon! *vibrates with excitemenry* Good-bye sleep schedule, it was nice knowing you.
Posted 07/01/15
the summer event last year is what got me back into mycena o3o yayayayayay so excited can’t wait!!!
Posted 07/01/15

Yay! I’m so excited for the sprout queue!

Though I was looking and it said they can only be purchased with $100 USD. Does that mean CC won’t work? (I have the 150 CC from a trade, so I’d like to use that rather than paying for the Sprout with my own cash.)

Posted 07/02/15
USD or CC will both work for the sprout queue, just like the custom queue! :) CC is basically just… USD you’ve (or whoever bought for you has) already spent, if that makes a bit more sense!
Posted 07/02/15
Yeah, I know CC has to be purchased with USD, I just wanted to make sure that the sprout queue wasn’t different in that the money had to be paid by the person ordering instead of CC. Thanks for the quick response! :D
Posted 07/02/15
Ohhhh no worries then - you’re all set. 8)
Posted 07/02/15
Are these ones free as well?
Posted 07/03/15
Which things are you referring to, Lady_Lycana?
Posted 07/03/15, edited 07/03/15

Hi Lycana! :) Sorry, but I’m not 100% certain what you’re asking about - if you mean the new forever coats, then yes, every new player to the site will be able to select one of these three forever coats as their first pet. If you’ve already redeemed your one free pet option, you can still buy these pets for the slightly reduced 7 gem price (vs the 10 gems for the current Out of the Shadows color)!

If you meant something else entirely, please let me know. C:

glitch - NINJA

Posted 07/03/15, edited 07/03/15

Hey everyone!

This is a quick update to the time display thing: there is now an option in your Community Settings to switch between American format (M/D/Y) and European format (D/M/Y) on posts that use this notation (i.e. stuff that happened in a previous year).


Posted 07/03/15
I can’t wait to see what we can earn via the event! Hoping for previews. :)
Posted 07/07/15
The Sprout Shop is up and taking orders!
Posted 07/14/15